2� 17�23� 1
<br /> 1
<br /> ���11#Inu�d} Rag� 3
<br /> prospe���f payment or perfa�man�e of th� Indeb�edn�ss is impaired.
<br /> Insecurit�. L�nder in g�od faith iaelieWes itseff insecure.
<br /> Cure Prorrisi�ns. If an�r d�faul�, ather than a default in payment, is curable and if �rantvr has nat ���n giWen a
<br /> n�tice of a breach of the same pravisian a�this Assignment within the p�e�eding t►rv�l�e {��} manths, it may be
<br /> cur�c� E� �rant�r, a�ter Lender sends written n�tice to Grantor demanding cure af such de�ault: t�f cur�s �he
<br /> default within fifteen �15} days; ar ��� if ths cure requires mare than fifteen {1 5} days, immediately init�ates steps
<br /> vtirhich L�nder d�ems in Lender`s sole discretion ta be suffic�ent to cure the default and thereafter can�inues and
<br /> campletes all reasonab�e and n���ssary st�ps sufficient ta produce �omplianee as soan as rea�onab�y practical.
<br /> RIGHTS ANa REMEalES �N DEFAULT, Upan the acGurrence of any E�ent of Default and a�any time thereafter, Lender
<br /> may�xerGise any one ❑r more �f the followin� rights and r�medies, in addition ta any o�her rights or rem�dies pro�ided
<br /> by lavv:
<br /> Acc�lerats Indeht�dn�ss. Lender shal[ hav� th� right at its �ption t❑ declare the entire Indebfi�dn�ss immediat�ly
<br /> �ue and payable, including any prepayment penalty tha�Gran�ar would be required t❑ pay.
<br /> Cottect Rents. Lender shall ha�e the right, withou� notice #a Grantor, t❑ �ral�e possession of the Prop�rty and
<br /> �olfe�� the Rents, including amaunts pas� due and unpaid, an�! apply the net proceeds, ��er and abo�e Lender's
<br /> ca�ts, agains� the Indebtedness. !n fiurtherance ❑f this right, Lender shali haWe al1 the rights proWided frar in the
<br /> Lender's Right to Re�eiWe and C�l�ect Rents 5ecti�n, abo�e. lf the Ren�s are colle�ted by Lenderr then �rant�r
<br /> irr���cably d�signates Lender as Grantor's attorney-�n-fa�� to endo�se instrum�nts reGeived in payment thereof in
<br /> the nam� �f Grantor and to negotiate the sam� and colfe�� �he pra�eeds. Payments by tenants or other users t�
<br /> Lender �n r�spnnse �� Lend�r's demand shall satisfy the obligatians far which the payrnents a�e made, wh�ther ar
<br /> � not an� prop�r graunds far the demand exist�d. Lender may exercise its rights under this subpara�raph �ith�r in
<br /> persvn, �y agent, ❑r thraugh a receiver.
<br /> �
<br /> Dther Remedies, Lend�r shall haWe all other rights and remedies provid�d in this Assignment ar the fV�te �r by
<br /> law.
<br /> Ele�tion of R�medi�s. Electian by Lende�r to pursue any remedy shafl nvt exclude pursui�af any other remedy, and
<br /> an electian ta make expenditures ar to take a�tion t❑ per�arm an abEigati�n af Grantor under this Assignmen�, after
<br /> Grantor's failure ta p�rform, shall nvt aff�ct Len�ler's right to declare a default and exer�ise i�s r�medies.
<br /> Att�rneys' Fees; Expens�s. If Lender in�titutes any suit�r action �o enfor�e any of the te�'ms o�this Assignment,
<br /> Lender shall be �ntit��d t� reco�er su�h sum as the cvurt may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' fees at �rial an�
<br /> up�n an� appeal. Vllhether or not an� ��urt actian is inWol�ed, and to the exfent not prahil�ited by law, ail
<br /> reasanable �xpenses L�nder incurs that �n L�nder's apinian are ne�essary at any time for the pr�tecti�n o� i�s
<br /> in�erest ar the enf�rcernent af its rights shall �ecame a part�fi the lnd�htedness payabl� Qn demand and shall bear
<br /> Enterest at the 1Vvte rat�fram �he date of the exp�nditure until repaid. Expenses �oWered by this pa�agraph inctude,
<br /> without limi�ati�n, howeWer sub�ecfi to any limits under applicable law, Lender`s attorneys' fees and Lend�r's legal
<br /> �xpenses, whether ❑r nat there �s a lav�sui#, including attarneys' fees and �xpenses for bankruptcy praceedings
<br /> {including effarts to m�dify or vacate any automatic stay ar injunction}, appeals, and any anticipated past-judgmen�
<br /> �o[lectivn services,.the cast of sear�hing r�c�rds, a�taining title reports �includ�ng fare�l�sure repflrt�}, sur�eyars
<br /> repvrtsr and appraisal fees, ti��fe insurance, and f�es fvr the Trustee, �o the extent permitted by applicable law.
<br /> Grantor alsa will pay any�aurt cost�, �n i dditian t� al� �ther sums prvWided by law.
