2� 17�2481
<br /> 5��5 5 ��8th Stree�, P� Bvx 24�9
<br /> �maha, NE 58��3-�4�9
<br /> Trustee:
<br /> AgriBank, FCB
<br /> P� Bax 54949
<br /> 5�. Pau E, Min nesota 55'i�4-��4�
<br /> Defined Terms:
<br /> Beneficiary: As set for�h above and used inferchangeably with the�erm Lender.
<br /> Barrower: Har�on L Kenyan, Ca�o� L K�nyQn �agether with any �ther maker or co-mak�r, sign�r or co-
<br /> sign�r af any Loan Document rep�esenting any �b[igations secu�ed by�his t�ust d�ed.
<br /> Lender: As set farth aba�e and used interchang�ably wi�h the term Beneficiary.
<br /> Loan �ocuments: The described notes and any and aIC other notes, credi� agreemen�s, security
<br /> agreemen�s, U�� financRng stafements, lease agreements, mortgages, deeds af trus�, any athe�
<br /> document gran�ing a lien ta secure �he ��aligations, and any vth�r dvcum�nt o� ins�rumen� executed in
<br /> cannect��n wi�h vr evidencin� any �bligation �including any amendment, restatemen� �r mod�fica�ion
<br /> thereto}.
<br /> �b[igations: [ncludes, withou� limita�ian, all credi� including pr�ncipal and any advanc�s, interes� and
<br /> other amaunts due �� Lender under the L�an Do�uments whe�her ar na� th�s trust deed is spec�fcally
<br /> refe�red tv �n �he eviden�� of debt, includrng withvut [imi�ativn, fees, costs, and expenses, fogether wi�h
<br /> all renewals, extensions, or ��financ�ng of same and any future and additivna[ [oans or advanc�s made
<br /> at Lender's option ta or on behalf af Borrower by Lender or under any other Loan Document for any
<br /> purpase whether related or unrelated to the pu�pose af �he original credit, inc�uding ad�ances fvr �he
<br /> protection af th� Praperky, aj[ attarney fees, costs and e�cpenses incu�red by Lender to th� extent
<br /> p�rmitted by [aw in�h�collecfion of any loan vr in the enforcemen�or preserva�ian af�he rights of Lend�r
<br /> in and�o the Proper�y, regardless of whe�her Trustar is obligated thereon as a mak�r o�co-maker, signer
<br /> or ca�s�gner, or as a guarantor, endorser, su�-ety or other accommadation party.
<br /> PersonaN Pr�perty: All equipm�nt, fixtures and other p�rsona� property that are now ❑r hereafter
<br /> � attached or affi�ed t� �he Rea! Praperty; together wi�h alf accessions, parts and addifii�ns �o, all
<br /> replacemen�s of and a�l substitu�ions for any of such property.
<br /> Real Property:Tag�ther with th�befow legally desc�ibed r�al es�a�e, all existing or subsequently erec�ed
<br /> or affi�ced build�ngs, structures, imprvvemen�s o�fix�ures; all crops, timher, timber to be cuf, trees, planfs,
<br /> vines ar o�her plantings; a[C wa�er, water righ�s, including riparian righfs and surFace water righ�s,
<br /> wafercourses, irrigati�n, drainage and ditch righ�s; all ren�s, issues, uses, �ncame, prafits and royaC�ies;
<br /> all leases, permi�s, licens�s, pri�ileges, easements, righ�s �f way, rights to passessivn; all r�ghts in and
<br /> to th� [ands lying �n streets, aileys and roads ad�oining �h� Rea[ Property and appurk�nances; a�l leas�s,
<br /> permi�s, licenses, or pri�ileges, appurtenant�r non-appurtenant to the pr�perty, now or hereafter issued,
<br /> ex�ended, or renewed by Trus�or, any 5tate, �he Uni�ed States, vr any depar�ment, bureau,
<br /> �nstrumen�ali�y, or agency �her��f; all praceeds in emin�nf damain, insuranc� payments, prviceeds or
<br /> refunds�f premiums or any��her payment vr settl�men�rela�ing t��he Praperty; all ail, gas, gra�el, rock,
<br /> gev�hermal and simi�ar resources or other min�ral rights of whate�er nature; and any and all other rights
<br /> related to the real pr�perty.
<br /> Property: Cailectively the Reaf Properky and �he Personal Property, �nc[uding w�thout lim�ta�ion all
<br /> insurance proceeds and refunds �f insurance premiums re[a�ed �o said Prvp�rty.
<br /> Trustee: As s��farth abo��.
<br /> Trustor: As set forth above.
<br /> App#:54517�3; C1F#:38�77; No�e#:3�7'8246 2��SQ Legal Doc.Date:April 19,��17
<br /> F�RN15�'��,Trust Deed and Assignmen�o�'Rents Page 2 of 8
<br />