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2� 17�2393 <br /> �EED �F TRUST <br /> Loan No: �!�'I 3C��5'i 9 ��antinu�d} P�ge � <br /> intermedi�te balance. <br /> Trustor presen��y �ssigns �a Lender �als❑ knvwn as Bene�ficiary in this C]eed n� T�us�� all ❑f Trustar's rigl�t, ti�le. and <br /> interest in and to all present and �u�ure leases of �he Property and aI� �en�s #ram the P�rop�rty. in addi�ion, Trus�ar <br /> grants ta Lender a Uns#vrm �ommercial Cvde security in�e�est in the Per��nal Property and Ren��. <br /> TH[S DEED QF THUS7r INCLlJD1NG THE AS5IGNIInENT DF I�ENTS AND THE S�CURITY �NTEREST �N THE REN�"S AlVD <br /> PERS�NAL PRDF'ERTY� IS ��VEN TQ SECURE �Ay PAYIIJIENT �F THE INDEBTEDNESS AND �B� PERFC3I�MAN�E �F <br /> EACH DF TRUST�R'S AGREE�ENTS AND ❑BL�GATI�iVS UNDER 7HlS DEED aF TRUST. THIS DEEQ �F TRIJST [S <br /> G�VEN AND ACCEPTED�N THE F�LL��ING TER11115: <br /> PAYMENT AND �"��t�C�R�IIANCE. Excep� as ca�h�rwise provided in �his Qeed �� Trust, Trustar sha�l pay i:c� Ler�der a�� <br /> amounts secured by this Deed ❑f Trus� as �hey become due, and sh�ll s�ric�tly and ir� a timely mar�n�r perfarm ajl �� <br /> Trustor's vbliga�tions und�r�he Gredit Agreement,this �eed o�Trust, and�he Re�ated�vcumen�ts. <br /> ��S5E�5lQN AND MAINTENANCE QF THE PRL�PERTY. Trus�ar agrees that Trus�ar's possess�on and u�e nf �h� <br /> Praperty shall be go�erned by�he following pro�isians: <br /> Pvssession and L1se. Until �he o�currence o� an E�ent o# Default, Trustor may ��j remain i� possession and <br /> contra�v#the�raperty; {�� use, �pe�at�ar manage the Proper�y; and �3y colleGt the Rents�rom the I'roper�y. <br /> Duty tv M�in�ain. `�rustor shali maintair� �he Property in govd �Qndi�ion and pr�mptiy per�arm aEi repairs, <br /> re�p�acemer��s, and maintenance necessary�o preserve i�s�alue. <br /> Hazardaus 5ubstances. Trustar represen�s and warran�s that �he Proper�y ne�er has been, and n���r will be sv <br /> Inng as �his Deed o� Trust remains a lien on �he Proper�ty, us�d �or the generation, manufact�.tre, stvrage, <br /> trea�ment, di�pvsai, re(ease ar �hreatened rele�se a� any Hazardaus au���ance in �iola�ia�n of �ny Ei���rr�nmental <br /> Laws. Trus�or au�horizes Lender and ifis agents to enter upon�h� property ta make such�nsp�c�ivns and �ests as <br /> Lend�r may d��m approptiate to d�t��mine complian�e Qf the Property ►nrith �his se�t�vn o� 'the ❑e�d o� Trus�. <br /> Trus��or hereby ��y reieas�s and wai�es any�u�ure claims against Lender�vr indemnity or con�ributiv�n�n the e�ent <br /> Trustor becornes [iable tor cleanup or��her co��s under any such laws, and {�} agre�s to indsmni�, de��r�d, and <br /> hold harmless Lender against any and �E! �Zaims and losses resuiting�rom a brea�h vf this pa�-agraph o#the G�eed of <br /> Trust. This ❑bli�ativn to indemnify and de�end shaE[ sur�ive the pa�ment o#the Indebtedne�s and the satis�actian <br /> at this ❑eed❑�Trus�. <br /> DUE DN �ALE-�4���NT gY LENDER. Lender m�y, at Lender's �pti�n, decjare �mmediately due and payr�ble ali sums <br /> secured by�his deed o�Trust upon the sale ar�ransfer, wi�haut Lender'S pr�ar written cansent, fl�all or any part��the <br /> Rea! Property, ❑r any En�erest in the R�ai Praperty. A "saie or�ransfer" m�ans the con��yance o�Rea! Praperty ❑r any <br /> righ�, title �r