<br /> C�UNTEF�PARTS.This da�ument may �e exeicuted in any number of caunterpar#sr eaGh vf which shall b�deemed ta be
<br /> an ❑riginal, as agains� any party whose �ign i ture app�ars th�reon, and all af which shall t�g�ther cQnst�tute ane and
<br /> �he sams instrument. This dacument shall be,came bin�ing when ❑n� or mare caunterparts hereaf, indi�idually, ❑r tal�en
<br /> tvg�ther, shall bear the signature�f aIl�he pa�ties refle�ted herean as�he signa�#vries.
<br /> MIS�ELLANE�US PRDVISIQNS, Th�followir��g mis�e[laneous pro�isions are a part af this Assignment.
<br /> I
<br /> Amendments. This Assignment, togeth�er vtirith any Related aQcuments, constitu�es the entire unders�anding and
<br /> agreement o# the part�es as to th� matters set far�h in this Assignment. No a�teratian of or amendment to this
<br /> Assignment shall be effe�tiWe unless gi�en in writing and signed by the party or parti�s s�ught ta be cha��ed or
<br /> hound �y the alteration ar amendment.
<br /> Captivn Headings. Caption headings in ,his Assignm�nt are for ��nvenience purpo�es only an� ar� not t❑ be used
<br /> to interprefi�r de#ine the proWisians of this Assignment.
<br /> Caverning Law. This Assignment w'tll �be go�erned by fede�al law applicabl� to L�nd�r and, ta the extent nat
<br /> pr��mpted by federal [avv,the laws of tf�e.State of Nebrask�withau#regard tn its conflicts of law aravisians. This
<br /> Assignment has been accepted by Lender in the State of Nebraska.
<br /> Chaic� of Venue. If there is a lawsuit, �rantor agr�es upan Lender's request to submit �a the jurisdietion af the
<br /> caurts vf Lancaster Caun�y, State af Nebraska.
<br /> Msrger. There shalt he na m�rger af th interes# or es#ate �reat�d by this Assignment with any other interest �r
<br /> estate in the Proper�y at any time held b vr far th� ben�fit of Lende� in any capacity, withaut the �rvritten cansent
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> Int�rpre�ation. f 1} In al� cases where �here is more than ane Barr�rnrer or.Grantar, then all w�rds used in this
<br /> Assignment in the singular shall be deerned to haUe �een used in the plural where the contex� and constructian sa
<br /> requ�re. {�� lf mar�than�ne p�rson signs�his Assignment as "�rantor," the ob[igations �f each Grantar are joint
<br /> and several, This means that if Lender brings a lawsui#, Lender may sue any one a� mar� af the Grant�rs. 1#
<br /> Borrovver and Grantor are nnt the same persan, Lender need n�t sue B�rr�wer first, and that Bor�aw�r need nat be
<br /> jained in any lawsuit, {3} The names giWen t� paragraphs or s�ctians in this Assignment are far conven�ence
<br /> purpases�nly. They are nat to be used ta interpret or define the pr��isions a�this Assignrnent.
<br /> No Waiver by Lender. L�nder shall nat be deemed to ha�e wa�Wed any righ�s und�r this Ass�gnm�nt unless such
<br /> �rtiraiver is gir�en in �rvriting and signed by Lender. Na d�lay or amissian vn the part�f Lender in e��rc�sing any right
<br /> sha�l ope�ate as a waiv�r af such right �r any �ther righ�. � vvaiver �y L�nder ❑# a pro�i�ian of this A�si�nment
<br /> shall n�t prejudice �r canstitute a wai�er a� Lender's right �therwise to demand strict cvmpiiance with that
<br /> pr��isian�r any other pra�isian o�this Assignment. N� prior waiver by Lender, nar any course af dealing b�tween
<br /> Lender and Grantar, shal� canstitute a waiver of any��f Lender's righ�s or of any of Grant�r's abligations as to any
<br /> fu�ure transactivns. When�ver the consent �f L�nder is required under this Assignment, the granting af 5LJCh
<br /> consent by Lender in any instan�e sha11 nv� canstitute continuing c�nsent to subsequent instan�es where such
<br /> eonsent is required and in all c�ses such consent may be granted �r withheld in the sole dis�reti�n of Lender.
<br /> Natic�s. Any no�ic� required ta be gi�en under this Assignment shafl be giWen in writing, and shatl be ef#ective
<br /> when actually deli�ered, when actually receiv�d �y telefacsimile tunless o�herwise required by �aw�, when
<br /> depasi#ed with a na�ianally re�agni��d a�ernight courier, or, if mailed, wh�n de�osited in th� United States mail, as
<br /> first classr certified vr r�gister�d mail pflstage pr�paid, directed t� the addresses shawn near the beginn�ng af thi�
<br /> AssEgnm�nt. Any party may change ifis address for notices under this Assignment by gi�ing farma! wr���en natice
<br /> t❑ �he other parties, spe�ifying that the purpose ❑f the notice is to change the party's address. Far natice
<br /> purpases, Gran��r agre�s to keep Lencier inforrned at all times af Grantor's current address. Unless otherwise
<br /> pr�Wided or required E�y law, if there is more �han Qne Grantar, any notiee gi�en by Lend�r t❑ any Grantar is
<br />