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2� 17�23�� <br /> :F� <br /> ";•-�:}:;. . � . . <br /> � aEEa �F TRUST <br /> ��ontlnued� P�ge 7 <br /> as �� an}� future transactions. V1lhenever the cvnse,nt,of_Lender:is required under this i�eed af Trust, �he �ranting <br /> af su�h consent by Lender in any instance $hall no� c�ristitute c�ntinuing cansent to subsequent instances wh�r� <br /> such cansent is required and in all cases such cons�nt may be granted❑r withheld in the s�le discre�ion of Lender, <br /> Serrerability. lf a court �f c�mpetent jurisdiction find� any pra�isian of this Deed af Trust t❑ b� illegalr invalid, ar <br /> unenf�rceable as t� any �ircumsfance, that finding shall nat mak� the o��ending pra�isian ��f�gal, in�aiic�, or <br /> un�n�orceaf�le as ta any ath�r circumstance. !f feasible, the ❑#fending pravision sha�f be consid�red modifi��l so <br /> that it beGomes �egal, valid and enforcealale, If the affending pro�isian cann�t b� sa mo�ified, it shall h� <br /> c�nsidered deleted frQm this Q�ed ❑f Trust. Unless ❑therwise requ�red by law, the illegality, inWaridity, or <br /> unenfarceability ❑f any provision of this ❑eed of Trust shall not affect th� legality, Walidi�y ar enforceability �f any <br /> ather provisian af this Deed af Trust. <br /> Succ�ssvrs and Assigns. 5uk�ject to any limitatians stated in this De�d v# Trust on transfer af Trustar's interest, <br /> this aeed ❑� Trust shall be binding upan and ir�ur� to the benefit of #he pa�ties, their suGc�ss�rs and assigns. If <br /> ownersh�p of the Praperty b�c�mes v�ste� fn a persan ❑th�r than Trustar, Lender, wifhout notice ta Trustorr may <br /> d�al wifih Trus�or's successars �vith referen�e to this Deed af Trust and the Indebtedness k�y way ❑f forbearance or <br /> e�ctensian withQut releasing Trustar from the obligatians af thi� �eed af Trust or[iabili�y under�he lndebt�dness. <br /> Time is of the Essen�e. Time is �f the essen�e in the perf�rman�e of�his Deed of Trust. <br /> Waive Jury. All parties to�his Deed a�Trust hereby waive the right t� any jury trial in any action, prvc�eding, ar <br /> �ounfi�rclaim brought by any party against any vther party. <br /> Vllai�er af Hom�stead Exemption, Trustor hereby rel�ases and waives al[ righ�s and benefits flf the homestead <br /> exemption laws of th� 5tate❑f Nebraska as�o al� lndebtedness secured by this Deed �f Trust. <br /> QEFINITIONS. The fal�owing capi�alize� words and te�ms shall ha�e th� f�llawing meani�ngs when use�l in this De�d of <br /> Trus�. Un�ess specifica�ly stafied t❑ the contrary, all references t❑ d��lar amounts shal� mean am�unts in lawful m�ney <br /> �f th� United Stat�s �f Am�rica. 111lords and ��rms used in the singular shall includ� the plural, �nd the pfural shall <br /> in�lude �he singu�ar, as the context may require. Vllords and �erms no� ❑ther►rvise de�ined in this Deed �f Trust shall <br /> haWe the meanings attri�uted t❑ su�h terms in the Unifarm Commercial Cade: <br /> Ben�ficiary. The w�rd "B�neficiary" means IVebraska ganl��f Gammerce, and its suc�essors and assigns. <br /> Borrawer. The ward "gvrrower" means 9�� A�gyie Partn�rsh�p and includes all c�-signers and co-makers signing <br /> the Note and all their successars and assigns. <br /> Deed of Trust. The words "Qe�d of Trus�" mean this Deed ❑f Trust among Trus�or, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> includes without limitatian all assignment and security in#erest prv�isions relating to the Personal Praperty and <br /> Rents. <br /> Q�fau�t. The word "aefault" means the Default set��rth in this deed af Trust in th� s��tian titled "�efault". <br /> Enviranmental Laws. The words "Environrnental Laws" mean any and aIC sta�e, federal and local statu�es, <br /> regula�i�ns and ardinances relating t� the �rotecti�n �f human health or the enWironment, including withaut <br /> �imi�ati�n th� ��mpr�hensiue En�iranm�ntal Respanse, C�mpensation, and Liabi�ity Act of �98�, as amended, 4� <br /> �.5,�, Section J6��r E� 5��. �"CERCLA"y, the Superfund Amendments and Reautharization Act o� �986, Pub. L. <br /> No. �9-4�� ("S�RA"},�he Hazardv�us M.a.te�rials Transpar�atian Act, 49 U.S.