interes� in �he Reai Property; whether legal, bene�i�ia! or �quitable; whether �vlun�ary or in�oiuntary; <br /> whether by vutright s�l�, deed, installment saie con�ra��. land con�ract� con�r�c� for deed, leaseho�d in��re�� wi�h a <br /> �erm greater�han�hree �3} years, �ease-�p�ipn c�n�ract, ❑r by saEe, assi�nment, or trans�er of any b�ne�icial interest in <br /> or�a any iand�rust hvlding ti�le�o the Real Property, or by any ather method o� c�n�eyance of an interest in the Real <br /> Property. Howe�er, �his aptivn �ha[[ not be �xe�cEsed by Lend�r it such ex�r�ise is prohi�i�ed by ��deral law or by <br /> Nebraska 2aw. <br /> TAXES AND LIENS. The following prvvisivns relating t❑ �he �ax�s and �iens on �he Praper�y are par� of this �eed v� <br /> Trust: <br /> Paym�nt. Trus�or shall pay when du� �and in ai�e�en�s pr�vr ta delinqu�n�y} all taxes, specia�taxe�, ass�ssments, <br /> charges �incl�ding water and sewer}, �in�� �nd impositivn� le�i�d again�� ❑r on account❑f th� Property, and shall <br /> pay when due all Glairns for work done an or fo� services rendered ar ma�er�ai furnisl�ed t� �h� Praper�y. Trustor <br /> shall main�ain the Proper�y free of a!I liens haWing priority v�er❑r equa�to�he in�erest of Lender under this ❑eed o� <br /> Trust, except �or the lien o� taxes and asse�sments not due, except for the Existing lndeb�ednes:� re�erred �a <br /> b�iow. and exGep�as otherwsse pravided in�his Deed af Trust. <br /> PRQPERTY DArVIAGE INSURANCE, The �allawjng proW�sions relating tv insuring�he Property are a par�ofi this Deed o�F <br /> Trust. <br /> Nlaintenan�e vf Insurance. Trustor �hall pracur� and main�ain palici�s v� �ire insurance with stand�ird ex�ended <br /> cov��ag� �ndorsements �n a �air valu� b�sis for #h� tui� insurahie v�lu� caWer�ng a�l Impro�em�n�s ❑n the Real <br /> P�-vperty in an amount su�fficient �o avo�d app��catian vf any coinsurance clause, and with � s�Candar� mortgagee <br /> �[ause i�#a�or of Lender,toge�her with such other hazard and liabi�ity insurance as Lender may�easonab�y require. <br /> Pa[ic�es shall �e wri��en in farm, amvun�s, cvverages and basis reasvnabiy aGceptable to Lender and is$ued by a <br /> Gompany rar c�mpanies reasona�ly accep��k��� �a Lender. Trus�or� upan r�quest v� Lend�r. wi�l deli��r �� Lender <br /> from�ime'�a time the poiicies ar c�r��ficates o�insurance in�o�m sa�isfa��or�tv Lender, including stipula�ions that <br /> co�erages ►►v��� not be cancel�ed or diminished wi�thou# at least ten ���} days prior wri�ten natice to L�ender. Each <br /> insurance pol�cy alsv shal� include an endvrsem�n� prv�iding t�at c��erage in �a�or ot Lender will not be impaired <br /> in any way by any�ct, omiss�on or d�fau��o�7'rustar❑r any other persan. �hou�d �he F�eal Praperty la� lo�ated in <br /> �n area designated 1ay the Adminis�ra�or o�the Federa[ Emergency IVlanagement AgenGy as a sp�cial ��ood hazard <br /> area, Trus�or agrees ta vbtain and maintain Federal F�vvd [nsurance. i� a�ai�at��e. �or the max�mun� amount o� <br /> Trus�or's credit[ine and the �full un�aid principal ba�ance o�any prior l�ens �n �he praper�y securing the loan, up tv <br /> the maximum paiicy limsts s�t under��e Na�ian�l Flood lnsurance Program,ar as vtherwise requ�red �r� �.ender, and <br /> to main�ain su�h insu�ance�or the term v�the loan. <br />