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<br /> I-�on�e �ed�ral Sa�ings& k�oan AsS�c�atx�n of�rand Hame Federai Sa�ings& Loan Association of�rand
<br /> �slar�d Isl�nd
<br /> ZZl S�u�h Lacus�S�ree� 2�1 Sau�h Locust Stree�
<br /> G�AIi�D �SLA��, �iE�SS�1 �RA1�1D ISLAND, 101E �$$UI
<br /> �Spa�:e�bo�e�I���is Li»e�or��ec�rdin�Ua�a}
<br /> L�AN �RIGINAT�R CC]�PANY NAME: Hom� Federal Sa�ings& Laan Assoc�a�i�n of Grand �s�and
<br /> NMLS C�MPANY IDENT�FIER: 44f443
<br /> L�AN C3�.I�INATQR�IA�E: L,isa Mayer
<br /> NMLS �RIGINAT�R �DENT�FIER: 494�69
<br /> I��EEI� �F Tl��UST
<br /> (�1��.A��J'�TH�I�I��� [�PEI"� �ENI)} �R�I]IT �- FI�TIJRE AI�VA��ES ARE SE�URED
<br /> I3Y TI�IS �EEI� �F T1�.IJ��I'}
<br /> THIS DEED UF TRUST �"Securi�y �ns�rument"} is made on A�ri� 5, 2U17. The grantors are DAN�EL P
<br /> �P�t�N�E� and S[.]�AN M SPRIN�ER, HUSgAND AND 'WIFE, whose address is 3fi5Z S. SLAINE ST,
<br /> �RAN D �SLAN�,Nebraska��SD� �"Borrawer"}. Barro�er is no�nece�sari ly �he same as the Person or Persar�s
<br /> vvha si�n the �ame Equ�ty L�ine of�red�# Agr�ement, da�ed April 5, 2D�7 �"�ont�rac�"}. The obl�ga�ians of
<br /> Borrowe�rs who did n�� si�n the �ontrac� are explained fur�h�r in �he s�c�ior� �i�led Suecess�rs and Assi�ns
<br /> �aund; J�int and Se�era� Liability; Arcommoda��on Signers. The trus�ee is Arend �. Baack, Attarney, whose
<br /> address is P.�. Sa�79�,�rand �sland,NE 5$8��("T�-us�ee"}. The beneficiary is Home F`edera�Sa��ngs� Loan
<br /> Assoc�a��on of Gran�i Is[and, which is o�rganized and exis�in� under �he laws of the Uni�ed S�a�es of America
<br /> and whose address is 221 South Locus� Stree�, Grand �s�and, Nebraska f��0� �"Lender"}. []AN�EL P
<br /> SPR�NG�R and S�JSAN M SPR.INGER ha�e en�ered into a�on�rac�w��h Lender as of Apr�l 5,2fl17, under�he
<br /> terms flf wh€ch Borro�ver may, fram time to�ime, ab�ain ad�ances not to exceed, at any time, a ���MA��M U M
<br /> PR�N�IPA►L �I�I�UI�'Y' �E�CLUDING PRC)TECTIVE ADVANCES��Y� of �ne Hundred Farfy
<br /> Thousand and aDl�D4 DoIlars �U.S. $�4Q,�Q�.�U} �"Credi� Limi�"}. Any par�y interested in the de�a�ls rela�ed�o
<br /> Lender's cantinuin� obli�a�ion �o make ad�ances �o Borr�wer is ad�ised �a consult d�re�tly wi�h Lender. �f not
<br /> paid ear��er,�he sums owin� under Borrower's Con�rac�with Lender vvill be due on Apr�l 15,2UZZ. This Security
<br /> Ins�rument secures �o Lender: �a} �he repay��ent of the debti under the �ontrac�, wi�h interes�, incIudin� fu�ure
<br /> advances, and al� repe�vals, extensi�ns and modifications af the �op�ract; �b}the paymen� of ail other sums, with
<br /> interest, ad�anced ta pro�ec� the security of�his Securi�y Ins�rumen� under the pro�isi�ns af�he section ����ed
<br /> Prot�ction nf L�nder'S Rights in the Property; and �c} the perfarmance of Borrav�er's co�enap�s and
<br /> a�reements under ��is Se�urity Ins�rumen� and the Con�rac�. F�r this purpose, Borrower, in c�nsideration �f the
<br /> deb� and �he trus� �erein crea�ed, i�rre��cably gran�s and con�eys ta Trus�ee, in �rus�, with power af sale, the
<br /> follo�in�descri�ed properfiy �oca�ed in�he CQUNTY of HALL, Sta�e�f Nebraska:
<br /> Address: 3�f�S. B�A�N E ST,�R,A.N D �S LAN D,Nebraska�SSU I
<br /> Le�al Description: S E E EX H I B�T "A"
<br /> T��ETHER �VITH all �he impro�emen�s no�v or hereafter erected an the proper�y, and alI easemen�s,
<br /> appur�enances, and fi��ures novv �r h�reafter a par� of�he proper�y. A�l replacem�n�s and addi�ions shall also be
<br /> �a�ered by this Securi�y Instrumen�. AlI af th� fore�o��g is referred ta in �his Security Znstrumen� as �he
<br /> '►Proper�y.►�
<br /> B�RR�]�ER ��VENANTS �hat Borr��ver is lawfully se�sed of the es�a�e Y�ereby con�eyed and has �he ri�ht�o
<br /> grant and con�ey the Proper�y and tha� �he Prop�rty �s unencumber�d, except for encumbrances �f re�ord.
<br /> Borrower v�rarrants and vvill defend generally the �i�le to t�e Pr�per�y a�ainst a�l clai�ns and demands, subjec� ��
<br /> any encumbrances of record.
<br /> Borr�wer and Lender coWenan�and a�ree as follaws:
<br /> Payment of Princxpal and �nferes�; ��her Charges. Barrower sha�l promptly pay when due�he pr�ncipal of and
<br /> in�eres� �n �he debt �wed under �h� Contrac� and la�e charges or any other fees and charges due under �he
<br /> C�ntraG�.
<br /> C�20�4-2�1 G Con�piiance Syst�ms,lnc.cdbf�77�-ede205aa-?O 16.?�0.4.8
<br /> Cat�su�ner Real EsFat4-Security Instruni�nt I�L?U.�G Pa�e f of 5 www.corr�plian��systerns.�am
<br />