2� 17�23��
<br /> Payment of Pr�ncipal and �nt�rest; �ther�harges.B�rrovver shal�pramptly pay wh�� due�he pr�nc���al of and
<br /> interes� on �he deb� ov�ed under the �orztrac� an�1 late charges �r a�y other fees and charges du� under the
<br /> C�ntrac�.
<br /> Applicab�e La�. A5 1I5�� in this Security �nstrumen�, �he �erm "App�icable Law" shall mean ai� con�roX�ing
<br /> applicable f�deral, sta�e an�. Io�al statutes, regula�ions, ardinances and administra�ive ru�es and orders �tha�ha.ve
<br /> the effect af lav�r} as�vel1 as all applicable f na�,nan-appealable judi�ial opznions.
<br /> Charges; Iliens. Borrovver sha�l pay all �axes, assessmen�s, char�es, fnes and impnsi�ions attributat�le �o the
<br /> Prap�r�y vvh�ch may a��ai���riarit}r aver th�s Secur��y �nstru�nent, and�easehald paymen�s or ground ren.ts, if any.
<br /> At the re�ues�of Lender,B c�rrow�r shall pramp�ly furnish�c�Lender re�eip�s e�idenci�g�he paymen�s.
<br /> Borrower shall pr�mp�Xy di�;charge any lien which has pr�ority over�his Se�urit�r�nstrurnent unless�or�-otiver: �a}
<br /> agrees �n writing to the paym�nt a�'the abliga��an secu.re�d by th� �ien �n � manner acceptab�e �o L�nder; �b}
<br /> c�ntests in gfl�d fai�h the �i.en by, or defend� against enf�rcemez�t �f�he lien �n, �egal proceedings vvh�ch. ��.�h�
<br /> Lender's opinion aperate �c� pr�ven� �he enforcement of the li�n; or �c} �ecures from the hoXder of the l�en an
<br /> agreemen� sat�sfactory�o L�;nd�r subordina�ing �he ��en ta this Secur�ty instrumen�. �f Lender detierm�nes �hat an�
<br /> part af�he Property�s subje,c�t� a��en v�rhich may a�tain priori�y over�hxs Security Instrument, Lender ma�gi�re
<br /> Borro�ver a no��ce identifyir�g �he Iien. Borr�vver sha�� satisfy the lien or take one or mnre of�he action,� s��f�rth
<br /> abfl�e v�ri�h�n ��days of the g�ving of n�tice.
<br /> I�azard or Property Insuranc�. Barr��wer shall keep the improvemen�s nav�r e��s�ing or her�after erec�:ed on the
<br /> Pr�per�y insured against los�by fire,ha�ards�ncluded w�thin�he t�rm"exten�ed coverage" and a.ny o�her hazards,
<br /> �ncluding floods or flooding, for vvhich Lender requ�res insuranc�. T'his insuran�� s�alX be maintained in th�
<br /> amoun�s and far the periads that Lender requires. The ins�rance carrier providing the insurance shall be c�hosen by
<br /> Barrawer sub�ec� �o Lender's apprava� v�rhxch shall no� be unreasonably v�rithh�ld. If Borrovver fails to rna�n�ain
<br /> caverage described above, Lender rnay, at Lender's flp�ion, ab�ain ��verage �a protec� Lender's rigl�ts in the
<br /> Praperty�n acc�rdance ur��h section��tled Protecti�n�f L�rnder's l��ghts in th�Property.
<br /> A11 �nsuranc� p�lic��s and renewa�s shall b� acceptable to .Lender and shal� include a s�andard mortga;e clause.
<br /> Lender sha�l have �he righ��to hold�he pfll�cies and renev�als. If Lender requires,Borrower sha�I promptly give��
<br /> Lender all r�ce�p�s of paid��remiums and renewal notices. �r��he event of�ass, Borrovver shall give pro�:zp�no��ce
<br /> ta the insur�nce carrier and�Lender.Lender may make pro�f of�oss if not mad�promptly by Borrovver.
<br /> Unle�s Lender and Borrower o�herwise agree in wri�ing, �nsurance pr�ceeds shall be app��ed �o re�tnra�ion or
<br /> repa�r af�he Proper�y da�n�ged, if, �.n Lender's sole discreti�n, the restorat�on �r repair is econam�cal�;y feasible
<br /> and Lender's security is not Iessened. �f, in Lender's so�� discretior�, the res��ra��on or repair is not ec��omica��y
<br /> f�asib�e or Lender's securi�,� would b� lessened, �he insurance pr���eds shal� be app�ied �a �he sums s�cured b�r
<br /> �his Se�urity Instrumen�, �vl�ether or no� �hen due, vvi�h any e�ces� paid �a �3�rrower. �f Borrotiver aba:ndons the
<br /> Property, or do�s not ans�ve���vi�hin the number of days prescr�bed by A�pplicab��La�v as set farth�n a n�tice from
<br /> Lender to Borrovver that�he �n�uran�� carrier has offered to se�tle �.claim, then Lender may col�e�t the insurance
<br /> praceeds. Lender may use the pr�ceeds �o repair or restore the Praperty�r �� pay sums secured by �hz� Secur�ty
<br /> Ix�strument, v►rhether or not then due. The period of�ime f�r Borrovver t� ansvver as set for�h in �l�e no�ci�e vvill
<br /> �egin when the n�t�ce�s g�v�en.
