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2� 17�2482 <br /> ar Env�ronm�n�a� Lav� af which Borrower has ac�ual know�edge. If Borrower �earnsy or �s no�ified by any <br /> ga�ernmental ar regu�atory authority,�ha�any remaval or other r�m�d�atian of any Hazardous Substance affecting <br /> the Proper�y �s ne�essary, Barrovver shail prompt�y take a�l necessary remedia� actions in accordance with <br /> Envi.ronmen�a�Lav�r. <br /> A.s used �n�his paragraph, "Hazardous Substances" are�hose substances def�ned as toxic or hazardous substances <br /> by En�iranmen�al Law and the fo��o�v�ng substances: gasaline, kerasene, a�her flammable or �oxic petraleum <br /> 1 Y 7 Y 7 7 7 •7 7 Y * Y� Y Y Y Y 7 <br /> proauc�s, iox�� pes��c�a�s ana ner��c�.aes, voia��ie sot�en�s, ma�erla�s c�nia�ning asues�cos ar rorma�aenyae, ana <br /> radioacti�e ma�er�als. As used in this paragraph, "Environmer��a1 Law"means federal laws and laws of�he state of <br /> Nebraska�hat relate to h�alth, safety or en�ironmen�al protect�an. <br /> .Acce�erativn; Remedies. Ylender shai� gi�e notice to Borrower pr�or tv accelerat�an fo��owv�ng Borrower's <br /> i�reacin o�F any covenan� or agreemen�t in t�is �ecuri�y ins�rumen� {i�uf na� priar to acceiera�ion una�er tne <br /> section t��led'I`ransfer of�he Proper�y or a I3�nef�cia�Interest in �3orrawer,un�es� ,A,pp���ab�e I..raw pra�vides <br /> other���5��. '�'he not�c� shall s�ec�fy: (a� �he d�fau�t; ��} the action required to �ure the d�fau�t; �c) a �ate, <br /> not less than the m�n�mum number of days esta�lished �y Applicable Law frorn the date the not�ce is gi�en <br /> to �orrower, by wh�ch the defaul� m�u�t �e cured; and �d} that failure to cure the default on or before the <br /> date spec�fied �n thc not�ce may re5ui� �n acceleration of the sums secured by this Security Instrumen� and <br /> sa�e vf the Praperty. 'I'o the ex�ent pe�yni��ed �y law,�he na�ice s�hali further info�rn Borrawer of the r�gh� <br /> ta reinstate after acce�erat�on a�d the r�ght to bring a cour�action to assert�he non�existence vf a defau�t or <br /> any o�her defens� of Borrower to acceleration and sa�e. If the default is not cured on or before the da�� <br /> spec�fied in �he not�ce, Lender a� ��s op��on may requ�re immediate payment in fuli of aIl �ums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument wi�hout fur�her demand and may in�oke the power of sale and any other remedxes <br /> permitted by App��cabl� Law. To the ex�ent permitted by law, I�ender sha�I be ent�tled to co�iect a�l <br /> expens�s incurred in pursu�ng �he remedies �rov�c�ed in �his Sect�an, inc�ud�ng, �ut nat ��m�ted to, <br /> r������b�e a����-��y�' fe����d��s�s���a���e���ea�e�. <br /> lf�he power af�aie is in�oked, Tru��ee sha��.record a no�ice of def�ult in each coun�y in wh�ch �n�part of <br /> the Proper�y is laca�ed and shal� mail capies�f such not�ce �n �h� manner prescri�ed �y Applicab�e Law to <br /> Borrower and �v the other persons prescribed by App�icab�e �aw. After the t�me required by Applicable <br /> � �..___��._ _���� - _��r�_ ���.. _r _�_ i_ l�_ s � ��_ -r_ _s r__ ■ _�� _r_�_ <br /> LdW y 1 I-l.iSLGC s��d�� �i�� �uuiic i�uci��: u� 5a�e Lu i��e �er5u��� d��u �i� �.��e i�idiii�er �re,�cr�ueu uy ��a����id��� <br /> Lavv. Trust�e, vv�i�hout demand on Borrower,sha�l seil the Pr�per�y at public auc�ion to the highest bidder <br /> a�the time and place and under the terms de5�gna�ed �n the not�ce af sale in one or mnre parcels and�n any <br /> order TruS�ee determines. Trustee may postpone sale of alI or an� parcel of the Property by pub��c <br /> a�nouncement at the time and place of any pre��ou�iy�cheduled �aie. ]Lender�r its designee may purcha�e <br /> �he Property a�any sa�e. <br /> �Jpon receipt af�ayment of�he price ��d, Trustee sha�l deli�er ta the �urchaser 'I'rus�ee's deed con�ey�ng <br /> the Prop�rty. The recitals in the TruStee's deed shali be prima Facie e�idence of th�truth of the s�atements <br /> made therein. Trustee shall apply the proceeds af the 5aie in the follovving order; �a} �o all cos#s and <br /> expen5es of exercising the power af sale, and �he sale, includ�ng the payment flf the Trustee'� fees actual�� <br /> �ncurred and reasonab�e attarneys' fees as permxtted by App��cab�e Lavv; (b� to aIl sums secured by this <br /> Secur�ty Instrument; and(c}an�excess to the per�on or persons�egally enCi��ed�o��. � <br /> Recon�eyance. Upon paym�n� af al� sums secured by �his Security Instrument, Lender sha11 reques� Trus�ee �o <br /> recan�ey the ]Proper�y and shali surrender�h�s �ecurity Instrument and all notes evidencing deb�secured by this <br /> Secur�ty �ns�rument to Trustee. Trus�ee shall recanWey the Prap�rty withaut v�arranty �a the person or persons <br /> legal�y entxtled �o i�. Such person or persons shail pay any rec�rda��on costs. Lender may charge such person ar <br /> persor�s a fee for reconvey�ng �he Property, bu� anly if�h� fee is pa�d �o a �hird par�y �such as �he Trus�ee� far <br /> services rendered and�he charging�f�he fee is perm�tted under Appl�cab��La�. <br /> Subs���ute Trustee. Lender, at �ts ap��an, may from time to time remaWe Trustee and appoin�a su��essar trus�ee <br /> �o any Trustee appoir�ted hereunder by an xns�rumen� r�corded in the coun�.y in which �h�s Secur�ty �nstrument �s <br /> recorded. �i�hau�c�n�eyan�e of the Proper�y,�he successor trus�ee shal�succeed�o al�the txtle,p�wer and du�ies <br /> conferred upon Trus�ee herein and by App�icab�e Lav�r. <br /> C�Z�0��2�16 C�r�pliar�ce�Systerns,Tnc.cdb�c77c-d999908ci-2a I 6.23 a.4.8 <br /> Gonsumer Real Estate-Security Instrum�nt DL203C Page 6 oF7 www.can�plian�esystert� <br />
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