2� 17�2393
<br /> �]F�C� �F T�U�Y
<br /> Loan ��: 1�'i���a'19 �Cantinued� Page 4
<br /> �d� 1Nith res�ect t� ail �r any part ot the Personal Pr�perty, Lender shall ha�e ai�the righ'ts and remedies
<br /> a#a se�ured party und�r the iVebras�a �ni�orm Cammercial ��de.
<br /> Fore�lvsure by Pawer o�S��e. If Lender eleG��ta#a�e�lase by�xer�ise o�the Pow�r��Sale herein contained,
<br /> Len��r sha�l nvtify Trus�ee and shal! deposi� with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Credi't Ag�r�ement and
<br /> such reGeip�s and��idence of expendi�ures made and se�urEd�y this Deed a�"frust as Trustee may require.
<br /> �ay Upan rec�ipt of such no�ice�rvm Lender, Trus�e�sha�� cause to b� recorded, published �nd deli�ered
<br /> �o Trustar such Notice fl� De�ault and Nv�ice v� Sale as �hen required hy law and by this D�:ed o�Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall. withou� demand an Trus�or, af�er such time as may then he r�quired by iaw ar�d at�er
<br /> recvrdation af such Nvt�ce v�F�]e�auit and after Nati�e vf Sa{e ha�Eng been gi�en as required by law, seEl
<br /> the Prvperty at the time and p�a�� ❑� saie �fixed by i� in such Notice �f Sa�e, either as a whale, or in
<br /> sep�rate lots vr parce�� vr i�ems as Trus��e shal!deem exp�dien�, and in such arder as it ma�y d�term�ne,
<br /> a� pualic auctian ta �he h�ghest �idd�r�r�r cash in ��w�ul money v#the [�ni�ed 5tates paya�I�: ��t the t�me
<br /> a� sale. Trust�� �[�a�i deii�er to �uch purchaser ar purchasers thereaf i'�s gaad and s�a��iGien� deed or
<br /> deeds con�eying �tie proper�y sv sv1d, bur without any co�enan� ❑r warranty, express or i��pited. The
<br /> rec�tals in suGh deed v� any matfers ❑r facts shall be concfusive prt�of ❑f the tru�htulness �hereo�. Any
<br /> person, including without limitatian Trustor,Trus�ee.or Lender, may purGh�se at su�h sale.
<br /> {�} As may be permitted by lawf after dedu�ting ali cos�s. �ees and expenses of Trus�ee and of this
<br /> Trus�, �ncluding �osts❑�evidence�f title in cannect�on with sale,Trus�ee shall apply the prv�;:eeds af sals
<br /> to paymen� ❑f �i� all �ums expended under �he terms v� �his ❑eed ❑� Tru�� ar under �he •terms a� the
<br /> Cr�dit Agre�menfi na��hen repaid, �ncluding hut na� limi�ed ta accrued interest and �ate ch�r�es. tii} ajl
<br /> n�her sums�hen secur�d herehy, and �iii} the remainde�. ��any, ta the person ❑r pers�ns i�ga��y en�it�ed
<br /> thereto.
<br /> �c� Trus�ee may in the manner pravided by[aw postpar�e sale❑f a!I or any portion o#the Pro�aerty.
