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2� 17�241 � <br /> debt and the �rust herein created, irre�ocably grants and conveys to Trustee, in trust, wi�h povver of sale, �he <br /> fallov�ing described praperty located in the��UNTY of HALI�, Sta�e of Nebraska: <br /> Address: 7�5 J�EH�����,�RAIl�� �SLAIl�I�,I�iebraska����� <br /> Lega� Description: L�T TEN �1D}, BL��K THREE �3}, PL�ASANT VI��V ADD�TIC]N T4 THE <br /> i��i i�''��'��.A��D �5�..��1��3,��L�+���Jiii��"Y, �E��AS�� <br /> T�GETHER ��TH aIl the impra�ements now or hereaft�r erected �n �he praperty, and ail easements, <br /> appur�enar�ces, and fix�ures now ar hereafter a part of the property. A�� replacements and additi�ns sha11 ai�o be <br /> c�Wered b� this S�curity �ns��rument. All af �he foregoin� is referred to in this Securi�y �nstrutnent as the <br /> "Pr�perty." <br /> B�RR��]V�ER C�]VENANTS �ha� Borrower is �awful�y seised of�he es�ate hereby con�eyed and has the ribh�to <br /> gran� and con�ey �he Proper�y and �hat �he Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrances of recard. <br /> Borrower �ar�rants and �ill defend genera�ly the �itle �a the Prope�,y agains� all ciaims and demands, subj�ct �o <br /> any encumbrances af record. <br /> Borrovver and Lender co�enan�and agree as fall�v�s: <br /> rayment vt rr�ncipai and �ntere��; utner t::narges. �sorrower shai�pramptiy pay w�en aue tne principai o�and <br /> in�er�st an th� debt a��d und�r th� �an��a�� and �ate char�es �r any other fees and charbes due und�r the <br /> Cantrac�. <br /> Applica�le Lavv. As used in �his Securiry �nstrument, the term "Applicable Lav�" shal� mean all contrallin�; <br /> applicable federal, s�ate and iocal s�a�u�es, regula��ons, ordinances and administra�ive ru�es and orders ��ha� ha�e <br /> the eff���of lavv} as vve�I as all appiicable final,nan-appealab�e j udic�al opinians. <br /> Charges; Liens. Bor�-ower shali pay all �axes, assessments, char�es, fnes and �mpos�tions at�ribu�able t� the <br /> Proper�y�rhich may attain priority o�er�his Securi�y �nstrumen�, and Ieasehoid payment� or graund ren�s, if any. <br /> At�h�r�ques�of L�nd�r, Borrower sha�l pr�mpt�y furnish ta Lender receipts ev�dencing the payments. <br /> Barrower shal� pramp�ly discharge any li�n v�h��h has p�riority oWer this Securxty �ns��rument unless Borrower: �a} <br /> a�re�� in writ�ng to the payment af the �b i igat�on �ecured by the I ien in a manner accep�abl� �a Lender; �b� <br /> can�ests in good fa�th the lien by, or defends agains� �nforrcem�en� of the l�en in, Ie�a� proceedinbs which in the <br /> L�nd�r's apinion op�r�.�� �o pr��r�n� the �nfor��men� of�h� ���n; or +��� s��ures from �he h�ld�r �f th� lien an <br /> abr�ement sat�sfactary ta Lender subordinating the l�en�o th�s Security �nstrument. �f Lender determin�s that any <br /> par� of the Properry is sub�ec�to a li�n which may attain prxori�y o�er this Security �n�trumen�, Lender may gi�e <br /> Borro�ver a no�ice �dentifying the �ier�. Borrower shall sa�isfy the lxen or take one or mare of�he actions set f�rth <br /> ab��e within 1 Q days�f the gi�ing of no�ice. <br /> Hazard or Property �nsurance. Borrower shal� keep the improWements now exist�ng or hereafter erected on�he <br /> Property insur�d abainst loss by fire,hazards included vvi�hin�he�erm "extended co�erage"and any other hazards, <br /> including floods ar floodinb, for wh�ch Le�der requires insurance. This �nsurance shall be maintained in �he <br /> amounts and for the periods�hat Lender xequ�res. The�nsuran�e carrier pro�iding the insurance sha��be ch�sen by <br /> Borro�ver subject to Lender's appro�al which shall not be unreasonably withheld. �f Borrovver fai�s to maintain <br /> co�erage described abo�e, Lender may, at Lender's ap�ion, nbtain caWera�e tfl pro�ect Lender`s righ�� in �he <br /> Prop�r�y in accordan�e vvith section txt�ed�ra���tion�f Lend�r's I��ght� ��th�Pr�p�rt�. <br /> �-�iii i i�'ai u i�� �i��1�i�,� ui�u i�,ii�vvui� ��uii vV iivv��►�.uui� �il i�vi�uCi ui�C� �i�ui.� iitCi�Civ u Sia��di�.�u �i7'�C'ii i�a.�,v Cini.IS�. <br /> Lend�r sha11 ha�e th� right to hold the policies ar�d rene�rals. �f Lender requires, B�rrower sha�l prormptly gi�e�o <br /> Lender all receip�s of paid prem�ums and rene�nral notices. In�he ��ent of lass, Barrov�er shali giWe promp�no��c� <br /> �o�he �nsurance carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof of loss if no�made pramp�ly by Borrov�er. <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower o�herwise agree in writing, insurance proceeds shall be applied �o res�oration or <br /> repair of�he Praperty damabed, if, in Lender's sale d�scre��an, the restora�ian or repair is ec�nomically feasible <br /> and Lender's securi�y is na� less�ned, �f, in Lender's sale discretian, the restoratian or repair is na� ec�nom�cal�y <br /> feasib�e or Lende�r's security vv�uld be lessened, the �nsurance praceeds sha�l be applied to the sums secured by <br /> this Security Ins�rumen�, �rhether or not then due, v��th any ex�ess paid�o Borrower. If Borr��er aband�ns �h� <br /> fl 2�0�-201�Compliance Systerns,Inc.�dbfc77�-aaS8fi�53-201�.23�,�.8 <br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Seciirity Instrument DL�D3b Page?af 7 www.coin�Eiancesystems.cotn <br />