2� 17�254�
<br /> which�urrently has the address of 29'12 Han�ock PI,Grand Island,
<br /> [Streetj[Cityj
<br /> Nebraska 688�3 {"Praper�y Address'�}:
<br /> [�i�Code�
<br /> TUGETHER VIllTH all the imprn�ements nqw or hereaf�er ere�#ed vn th�property,and a�l ea��men#s,
<br /> appu�enances=and fixtu�es no�vr herea�ter a part vf the prope�y.A�i replacements and additior�s sha�l
<br /> a[sv be co�ered by this Security lns�rument.Afl af the for�g�ing�s referred tv in�h�s Security lnstrument
<br /> as�he"Prope�ty.':
<br /> B�RRC�WER C�VENANTS#hat Bo�ro�rer is fawfu�ly�eised of the estate hereby con�eyed and
<br /> has the rigl�t to grant and convey the Prap�rty and that the Praperty is unencumbered, except far
<br /> encumbrances af record.Borrower war�ant�and►rvil�defer�d general[y the title to the Proper�y agair�st
<br /> a[[c�aims and demands,sub�ect to any encumb�ances of recard.
<br /> THIS SECURlTY �NSTRUMENT comb�nes unifa�m covenants far nat�onal use and non-unifarm
<br /> cavenants vuith 1imi�ed var�atians by�urisd�ction ta car�s#i�ute a uriiform secUrity�nstrument coWering real
<br /> property.
<br /> UNIF�RM C�VENANTS.Borrv�rer and Lende�covenant and agree as fv��ou�s:
<br /> '�. Paymen�of Principal,lnterest, Escrov+r[tems, Prepaym�nt Cha�ges,and Late�harg�s.
<br /> Borrovve�shal[pay whe�due fhe principa[o€,and in�erest on,the debt evidenced by the Note ar�d any
<br /> prepayment charges and lat���a�ges due under tf�e Note.Barrovrer sha[�aiso pay funds fo�Escro�v
<br /> Items pursuant ta Sectian 3.Payments due under the No#e and this S�curity�ns�rument shall b�made in
<br /> U.S.currency.Howe�er,i�ar�y c��eck o��ther instrument recei�ed by Lende�as payment under the Nate
<br /> or this Secu�ity�nst�umen�is re�u�n�d to L�nd�r unpaid,Lender may require that any or a!i subsequent
<br /> paymen#s due underthe Nate and this Security�ns��umen�be made in one or more of fhe follov�ring forms,
<br /> as selected by Lender:�a}c�sh;�b}money order;(c}certifed check,bank check,treasurer�s check or
<br /> cashier's check,p�o��ded any such check�s dra�rr�upan an insfitution v+those deposits are insured by
<br /> a federa!agency,ins�rurnentality,or�ntity;or�d�El�ctro��ic Funds Transfer.
<br /> Paymen#s ar�deemed received by Lender when received at the I�catian des�gr�ated in t#�e Nate
<br /> o�at such other ivcatian as may be designat�d by Lender in ac�a�dance wi�h the not����rov�sions in
<br /> Section�5.Lender may return any paym�n�or partial payment i�th��aymen�ar part�al paymen�s are
<br /> insuffcient to bring t��e LQa��current.Lender rnay accept any pay�nen�or pa�tia�Raymen�€nsuffi�ienf to
<br /> bring#he�oan current,��rith�u#�fraiv�r o�any rights hereunder or prejudic��o its righ�s�o refuse such
<br /> payrnent or pa�fia[paym�nts in#he future,but Lender is not abiigated t�app�y such payments at���e t�me
<br /> such payments are accepted. If each Per�vdi�Payment is applied as of its schedu[ed due da#e,tf�en
<br /> Lende�need not pay interes��n unapp[ied funds.�ender may ho�d such unapp[ied funds until Barrarrver
<br /> makes paym�n�to bring the Loan cu�rent. if Sor�-v�rer does n�t da so�rithin a reasvnable period o�
<br /> time,Lend�r shall either apply�uch funds❑r�etum�hem to Bor�atiVer.1�not applied ear�ier,su�h funds
<br /> will be app(ied t❑the autstanding princ�pa��alance unde�the Note immediatefy prior ta�orec�osure.No
<br /> offse�❑�c[aim which Borrower might have now o�in the�uture aga�nst Lender sh�ll re�i�ve Borrower
<br /> fr�m making paymen#s due under the Nate and this Security Instrument a�perform�ng th�caWenants
<br /> and agreemen�s secured by this Security lnst�ument.