<br /> Unless Lender and B�rrow�r otherwis� agree in wrxt�ng, �.n� appl�ca��on of pr�ceeds�o princ�pal shall r�at ext�nd
<br /> or postpor�e �he due date �f the paymen�s due under the �ontract�r change the am�unt of�he paymen�s. If under
<br /> the sec�i�n �i�led Accel�r�tion; Remed��s, �he Proper�y i� acquire�by Lender, Borro�rer's righ��o any insurance
<br /> pali�ies and praceeds resu�t:ing from dar�age �o the Prop�rty prior t� �he acquis�tior� shal� pass t� Lenr�er ta the
<br /> extent of the surns secured by�h�s S��urit��nstrument immed�a�el�prior�o�he acquisition.
<br /> Preservation, Maintenan�e and Pr�tection �f the Pr�per�y; �3�rrawer's Laan Appli�ation; L�aS�hold�.
<br /> Borr�vver s�ia11 nat destr�y, dar�age or�mpa�r the Pro�er�, allo,t7v�he Praper�r to de��riara�e, or con�mi�W�ste �n
<br /> �he Pr�per�. Borrower sha�� be in d�faul� if any forfeit�re action or pr�ce�ding, �vhether ��vi� ar criminal, is
<br /> begun�ha�in Lender's gaod faith judgmen�cauld re�ult in f�rfei�ure�f�he Properfiy�r otherwise mater�a:ily impair
<br /> the lzen crea��d�y this Sec�u.r�ty �ns�rument or Lender's secur�ty �n��re�t. B�rro�trer may cure such �. default and
<br /> re�ns�ate, as prav�ded in secti�n �itled Borrawer's Right�o Reinst�t�, by causing the act�an or praceeding�o be
<br /> dismissed �vith a ruling that, in Lender's g��d fai�h determination, prec�udes forfeiture of the B�rroWer's inte�e�t
<br /> in �he Prope�y or other rna��erza� �mpairmen� of�he Iien crea�ed by this Security Ins�rumen� ar Lender'� security
<br /> �nterest. Bor�-awer shali als� be in default �f Borrawer, during�he l�an app�ication process, gave mater�.ally fa�se
<br /> or znaccura�e informatzon oz-s�a�ernent� �� Lender �or fail�c� t� pr�vide Ler�der w��h a.ny material infornzation� in
<br /> connec�ion�ri�h the �oan ev�denced by�he Con�rac�. �f�h�s Secur�t� �nstrumer�� is on a leasehold, B�rrGtiver sha��
<br /> c�mply�vith a��the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acqu��es f�e title t�the Proper�y,the leaseha�d a7zd the fee
<br /> �itle shall not merge unless I,ender agrees to the merger�n wri�ir�g.
<br /> Prot�ct�on of I�ender's Rights in �he �'roperty. �f Borra,wer fa�ls ta perform the covenants and agre�ments
<br /> contained�n this 5ecuri�y�ns�r�ment, �r there is a legal proceed�ng that may significan��y affect Lender';�r�gh�s �m
<br /> �he Property �such as a pro�eeding in bankruptcy, probate, f�r condemnat�o� �r forfei�ure or to enforce �aWs or
<br /> regulat��ns}, then Lender rx�ay do and pay far vvhatever �s nece�sary to pr�tec� the value of the Pro;�erty and
<br /> Lender's r�ghts in the Property.�ender's act�ons may includ�paying any sums secured by a lien which h�s priority
<br /> over this Security Instru.men�, a�pearxng in cour�.,paying reaso�al�le a��rneys' fees and entering on�h.e���operCy t�
<br /> make repairs.Al�h�ugh Lender rriay take ac�ian under this s�cti�n,Lender does nat have t�do sa.
<br /> An� amounts disbursed by Lender under �hzs sectian sha�� becam� �ddi�iana� deb� of Borrawer se�urEd by��h�s
<br /> Security �nstrument. Unles� Borrovver and Lender agree to other t�rms ❑f�aymen�, �hese amoun�s C�ha11 bear
<br /> inter�st fr�rn the date of disbu.rsement at the same ra�e �ssessed Qn advanc�s under the �an�ract anc� shall be
<br /> payable,w��h interest,upan:�ot�ce from Lender to Borro�r�r r��uesting paymen�.
<br /> Q 2�04-2�td Compliance Systems,Inc.cd�fc77c-5d86a459-20I6.23�.4.8
<br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security�nstnament DI.2435 Page 2 af 5 wtivw,cQm�Iiar?cesystems.c�m
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