<br /> Remedies Nat Exclusi��. Trus�ee and Lender, and each of them, sl�al[ be entitled to entorce �aayment and
<br /> per�armance ot any indebtedness ❑r obligativns s�cured by this L�eed ofi Trus�and to exer�ise ail rights and pow�rs
<br /> under this ❑eed a� Trust, unde� �he Credit Agreement, under any ❑#the Related C�ocuments, vr und�r any vther
<br /> agr�ement ar any �aws nvw �r h�reafter in �Farce; n�tv►rithstanding, some or �ji a'� such ind��tedness and
<br /> abliga�ions secured by this D��d o#Trus�may now ar h�reafter�e vtherwise secur�d, whether by m�r�gage, deed
<br /> ��f trus�, pl�dge, li�n, assignment or�therv►ris�. Neither the acG�p�ance af this �ee� o�Trust nar i�s �:nf�rcemen�,
<br /> whe�her� by cour� activn ur pursuan�t❑ the �Qwer o� sale or other powers con�ained in this Deed ai� Trus�, sha1l
<br /> pre�udic� or in any manner a��Fect Trustee's �r Lender's righ�ta reaiize upon or en#orce any other security no►nr or
<br /> hereafter held by Trustee or L�nder. it being agreeti�ha�Trus�ee and Lender, and each❑f them, shal[ k;fe entitled ta
<br /> en�orce this i]eed of Trust and any a�her se�uri�y nvw ar hereaftsr held by Lender vr Trus�ee in surh arder and
<br /> manner as they �r either �f them m�y �n �heir absalu�e discre��an de�e�mine. Nv remedy �on�erred upon or
<br /> reser�ed tv Trus�ee ❑r Lender, is zntended t� be exclusi�e of any a�her remedy in 'this Deed a� Trus� ❑r by law
<br /> pro�ided vr p�rmi�ted. bu� �aGh sha�i be cumu�a�i�e and shall �� in addi�ion to ��+��y other remedy 'given in �his
<br /> Desd c���'rus�or nvw or hersaftec existing at law or in equi�y car Iay statute. Ev�ry power or remedy gi�en by th�
<br /> Credi� Ar�reement vr any ❑� �he Related C�o�umen�s t❑ Trus�ee �� Lender ❑r �o which either v� tEzem may h�
<br /> o�herwise entitled, may b� eKercised, concurren�ly or indep�nden�ly, �ram �ime �o time and aS of�e�7 as may be
<br /> deemed expedien� by Trustee vr Lender, and either o� �hem may pursue incvnsEstent remedies. Nathing in this
<br /> Deed a�Trust shall b� cons�rued as proh'rbit�ng Lender�rvm seeking a deficiency;udgment against tr�e Trus�or ta
<br /> �he�xtent such activn is permi�tted by iaw.
<br /> Elec�ion Qf �emedies. A!i o� Lender's righ�� and remed}es will �� �umulativ� and may be e�erciaed alane ❑r
<br /> tv�eth�r. I� L.�nder decid�s �� spend mone� ar tv per�vrm any ��Trus�or's �hliga�ions under this D�:ed vf Trus�,
<br /> after Trus��arrs �ailur� to do sr�, �hat d�cision by Lender wii� na� affect Lender's ri�ht �fl declare Trusi:ar in de�ault
<br /> and�v exercise Lender's r�medies.
<br /> Request tar No��ce. Trustar, on beha�f��Trus��r and Lend�r, herehy requ�s�s tha�a capy of any Notice o�De�ault
<br /> and a �apy❑f any Nv�ice of Sale under�his ❑eed v�Trus� b� mailed to them at th� address�s set for�:h in the first
<br /> paragraph❑f this ❑eed o�Trus�.
<br /> Attarneys' Fees: �xp�nses. i�` Lender institutes �ny suit or ac�ion 'to entarGe any of the term� ❑�F ��his Deed ❑f
<br /> Trust, L�nder s�ali b� enti�[�d �o rec��er such sum as �he cour�ma� ad�udge r�asanable as atrar�eys' �ees a��rial
<br /> and upvn �ny appeal. V1lh��h�r or nvt any caur� a��ion is in�olved, and ta �he �x�en� no� prahiai�e� �y law. all
<br /> reasonable expenses Lend�r it��urs �hat �n Lender's apinivn ar� neGessa�y a� any time #vr the pro�ec�ion of i�s
<br /> inter�s�ar�the en�arcemen�of its righ�s shall became a part p��he Indebtedn�ss payab�e on d�m�n� and shal! bear
<br /> interes� at �he Credi� Agreem�n� rate �rom th� date o� �he expendi�ur� un�il repaid. Expenses cvvered by this
<br /> paragr�aph include, wi�hvut limitation, how��er subjec��o any limi�s under applica�le law, Lender's a�1:o�ne�s' fees
<br /> and Lender`s Eegal eacpenses, ►rvhether ar nvt there is a lawsui�. in�luding �����€1B�15r fe�s and E:xpenses #or
<br /> bankrup�cy praceedings {including effarts� to modi'�y vr�a�a�� any au�omatic stay ar injunc�ion}, appeais, an�l any
<br /> anticipa��d pos�-judgmen� callection services, the cas� o� searching records, obtaini�g tit�e r�pvrts �including
<br /> �orecivsure ��parts}, surWey�rs' repor�s, and appraisal fees, �it�e in$urance, and fe�s ��r the Trustee, �a�he �actent
<br /> permitted�y appEicable law, frus�8r also wili ��y any cvurt Gos�s, in addition tQ aii o�her sums pra�id�d by jaw.
<br /> MISCELtAN�(7US PR�Vt�14N5. The�ollowin� mrscellaneaus prv�is�vns are a part���his�eed�'F Trus�:
<br />