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2� 17�241 � <br /> If Lender exercises this op�ian, Lender shal� b��e Borr�v�er nfltice of accel�ra��an. The notice shall pro�ide a <br /> periad af not less than the minimum num�er of days establ�shed by Applicable Law from the date the notice is <br /> de�i�er�d or mail�d within which Barro�er mus� pay ali sums secured by this Security Instrumen�. If Borr�v�er <br /> fai�s tfl pay �hese sums prio�•�a the �xpiratio� of�his period, Lender may in��k� any remedies permitted by this <br /> Secu�-x�y Ins�rum�nt without further notice or demand on Borraw�r. <br /> Borrower's Righ� �o Reinstate. rf Bo�-ro�ver meets cer�ain condi��ons, Bor�•awer shall ha�e th� r��h� to have <br /> enfor�ement of this Security �nstrum�nt disc�ntinued a�any time prior�o the earl�er af �a} 5 days �or such ather <br /> period as Applicable La�v may specify for reinsta�ernen�} before sale of�he Praper�y pursuant�a any pawer af sale <br /> c�ntained in this Security �nstrutr�ent; or �b} entry of a judbmen� enfarcing �his Security Instrumen�. Those <br /> conditions are �hat Borrower: �a) pays Lender all sums v�hrch �hen would be due under this Security Instrumen� <br /> and th� Con�ract as if no acceleration had accu�-�•ed; �b) cures any defau�t of any ot�er co�enants or agreements; <br /> �c} pays atl exp�nses incur�•�d in enforcing �his S�curity Instrument, in�ludin�, but not �im��ed to, reasonable <br /> attor�eys' fees �o �he exten� permitted by law; and �d� takes suc� actian as Lender may reasonably require ta <br /> assure tha� the lie�� of this Security �nstrument, Lender's ribhts in the Proper�y and Borro�ver's oblibation �o pay <br /> the sums secured by this Secu�'i�� �p5�i-um.ent shall continue unchanbed. Upon reinsta�ement by B�rra�ver, this <br /> Security Ins�rument and the obi��ations secuz-ed hereby shal� remain fully effecti�e as if no a�ce�era�ion had <br /> occurred. Howe�er, this ri�h� to reinstate sha�i no� app�y in the case of accelera�ion under the section �itled <br /> TransfQr of the Prop�rty or a Beneficial Interest in I3orrower. <br /> Hazard�us Subs�anees. Borro�er s�all nat cause �r pe�-mit the presence, use, disposal, starage, ar release of any <br /> Hazardous Subs�ances on or �n �he Prape�-�y. Borrower shall na� do, nor a11ow anyone e�se to do, anything <br /> affectin� �he Proper�y�ha� is in �iala��on af any En�i�•on��en�al Lav�r. The preced�n���vo sen�ences shall nat apply <br /> to the presence, use, or s�ora�e on �he Property of small auan�i�ies of Hazardous Substan��s tha� are generally <br /> recognized�o be appropriate�o normal resid�ntial uses and t�maintenance of�he P�•�per-�y. <br /> Borro�er shali pramp�ly gi�e Lender wri�ten no��ce of any in�estigation, claim, demand, lawsuit �r ather ac��an <br /> by any governmental or regulatary a�ency or pri�ate pa��ty invol�ing the Proper�y and any Ha�ardous Subsfan�e <br /> ar En�ironmental Lavv of which Borrower has a�tuai knov�Iedge. �f Borrawer l�arns, or is n�tif ed by any <br /> gavernm�n�al or regula�oty authari�y, �hat any removal �r othe�-remediation of any Ha�ardous Substance affectinb <br /> the Properry is necessary, Barrowe�• shal� pramptly �ake ali necessary rem�dial actions in acco�•dance w�th <br /> En�irflnmen�a� Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazardaus Substances" a�-e �hos� su�stances defi�ed as toxic or haza�•d�us subs�ances <br /> by �nvironmen�a� La�v and �he follovving subs�ances: gasoline, kerosene, a�h�r flammable or �oxic petroleum <br /> products, �axi� pes�ic�des and herbi�ides, �ota�i�e solven�s, ma�erials containing asbes�os or forma�d�hyde, and <br /> radiaacti�e ma�er�a�s. As used in this paragraph, "En�ironmental Lavv" means federal laws and�avvs of�h�sta��af <br /> Nebraska that relate�o health, safety�r env�r�nmental protec�ion. <br /> Acceleration; R�medies. Lender shall g��e no�ice ta Borrower priar �o acceleration foilowing Borrower's <br /> �rea�h of any covenan�ar agre�men� in this Se�uri�y InStrument or�ne�an�rac�under wh�ch acceleration <br /> is permitted �but nv� prior ta acceteration under �he sec�ion t��led TranSfer�f the Property or a Beneficial <br /> �n�erest �n Borrower, unless A�aplicabte Law prnvide5 o�herwise}. The na��ce shal� spec�fy: �a} the defau�t; <br /> �b� the action reauired to cure the d�fault; �c� a da�e, n�� 1e55 �han �he m�n�mum number of days <br /> estahlished by Applicable Law fram the date �he notice is gi�en �o Borrower, by which �he defaul� must be <br /> �ured; and �d� �ha� failure �o cure the defaul� on or �efore �he da�e spec�fied in �he notice may result �n <br /> accelerati�n of �he sums secured by this Securi�y Instrumen� and sale of the Pr�per�y. To the extent <br /> permi�ted by law, the na�ice shall further infarm Borrawer of the righ� �o re�ns�a�e after a�c�lerati�n and <br /> the righ�to bring a court actian to a5sert the non-exis�ence of a default or any o�her defense of�orrawer to <br /> accelera�ion and sale. If�he defaul� �s not cured on vr bef�re �he date specif�ed �n �he no��ce, Lender a� i�s <br /> opt�on may requ�re immediate payment in ful� of ail sums s��ured by �hi5 Securi�� Ins�rumen� wi�hout <br /> fur�her demand and may �n�oke �he power nf 5ale and any o�her rem�dies permitted by Applicab�e Lawv. <br /> Tv the extent permi�t�d by law, Lender shall he en�it�ed �o col�ec� atl ex�ens�s incurred �n pursuing the <br /> remedie� pr��ided in �hi� Sec�ion, inc�uding, but no� limit�d to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs of�itle <br /> e�idence. <br /> fl 2a�4-?�1 G Compliai3ce Systems,Irtc.�dbfc77c-aa58G4G3-2�l G.230.4.8 <br /> Canse�rner Real Estate-Se��rity Instrurneitt DL243G Pa�e 5 ot 7 www.�otnpliancesystems.cQrn <br />