2� 17�2481
<br /> prejudice �o any vf its a�her rights under this �rust deed. This assignm�n� will be c�nstrued to be a
<br /> pravision for the payment ar reductian of the �bl�ga�i�ns, subject ta fh� Lender's op�ian as h�reEn�efore
<br /> provide�, independent�f th�trust de�d on th� Properky.
<br /> T�ustor and each of th�m further cavenants and a�rees with,vr certrfies and represents to Lender
<br /> as fvIlows:
<br /> 'i. To pay all liens, judgments, or other ass�ssments aga�ns� �he Property, and to pay when due al[
<br /> assessments,�axes, r�nts, u�ilifiies,fees, charges vr encumbrances upan the Prvperty or under any fease,
<br /> permit, license, or p�i�i[�ge assigned ta Lender as a�ldit�onal s�curi�y�o this trust deed, including th�se in
<br /> or on pub�r�domain.
<br /> 2. Tv �nsu�e and keep insur�d a[I buildings and �ther impra�ements, including fixtures and attachments
<br /> naw on�r hereafter placed on the R�al Prvperty�a t�e sa�isfaction of Lender. Such insurance wi[I cvntain
<br /> an endarsement shav�ring Lender as Beneficrary. �n �emand, Trustvr w�ll furnish said palicies or prvaf of
<br /> insurance �a L�nde� and �h� insurance carrier shall b� sa�isfactory ta Lender. Trustor shal[ gi�� wrr��en
<br /> nvtice t� Lender immedia�ely af any claim ar loss. Any sums so received by Lender may be applie� in
<br /> payment of any ma�ured or unma�ured �b�igations secured by this trust deed, or at�he option vf L�nder
<br /> may be used to pay far rec�nstruct�an of �he dest�vyed improv�menfs. Such insuranc� vtir�il be in an
<br /> am�unt at leas� �qual to the �esser of the laan laalance, the ac�uaf cash value af �he Property, ar �he
<br /> replacement cost of the Property, and will at a minimum, cover losses caus�d by fir�, lightning, explasion,
<br /> rio�, aircraft, vehicles, vandalism, ciWil commotion, smoke, w�ndstarm, and hail. Trus�or wi�� �btain and
<br /> keep f[ood insurance in fvrce�o co�er losses by f[ood as required by L�nder and by the Nationaf F[ood
<br /> Insurance Act of �958, as amended, and by reguCations im�l�menting the same. Trustar further agrees
<br /> that Lender is nofi and wi[I not be liable for any failure by Trus�or or by any insurer, for whatev�r reason,
<br /> to obtain and keep this insuran�e in force. Trustor shalf gi�e written notice�o Len�er immediafely of any
<br /> cance[lation, termination or material mad�fica��on ❑f any such insurance. If Trus�or�fai[s �o maintain the
<br /> c�verag�des�ribed above, Lender may, a�Lender's aption, obtain cvverage t� pro�ecf L�nder's rrghts in
<br /> fh� Property according �o the terms of this trust deed.
<br /> 3. T� keep ali buiidings, fi�ctur�s, attachments, and other improvements now on or h�r�after pfaced an
<br /> the Real Property occup�ed and in goad r�pair, maintenance, and condE�ion and to neither cnmm�t no�
<br /> p�rmit any acts af waste ar any impairment of the value of the Property. Trus��r sha[I not remov� or
<br /> demolish any improvemen� withou� p�ior written approval of the Lender. Trustar sha[f give immediate
<br /> natic� �a Lender of any material damage to or construc�ion vn o� r�lated to any �f the Property. Lend�r
<br /> may ent�r up�n the Real Property to inspec��he same ar to perFvrm any ac�s autho�ized herein or in the
<br /> Loan Dvcuments. Any inspections, repvrts or samples conduct�d by Lender shall be fo�th�ir awn use
<br /> and benefit, and Lender shall not be requ�r�d �o dis�lase�he resu{ts of any rnspec�ions�a Trustor for any
<br /> reas�n, regardless vf wheth�r Lender has done so an any v�her accasi�n unless Lender agrees to d�so
<br /> in a separate writ�ng. Trustor is responsibl� for monitorEng, preserving and inspecting th� Praperty
<br /> independen�ly af Lend�r, and Lender makes no repr�senta��on, statement or warranty rega�ding �he
<br /> accuracy of any inspect�on, reports or statements re[ated to the Property's candi�ion, quan���y, or quality
<br /> of any na�ure, and Trus�or agrees it shall not rely upon sta�ements related �hereto made by a
<br /> repres�ntative of Lender.
<br /> 4. That Trusfar is, and shall continue to be, duly organized, validly exis�ing and �egally qualified �o da
<br /> business under the laws of�he sfates in which T�ustor operates, in compliance wi�h federa[, state and
<br /> Ivcal laws or regula�i�ns, and have legal authority in such sta�es t�condu�t Trustor's business operattans
<br /> and to own agricultural reaf es�a�e. No chang� has been made in the name, avUnership, control,
<br /> relationship, legaf status, or�rganiza�ional and fvrma�ion documents of any undersigned since th�time
<br /> any such inf�rmation was las�prov�ded ta Lender.Any borr�wing resolu�i�n o�simElar document prav�ded
<br /> �o the Lender, whether on Lender's f�rm ar otherwise, has been execu�ed by a{��hose wifh an o�rnersh�p
<br /> interest in the Trustar's en�i�y and such designa�ed signor as se�farth in the b�rrowing reso{ution �s duly
<br /> autho�ized to ex�cu�e any and all Loan Documents an behalf�h�enti�y, including �hrs trust deed.
<br /> 5. All known sources ❑f exis�ing or poten�iai �nvironmen�al cantamination �n or near any Real Property
<br /> av�rned or operated by Trustor has been fufi-y disclosed ta Lender; �he opera��ons af Trus�or compEy, and
<br /> during th� ��rm vf �his trusfi dee� will a� all times camply in a[C respects, with all en�ir�nmental laws;
<br /> Tr-us��r has ob�ained and w�[I maintatn alf lic�ns�s, permi�s, authorr�a�ians and registratEons requ�r�d
<br /> under any env�ranmental la�nr and necessary for ��s �rdinary course aperations, all such envir�nmental
<br /> App#:545�7�3; C!F#:38277; Note#:3�78�46 22�5Q Legal Doc.Date:Apri1�9,Z��7
<br /> FORN1 5���,Trust Deed and Assignment of Rents Page 4 at 8
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