<br /> 2. A�plicatian❑f Paym�nts or Praceeds.Except as otherwise des�ribed in�h�s 5ecti����,all
<br /> payments accept�d and a�plied by Lender sha�l be appl�ed�n the follawing nrder of pr�ori#y:4a}inte�-est
<br /> due under�he Nvte;�b}principaf due ur�der the Note;�c}amvunts due under Section 3.Such paymen�s
<br /> shall h�appf�ed to each Perivdic Paymer7t in t�7e arde�i►�which it became due.Any r�maining amounts
<br /> shall be app[�ed first fa late charges,secvnd�o a��y other amauf�t�due under this 5ecurity lnst�ument,
<br /> and#h�n tv r�du��th�pr�ncipa�halaf��e of the Na�e.
<br /> lf Lender receives a payment frflm gorrow�r f�r a delinqu�nt Periadic Paymen�which includes a
<br /> suffi�ient amount tv pay any late charge due,�he payment may be appl�ed�o the de[inquent payment and
<br /> the late charge.[f more than one Periodic Payment is outs�anding,Lende�may app[y any payment recei�+ed
<br /> �ram Bo�rawer to the repayment of the Period�c Paymen�s if,and�a the extent that,each payment can be
<br /> paid in€ull.Ta the exfent that any excess exists after th�payment is app�ied ta���e fu[[payment af one or
<br /> more Periadic Paymen#s,such excess may be app��ed#o ar�y[a#�charges due.Voluntary�repayments
<br /> sha��b�applied f rst to any prepaymen�c�arges and�hen as described in the No#e.
<br /> Any app�icatian of�ayments,insurance pt�oceeds,ar Miscellanevus Proceeds to p�incipal du�under
<br /> the Note shail nvt exter�d ar pos�pone the due d�te,or change the amount,❑�the Per�odic Paymen#s.
<br /> 3. Funds for Escrow items.Bvrr�wer shal�pay ta Lender on the day Periodic Payments are due
<br /> under the Note,until the Nvte is paid in fu[C,a sum�the"Funds�'}t❑pro�ride for payment of amounts due
<br /> �a�:€a}taxes and assessments and❑ther it�ms which can attain priori#y ove�this Securi�y Instrument a�
<br /> a lien or en�umbranc�on the Prope�y;(b}�easeho�d payments or ground�ents an the Prope�y,if any;
<br /> {�}premiums fo�any and aL�insurance requ�red by Lender u�der Section 5;and�d}Mvr#gage Insuranc�
<br /> premiums,i�any,❑r any sums payable hy Bvrrowerto Lender in lieu ofthe payment v�M�rtgage lnsurance
<br /> premiums in accordance vrith the prov�sians o�Sectian �0.These it�ms are ca[[ed"Escrow�tems."At
<br /> origi��afion ar at any t�m�during the term o�th�Loan,Lender may require that Comrnun�ty Associatiar�
<br /> Dues,Fees,and Assessme��ts,if an�,be escro�ed by Bo�ravrer,ar�d such dues,fees and assessments
<br /> sha�l be an Escrow Item.Bo�rower shall p�ompt[y�urnish ta�ender alf na�i�es❑f amounts ta be paid under
<br /> this S�ctian.Borro�ver sha�!pay Lender#he Funds�or Escrow ltems unl�ss Lender�aives Bar�ov��er's
<br /> obligatian to pay�h�Funds for any or a[f Escro�Items,Lender may waive gorrav�rer's ob}igafian to pay
<br /> NEBRASKA--Si�gl�Family--Fanr�ie h11ae1Freddie Mac UNIF4R�lf INSTRU�ENT �'o�-tn 3��8 1I�9
<br /> Ellie Mae,���. Page 3 of�� NEUDEED �4�5
<br /> �r re�r
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