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2� 17�2481 <br /> d. L�nder will be entitied to a receiver to tak� immediate pass�ssian of the Praperty an� al� ren�s, <br /> issues, craps, pr�fi�s, an� income there�f, withaut regard�o the�a�ue of the Praperty, or the suff�c�ency <br /> �hereof to discharge�he trust deed debt and �he farec[asure costs, fees, and expenses. Such �ecei�er <br /> may be immediately appoinf�� by any court of comp�ten�jur�sdictian upon ex parte appI�ca�ivn, not�ce <br /> being her�by expressly waived and shali serve wi�hout bond if th� law allows. The receiver w�l� apply <br /> all rents, issues, crops, profits, and �ncvme of the Prap�rty ta keep the same in good repair an� <br /> c�ndition, pay ali tax�s, ren�s, f�es, charges, and assessments, pay insurance pr�miums n�cessary t� <br /> keep the Property insured, pay the exp�nse of the recei�ership and at�arn�y's fees incurred by �he <br /> recei�er, and apply the n�t proceeds ta the paymen�of the �bligafians secured hereby. Such rece�ver <br /> wi�l ha�e all the o�her usual powers af r�ceive�s authori�ed �y law and as the court may direct. <br /> e. ln the e�en�Trustar fails�o pay any liens,judgments, assessments, taxes, rents, fees, ❑r charg�s or <br /> maintain any insurance on �he Property, buildings, fx�ur�s, atkachments, or impravements as �ro�ided <br /> h�r�in ar in the Loan D�cumen�s. Lender, at its op�ion, may make such payments ar p�ovid�insurance, <br /> maintenance, ar repairs and any amaunts paid therefar will become part of�h� principal �bl�gati�ns <br /> se�ured her�by, b� immediat�ly due and payable and bear inferest at�he default ra�e provid�d �n the <br /> Loan Dacum�nts f�om the dat�of payment until paid.The ad�ancemen�by Lend�r of any such amaunts <br /> will in na manner limit�h� righf�f Lender to dec[are Trus�or�n defaul�vr exercis�any�f Lender's other <br /> rights and �emedies. <br /> f. In th� e�ent Lender is a party to any litiga��an affecting �he Prvp�rty�r this trus�deed, �nc�uding any <br /> action by Lende��o enforce�his trust dee� ar any suit in which Lend�r is named a d�f�ndanfi�inc[uding <br /> eminenf domain and bankruptcy praceedings}, Lend�r may incur expenses and ad�ance payments far <br /> abstract fees, attarney's fees ��o�he extent allawed by [aw}, cosfs, expenses, appraisal fees, and other <br /> charges and any amaun�s so advanced wiCC b�G�me part of the principal �bligati�ns secured hereby, <br /> be immediately due and payable and bear rnteres�at the defau��ra�e provided in the Laan Documents <br /> fram the date of ad�ranc� until paid. <br /> 8. Delay by Lender in �xercising ifis rights upon default will n�t b�const�ued as a wa�ver thereof, and any <br /> acf �f Lender wai�ing any specific default will n�� be construed as a waiver of any fu�ure defau[t. Cf the <br /> proceeds under sale or foreclosure as set forth abv�e are rnsufficient t�pay the to�al �laligations s�cur�d <br /> hereby, L�nder will be entitled �o a deficiency judgmen�. <br /> 9. Any awards made to TrustQr or the�� succ�ssors by the exercise of eminen� domain are hereby <br /> assigned t� Lender; an� Lender is hereby au�h�rized to callect and appfy the same rn paym�nt of any <br /> indebfedn�ss, matured�r un-matured, secur�d by this#rusf deed. Trust�r shaC[immedia��ly notify Lender <br /> vf any action in eminenf damain. <br /> '�0.Th�s trust deed cvns�itutes a s�cur�ty ag�eement with resp�ct�o all the Property described herein. <br /> 1'�. No remedy herein conferred upan or�eserved to Trust�e vr Beneficiary rs intended�� be exclusi�e of <br /> any other�emedy herein ar by law p�o�ided or p�rmitted, but each wili be cumurative, wi1� b� in addition <br /> ta every ather r�medy gi�en hereunder or now�r hereaft�r�xrs�ing a� law or in equi�y or by statu��, and <br /> may be exercised c�ncurren#fy, ind�pendentfy�r succ�ssi�ely. <br /> 'I�. Trustar acknowledges that the duties and obligafions vf Trustee wirl �e determined solely by the <br /> express provisivns of this trust deed ar the Nebraska Trust D�eds Act and Trus�ee wiif not�e Irab[e excep� <br /> fo� �h� performance af such du�ies and abE�gations as a�e spe�ifically set farkh �herein, and no �mp[ied <br /> covenants or obligativns �rv�ll be impased up�n Truste�; Trustee wiil na� be liable for any ac���n by it in <br /> gaod fai�h and reasvnab�y b�lieved by it to be au�horized �r wi�hin the d�scr���on o� rights of pow�rs <br /> c�nf�r�ed u po n it by th is tru s�deed or staf� �aw. <br /> �f3. The covenants contained in thrs �rust d�ed will be deemed tv be severable; in th� event �ha� any <br /> pvrtian of this trust de�d is determined �a be void vr unenfor��able, that determ�na��on v�r��l not af��c��he <br /> val�dity of the remain�ng pvrt�ans of the�rus�deed. <br /> '14. Trustar hereby requests a cvpy af any no�ice of default or na�ice af sale hereund�r�� be mailed by <br /> c�rtifi�d mai!t�Trus�or at the address s�t farth herein. <br /> 75�All notices, requests and demands to or upon the respecti�e parties hereto�o be effec���e shall be in <br /> wri�ing and, unless ��hen�vise expressly pro�ided herein, shall be deemed t� have been duly given ar <br /> made when delivered by hand, ar thre�days after being deposit�d in�he mail, posfiag� prepaid, ar, in�he <br /> case �f d�livery by a na�ionally recogni�ed overnigh�courier, when rec�iv�d, addressed to one or mo�e <br /> �f the indivrduals e�cecu�ing this trust deed an hehalf of such party at the address se�f�rth abave, or to <br /> such ath�r address as such party may designate far�ts�[f�y like no�ice. <br /> '�6� Trustor shall pramptly provide andlor exe�ute and deliver to Lender such furthe� instruments, <br /> including, bu� not I�mited to, m�rtgages, de�ds of trust, secur�ty agreemen�s, fnanc�ng stat�ments, <br /> can��nuation statements, assignments, certificates, afFida�its, addendums, amendm�nts or�esvlu�i�ns in <br /> App#:54��7�3; CIF#:38�77, Note#:3�78�4� �2�SQ Lega[❑oc.Date:April�9,���7 <br /> F�RM 5���,Trust Deed and Assignment af Ren#s Page 6 af 8 <br />