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2� 17�23�� <br /> �f Lender �xercises �hi� o�tiQn, Lender shall give Borrov�er no�i�e of acce�e�a�ion. The nfl�ce sha�l pr�v�d� a <br /> per�ad of nat �ess than �he minimum number of days es���alished by Appl�cab�e Law fr�m �he da�e th� not�ce is <br /> deli�rered or rnailed w�thzn u�h�ch Borrower m�st pay a�� sums s�cured b� #his Securi�y �ns�rument. If Bflrr��rer <br /> fa��s to pay these sums priar to the expzra��on of this period, Lender may invake any remed�es permitted by this <br /> Security Ins�xument�tri�hout further n����e or demand an BQrrowe�-. <br /> B�rr�vver'S R�ght to Re�rnstate. If Barr�vver mee�s c�r�a�n cond�it�a�s, Borrow�r shal� have the right �o have <br /> enfvrcement af this Securi�y Instrument discon�inued at an� �ime pr�or to the earlier of: �a� 5 days �or�u�h other <br /> peri�d as Applicab�e La,w x�.ay specify far re�ns�a�erment} b�fore sale af the Property pursuan�ta an�r poyver�f sa�e <br /> conta�ned in this Security Instrumen�; ar �b} en�ry af a judgmen� enfarcin� th�s Secu.rity Instr�xmen�. Those <br /> conditi�ns are �hat Borr��r�r: (a} pays Lender a�� surns �h�ch �h�n would b� due under this Securi�y Ins�rumen� <br /> and the �ontrac� as if no aGceleration had vccurred; �b� cures any default of any ofher covenan�s or a�re�rnen�s; <br /> �c} pays aI� expenses incus-red in enfarcing this SeCur�� �ns�rumen�, inc�uding, bu�t not Iimi�ed ta, r�eas�nable <br /> attorneys' �'ees �n the ex�ernt p�r�nitted by Iativ; and �d} �a�es su�h action as Lender may reasonably require �a <br /> assure tha� �he Iien �f this �ecurity �ns�rument, Lender's r�ghts in �he Propex�y and Barrawer's abiiga���n to pay <br /> the sums by this ��ecurity �nstr�umen� sha�� con��n�e unc�ariged. Upor� reir�.statement by Borrower, th�s <br /> Secur�ty �ns�rumen� and the ab��ga�iflns secured h�reby shal� rer�ain fu�1y effec�ive as if�.a a�ce�eration had <br /> �ccurred. Hovvever, this r�.ght to re�ns�a�e shal� no� app�y �n �e case of acce�eration under �he sec�ion �itled <br /> Tra�sfer�f th�Proper�y c�r a T�enef�c�.a�Interest�n B�rr��ver. <br /> I�azardous Substances. Bt�rrawer shai�no�cause or perrnit�he pr�sence,use, d�sp�sal, �torage, or re�e�se of any <br /> �Lazard�us Substances on or �n the Proper�y. Barro�ver sha�l not do, nar a�law anyan� els� ta do, a�.yth�ng <br /> affecting #he Proper�y tha�is in vio�ation af any Environme�ta� Lativ. The pre�ed�ng two sen�ences shall na�apply <br /> �a �he prese�ce, use, ar starage on �he Praperty af small quantities of Hazardaus Substances �ha� are genera�Iy <br /> recognized�o be appropriat��t�r�ormal res�dent�a�uses and to ma�ntenance �f the Property. <br /> Borro�ver sha�� promp�ly give Ler�der written no�ice �f any ir�ves�igation, claim, demand, lavvsui� �r other ac��on <br /> by any governmental or regula�ory agency or�rivate par�y i�valving the Pr�perCy and any Hazardous 5ubstan�e <br /> or Env�r�nmen�al La�xr of vsrhich B orroWer has actual l�nowledge. �f B orro�rer ��arns, or is not���:d by any <br /> gvvernmental �r regu�a�ory aut�.arity,�hat any removal or o�her rexx�ediat�on of an}r�3a�ardous Subs�anc��affecting <br /> �he Proper� is necessary, SorroWer shall prump�ly �ake �.11 ne�essary remed�ai ac�ians �n accord�.nce �vith <br /> Env�rflnmen�al Law. <br /> As used in this paragraph, '"�Ia��r�.0115 S�bS��.C�S'f axe those substances def�ned as tox�c ar hazardous �ubstances <br /> by Env�ronrr�en�a1 Law and the fol�ovving subs�an�es: gasaline, �erosene, ather flammab�e or �ox�c :petroieum <br /> praducts, ��xic p�stic�des a.nd her��c�des, volatile s�lvents, mat�ria�s con�aining asbes�as ar formalde:hyde, and <br /> radigac��ve ma�erials. As use�in�h�s paragraph, "E�vir�nmen�al L�v�" rneans federallav�rs and Iav�rs of tlze sta�e of <br /> Neb�aska that relate�o hea�th,safe�y ar envzronm�n�al pro�ection. <br /> Acc��.era�i�n; Remedies. Lender sha�X give notice to �3or�vv�er priar �fl �cceleratYon follfl�vving Borrovver°s <br /> breach of a�y co�enant or agreem�n��n this �ecurity In�trume�t or the��ntra�t under wh��h ac�;e��ra�.on <br /> is permit�ed �but no� pr°�o�r t� acc��erat�on under the se�tion titled�'rans�er of the Property or a l3en�f�cial <br /> Interest in �3o�roVver, ux��ess Appl��ab�e Law pro�i�es other,wi���. The �ot�ce shall speeify: �a] �h+� defaul�; <br /> �b) the a�tion requ�red f:n �ure the default; �c} a da��, not �e�� t�an the �in�mum nunlber �f day5 <br /> esta��ished by Applica�le La�vv from the dat� the noti�e is gi���to�orrower,by wh�ch the defau�t must l�e <br /> cur�d; and �d� that fax�ure t� cur� the default on ar �ef�re the d�.t� sp�c�fied in the notice r�ay re�u�t �� <br /> accelerat��r� of the sum� se�ured by this S�curity In�trument a�d sal� af the Property. To t;he ex�e�� <br /> perr�tted hy Xaw,the nvt�ee 5haI1 furth�r inform �or�awer of the rxght�� rein�tate after acceler�ti�n �.nd <br /> the right ta br�ng a co�rt��Ction t0 a55ert the nUn-exi�t����of�defauit or any other defen5e vf Bo�rro�ver to <br /> accelerati�x� and sale. If t��e defau�t�s not cured on �r hef�re th� date �pecif�ed in the nvtice, Lender a�i�s <br /> vpt�om may require imm�diat� paym�nt in ful� af all sums ��cur�d by this S�cur�ty InStrux�.ern�� v�vi�haut <br /> further demand and may �nvoke the pow�r �f 5ale and any �ther rem�df es pe�m�tted by Ap�Ii��b�e Lavv. <br /> To th� �xtent perm�tted ��y �av�, Lender sha�l �e �nti��ed to �ol�e�t a�l expense� in�urreci in pur�u�ng the <br /> rem�di�s �rovided in th�s S��t�on,in���ding, but n�t limited ��, reasor�able attvrneys' fees and�o�t5 of t�tie <br /> e�id�n�e. <br /> If the pflw�r of sa�e is ix�v�ked, Trustee shall record a not�ce of def�.ult�n each �ounty�n which ar�y par��f <br /> the Prop�rty i�locate.d an��sha�l maa�� capie5 af such �o��ce in the man�er prescribed by Appli�ablle I1avv t� <br /> Bflrrvwer and t� the ot�e.r p�rsvns pres�r�bed by A�p�x��bie L�w. After th� t�me r�qu�red by App�ic�b�� <br /> Law, Trustee �hai� give public noti.�e of 5ale to the p�rsons a�d i� the m�nner prescribed b� Appl�cabie <br /> Law. Trustee, w�thout dernaand on Borrow�r,shal� ���� �he PrQ�er�y a�public auct�on to the h�gh�st��dder <br /> at the time and pla�e a�d�snd�r the terms desYgnated in the n�t�ce of sa�e�� one or more parce�5 a:nd fr���� <br /> nrd�r Trustee determir�e�. Trustee may �a�tponQ saie of aI� or any par�el of the Praper�y �y publ�� <br /> annauncem�nt at the t�x�e and p�a�e of any previous�y schedu�e�i s�.ie.Le�der or its de5ignee ma�purchase <br /> the Propert�at any saled <br /> Upo� re�expt af payme�t uf th.e price b�d, Trustee sha�� deliver to the pur�hase� Trustee's deed �vn�ey��g <br /> the Property.The recita�s in the Trust�ers deed shali be pr�m�. �ac�� evider�ce of the truth of the statexn�n�s <br /> made there�n. Trustee sh��ll app�.y the proc�eds of th� sal� in th� fo�iow�ng vrder: �a) to a�l c�sts an� <br /> expenses of exer��.sing the po�vQr of sa�e, a�d the sa�e, �r�cluding th� payr��nt af the Trustee's fee� actu�i�y <br /> �ncurred and reasanabi� <<t�orneys' fees a� �ermitted by Ap�l�cabXe Law; �b} ta a��. sums secured by �h�s <br /> Security Ins�rument; and�c3�ny e��es�to the person�r��rsons�ega��y er�ti�led to�t. <br /> Recanveyance. Upon payment af al1 sums se�ured by this Security Inst�umen� and terminatifln of�orrower's <br /> righ� �o flbtain further adva�nces under the �on�ract, Lender shal� r�ques� Trustee to reconv�y �he Prop��y a�nd <br /> shall surrender this Securi�y� �n��rument and alI contract� e�idenci�g d�b� se�ured by�his Securi�y �ns�:�z�ment to <br /> Q 2044-2Q16 Compliance Systems,�r�c.cdbf�77c-5d86a459-2016.230.4.8 <br /> Consumer ReaI Estate-Security Instrument DI.2�36 Pag�4 of 5 www.coinpliaricesystems.cvm <br />