�. Section �8��, et seq., the Res�urce <br /> ��nser�ativn an���:R`�covery;Act:, 4� U,S.�. 5ectivn �9��, et seq., ar ��h�r applicahle state ar federal laws, rules, <br /> _ ;� <br /> ar�egulativns ad��te�=pursuant rther��o.:`� . <br /> E�ent af Default. The vii�rds�"`E�ent af��D���ault" mean any of the eveni�s ��de#auf�set forth in this Deed of Trust in <br /> -the eUen�s of defaul�=�ect�or����f�`this D.�ed�a#Trust. <br /> ;:. __�. ... . ,. , <br /> Guarantor. The w�rd "�uarantor" means any guarantor, surety, or accamm�dation party of any or a[� �f the <br /> lndebtedness. <br /> Guaranty, The ward "Guaranty" rneans the guaran�y from Guarantor to Lender, in�ludin� without [im�tatian a <br /> guaranty af a!I or part of the Note. <br /> Hazardous Substan�es. The wo�ds "Ha�ardous Substances" mean materials that, b�cause ❑f their quantity, <br /> �oncentration or physicalr CI"1�iTlICB� or infectious cha�acteristics, may cause �r pose a present �r patential ha�ard <br /> ta human h�alth or the en�ironment when improp�r�y used, treated, stared, dispased �#, generated, manufac�ur�d, <br /> transp�rted or atherwise handl�d. The words "Ha�ardaus Substan�es" ar� used in their Wery broadsst s�nse and <br /> include withaut limitation any and a11 hazard�us or taxi� substances, materiafs ❑r wa�t� as defined by or listed <br /> under the Environmenta! Laws. Th�t�rm "Hazard�us Substanc�s" also includes, withaut limitation� pe�raleum and <br /> �etr�leum by-praducts ar any fraction thereo�and ashes�as. <br /> Im�ra�ements, The word "lmpr�vements" means all e�cisting and futur� impr�Wements, bui�dings, structures, <br /> mabile ham�s affixed on the Real Property, facilities, addi#i�ns, replaGements and ather canstructian on the Real <br /> Property. <br /> Indebt�dness. The word "lnde�t�dness" means all principal, interest, and other amaunts, casts and expenses <br /> payable under the Note ar Related D�cumen�s, t�gether with all renewals �#� $���fi151flC15 �f, mfldificatians �f, <br /> cansolidations of and suhstitutivns for th� Nate ar Related D�cuments and any amounts expended or advanced by <br /> Lender to discharge Trustor's ab�igati�ns or exp�nses incurred by Trustee or L�nder to enforce Trustar's <br /> �bligations under this Deed ❑f Trust, together with interest an such amaunts as pravided in this Deed flf Trust. <br /> SpeGifi�ally, withaut limitatian, �ndeb�edness includes the fu�ure ad�ances set forth in the Future Ad�ances <br /> provisiQn, toge�her with a�f interest th�rean and all amflunts that may be indirectly secured by th� <br /> Cross-Colla�eralizatian provis�a�af this ❑eed �f Trust. <br /> Lsndsr. The vtir�rd "Lender" means [Vebraska Bank of Comm�rcer 1�5 SLlCC�5S�f5 and assigns. <br /> lVote. The ward "Nate" means the pramissvey note dat�d April ��, ZOi 7, in the original prin��pal �mDu11t <br /> �f $�,5������•O� �ram Trustor ta �ender, �ogether with a!I renewals �f, �xtensions of, modificatians ��, <br /> refinanc�ngs of, cansolidations af, an� substitutions for th� pramiss�ry note or agreement. NQTI�E Ta TRUST�R. <br /> THE N�TE C�NTAINS A VARI�►BLE INTEREST RATE. <br /> P�rsvna� Rroperty. The wards "P�rsonal Pr�perty" rnean all �quipment, fixtures, and ather articl�s of persvnal <br /> praperty nvw or hereaft�r owned by Trustor, and now ❑r hereafter attached �r afFixed t❑ the Real Property; <br /> tag�ther with all �CC@SSI�IlS� parts, and additians to, all repla�ements off and all substitutions for, any of su�h <br /> pr�perty; and #ogether wi�h al� ��'oceeds �including without iimitatian all insuran�e pracee�s and refunds af <br /> prem�ums} from any sale�r ath�r dispas�t�on of the Property. <br /> Praper#y. The word "Property" means coll�ctive�y the Real Property and the Persanal Praperty. <br /> Real Praperty. The wards "Rea� Prop��ty" mean th� real prt�perty, inter�sts and rights, as further des�ribed in this <br /> Deed a�Trust. <br /> Rela�ed Dv�uments. The vv�rds "Related Documsn�s" mean all pramis��ry nat�s, �r��it agreements, foan <br /> agreements� enviranmental agreements, �uaranties, secu�ity agreem�nts, mortgages, de�ds af trust, s�curity <br /> deeds, c�lfaterai mor�gag�s, and all ather ins#ruments, agreements and da�uments, whether nvw �r hereaft�r <br />