2� 17�2458
<br /> L�AN#: �so�o98��
<br /> ' l��i�her Barrower nor Lender may commence, �ain, ar be joined to any�udiciai action �as ei�her an
<br /> individua[ litigant or�he member of a class} that arises from the other party's act�ans pursuant �o fihis
<br /> Secur��y lnsfirument or that all�ges that the oth�r party has breached any prvvision of, ar any duty owed
<br /> la}� reason �f, �his Security Insfirument, until such Borrawer or Lender has not�fied th� ather party �wi�h
<br /> su�h nat�ce given in campliance w�th the requirem�nts of Sec�ion �5}af such alleged breach and afforded
<br /> the other part�r hereta a reasonable pe�iad aft�r #he gi�ing of such notice ta take correctiv� action. If
<br /> ApplEcab�e Law provides a time period v�hich must elapse before certain action can be#aken, �hat time
<br /> periad►rv�I� �e deemed ta be reas�nabfe for purposes of this paragraph. The natice of acce�erat�an and
<br /> opportunity ta cure giWen to B�rrov�►er pursuant to Sec��on 2� and th� notice of ac�elerativn given �o
<br /> Barrow�r pursuanf to Section 18 sha�l be deemed ta sa�isfy t�e notice and opportun�ty ta take corrective
<br /> action prav�s�ons❑fi this 5ect�on 2�.
<br /> 21. Hazardous Substances. As used in this Secti�n �1: �a} "Hazardous �ubstances" are th�se
<br /> suivstances defined as taxic or hazardous subs�ances, pollu�ants, or wastes by EnvEronmen�a� Lav�r
<br /> and the fali�wing substances: gas�line, ker�sene, o#her flammabl� or toxEc petroleum products, taxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents,ma�erials con�aining asbest�s arfarmaldehyde,and radiaact�ve
<br /> materials; �b}"Environmenta� Lav�►" means federal �aws and lar�us of the jurisdiction u�here the Property
<br /> is Iocafied that reEa�e�o health, safe�y or�nvironmental prvtection; �c}uEnvironmental�leanup"includes
<br /> any response a�tion, rem�dial action, or removal action, as defined in En�irvnmentat Law; and �d} an
<br /> "Envirvnmenta� Gondi�ion" means a condition #hat can cause, confiribute �o, ar ath�n�vise trigger an
<br /> Envi�onmental �leanup.
<br /> Barr�wer shal�not caus�ar permi�the presen�e,us�,disposa�,storage,ar re�ease of any Haza�daus
<br /> Substances, ar thr�a�en to release any Hazard�us Subs�ances, on or in the Pr�perty. Borrower sha�l
<br /> nof do, nor a�low anyone else tv do, an�thing affecting th� Prvp�rty �a} tha� �s in vi�la��on of any
<br /> En�ironmenta� Law, tb} whi�h creates an EnWironmental Condition, or�c} which, due to th� presence,
<br /> use, or re�ease of a Hazardous Substanc�, creates a canditian that advers�ly affects the va�ue af th�
<br /> Property.The prec�ding trnro sentences sha�� not apply t�the presence, use, or s#flrage on the Property
<br /> of smai!quantit�es of Ha�ardous Subs�ances that are generaliy recvgnized to be appropriate#o normal
<br /> residential uses and ta ma�ntenance�f the Propert�r�including, but not limited to, hazardous substances
<br /> in consumer praducts}.
<br /> Borrow�r shall pramptIy gi�e Lender�r�tten natice of�a} any in�estigatian, claim, demand, lawsuit
<br /> �r other acti�n �y any go�ernm�ntai or r�gulatory agency ar pr�va�e parky involving th� Praperky and
<br /> any Hazardous �ubstance or En�ironmental Law vf wh�ch Borrow�r has ac�ua! knowledg�, �b} any
<br /> Environmental Condition, including but n�t�im�ted to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or�hreat
<br /> af r�lease of any Hazard�us Subs�ance, and �c} any candition caus�d by the pres�nce, use ar release
<br /> of a Hazardous Su�s#ance wrhich adv�rsely aifects the va�ue of the Pr�perty. lf B�rrvwer�earns, or i�
<br /> natif ed by any go�ernmentai or regulatory authority, ar any private party, that any remo�al or �ther
<br /> remediat�on of any Hazardvus Subs#ance afFecting the Property is necessary, Borrower shall prvmptly
<br /> take af� n�cessary rem�dial acf�ons in accordance w�th Envi�vnm�ntal La�v. Nathing herein shall create
<br /> any�bligation on Lend�r for an Envir�nmental �leanup.
<br /> NON-UNlF�RM C�VENANTS. Barrow��and Lend�r furth�r covenant and agree as�al�aws:
<br /> 22. Accel�ration; Remedies. Lender sha[1 give nvtE�e to Borrower priar to acceleration
<br /> fallowing Barrower's brea�h of any co�enant ar agreement in this Security Instrument�but n�t
<br /> prior to acce�eratian under Sectian 18 unless Appl icab�e Law pro�r�des oth�r�isej. The notice
<br /> shal� specEfy; ta�the default; �b� the act�an required to cure the�lefault; �c) a date� nat less than
<br /> �� days from the date the not�ce is gi�en to Barrov�rer, by which the default must be cured;
<br /> and �d� that fa�lure ta cure the default an or befare the date specified in th� natice may r�sult
<br /> in acc��eratian of the sums secured b}�th�s Security �nstrument and sale of the Property. The
<br /> notE�� shall further inform Barrorrver of the right to reinstate after acceleration ar�d the right to
<br /> bring a court actian ta assert the non�existence af a default or any other def�nse af Borrawer
<br /> to acceleratian and sale. If the default is not cured on or before the date specified in the not�ce,
<br /> Lender at�ts optian may require immediate payment in full af all sums secured by this Secur�ty
<br /> Instrument withaut further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies
<br /> permitted by Applicable Law.Lender shall he entit�ed to Gvl�ect a!I expenses incurred in pursu�ng
<br /> the remedies�rar��ded in th�s Section 2�, �ncluding�but not limited ta,reasonabie attorneys'fees
<br /> and casts af tit�e e�idence.
<br /> if the pvwer of sale is in►►oked,Trustee shal�recard a notice of default in each county�n which
<br /> any part af the Property is la�ated and sha#I ma�l cvpies of�uch nQtice in the manner prescribed
<br /> #��Appl�cable Law to Barrvwer and ta the other persons prescribed by Appl��ab�e Law.After the
<br /> time required by Applicable Law,Tru�tee sha��give pu�alic natic�of sa�e to the persons and�n the
<br /> mann�r prescribed byApplicabie Law.Trusteer v�rithvut demand on Barrawer.shall sell the Property
<br /> at pub�i�auctinn ta the highest bidder at the time and pEace and under the terms desi�nated in the
<br /> not�c�of sale in one�r m�re parcels and in any order Trustee determines.Trustee may pvstpone
<br /> saie of ail ar any parc�l of the Propert� by pu�iic announcement at the time and piace af any
<br /> prerriausly scheduled sa�e. Lender vr its designee may purchase the Property at any �
<br /> Initials:
<br /> NEBRASKA�-Single Family-�Fannie HllaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUAf1ENT Form 3Q28110'I
<br /> E�lie Mae, Inc. Page �0 of 11 NEEDEED �315
<br /> NEEDEED tCLS}
<br /> �31�31��17 1�:�6 PM PST
<br />