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2� 17�23�� <br /> aEED �F TRUST <br /> ���rltlnu��} Pa�e � <br /> including deposit accounts, with Lender. Ho�veverr this Event of De�ault shal! not app{y if there is a goad faith <br /> disput� by Trustor as ta the �alidity ar reasvnabfeness ❑f the claim whiGh is the �asas o� the creditor or forfeiture <br /> pra�eeding and if Trustor gives Lender v�rritten nati�e of the �reditor ar forf�iture prace�ding and depasits with <br /> Lender monies �r a sur�ty band for the credit�r ar forfeiture prac��ding, in an amount determined by Lender, in its <br /> sole discretion, as being an adequate reser�e or bond far the dispute. <br /> Breach of Other Agr�ement. Any br�ach by Trustflr under the �errns af any athe� agreement between Trustar and <br /> L�nd�r that is not remedied within any grace period provided therein, including wi#hout lim��atian any agreement <br /> con��rning any �nd�btedness or other abligatian �f Trustor ta Lender, whether�xisting navV ❑r la�er. <br /> Even#s Affecting Guarantar. Any of the preceding e�ents occurs vtirith �espe�t to any Guarantor a� any of the <br /> Ind�btedness or any Guarant�r dies or becarnes incQmpetent, or reWokes or dis�utes the Walidity of, �r iiability <br /> under, any Guaranty �f the �ndebtedness, <br /> Adverse Change. A ma�eria� adverse change Qccurs in T�ustor's financial candit�on, �r Lender beli�ves the <br /> prospeGt Qf payment or performance af the Indebtedness �s impaired, <br /> Inse�urity. Lender in gaQd faith ��1ie�es itself insecure. <br /> Right t� �ure. !f any default, ❑ther than a default in payment, is �urabie and if Trustor has not heen given a natice <br /> of a breach ❑f the same pro�isian o�this D�ed af Trust within the preceding twel�e (1�7 rnanthsr it may be cured if <br /> Trustar, after Lend�r sends written notice to Trustor demanding cur� of such default: �'�7 �ures the de�ault within <br /> fift�en ��57 days; ar ��} if the �ure requir�s mare than fifteen (1 5} days, �mmediately initiates steps which Lender <br /> deems in Lender`s sale discretion t� be suf�icient ta cur� the default and thereafter cantinu�s and completes all <br /> reasQna�ls and ne�essary steps suffici�nt to �rvdu�e �vmplian�e as soan as reasanabfy practical. <br /> RIGHTS AND REMEDfES �N DEFAULT. I� an Ev�nt of Default o��urs under #his Deed �f Trust, at any time thereafter, <br /> T�ustee or Lender may exerci�e any one ❑r more ❑f the fallawing rights and remedies: <br /> Ac�elerativn Upon aefault� Additianal Remedies. If any EWent of Qefault �c�urs a� per th� �erms ❑f the Nate <br /> secured hereb�, Lender may declare all Ind�h�edness se�ured by this aeed ❑f Trust ta b� due and payable and <br /> �he same shafl thereupan be�om� due and payak�le v�ithout any presentmsnt, demand, protest ❑r nati�e❑f any <br /> kind. Thereafter, Lender may: <br /> �a} Either in pers�n or �y agent� with or w�thaut bringing any action ❑r proceedin�, or by a re�ei�er <br /> appointed by a court and with�ut regard tfl the adequacy o� its security, enter upon and take passession <br /> of the Propert�r, or any part thereaf, in its own name ❑r in the name af Trustee, and da any acts which i� <br /> d��ms n�cessary or desirabl� to preserWe the �alue, marketahifity �r rentability ❑f the Praperty, or pa�-t❑f <br /> the Praperty or interest in the Prop�rty; increas� the in�arne from the Praperty ar pro��Gt the securitV af <br /> ths Prop�rty; and, with or withaut taking passession af the Property, sue fQr ar ❑therwise �alleet �h� <br /> rents, issues and profits of the Praper�y, inclu�ing those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less <br /> costs and expenses �f operation and �al�ection attorneys' fe�s, ta any Endebtedne�s s�Gured by this Deed <br /> of Trust, a!I in such order as Lender may determine. The entering upan and taking possession of the <br /> Property, the c�llection af such rents, issues and profits, and �he appli�ation thereof shall not cure ar <br /> waive any default ar natice af defau[t under this Dee� of Trust or in�alidate any a�t don� in response t❑ <br /> such default or pursuant to such n�tice �f de�ault; and, natwithstanding th� cantinuance in possession �f <br /> ths Property or the �oll�ction, re�eipt and applicatian of rants, issu�s or prafi�sr Trustee or Lender shall <br /> be entitled to ex�rGis� e�ery right pra�ided far in the Note or #he Related D�cuments ❑r by law upan the <br /> o��urrenc��f any e�ent of default, including tha right�� exercise the pow�r❑f sale; <br /> �b7 C�mm�nce an actian to fareclase thi� Deed af Trust as a mortgage, appaint a receiver ar spec�fi�ally <br /> enfar�e any ❑f th� co�enants hereof; and <br /> �c} D�lE�er to Trustee a writtan declaratian ❑f default and demand for sale and a written nati�e af default <br /> and el�ction to �ause Trustor's interest in the Property to be sald, which notice Trustee shall cause to be <br /> duly filed for reGord in the app�apriate ❑ffice� ❑f th� County in Which th� Praperty is located; and <br /> �d7 Wi#h resp�ct to a!I ar any part o�the Persanal Property� Lender shall have alf th� rights and remedies <br /> of a secured par�y under�he N�braska Unif�rm Commercial Cod�. <br /> Fore�losure by Power ❑f 5ale. lf L�nder elects to #oreclvs� b�exercise af th� Power of 5a�e h�rein �ontained, <br /> Lender shal) notify Trustee and shall depasit w�#h Trustee this Deed af T�ust and the Note and su�h receipt� <br /> and e�idence ❑�exp�nditures made and secured by thEs ❑eed af Trust as Truste� may requ�re, <br /> �a} Upon re�eipt af such notice from LendeT, Trustee shall �ause to be recflrded, published and delivered <br /> to TrustQr su�h IVati�e of De#ault and Na#i�e of Sale as then required by law and by this Deed �f Trust, <br /> Truste� shall, without demand an Trustor, a�ter such t�me as may �then be required by law and after <br /> reGordation of su�h NotiGe of Default and aft�r fVQtic� ❑f Sale having been gi�en as require� by law, se�i <br /> the Prop�rty at the time and pla�e of sale fixed by it in such Natice of Sal�, eithar as a whale, ❑r �n <br /> separate lats �r par�els or items as Trustee shall deem expedient, and in such order as it may dete�min�, <br /> at public auctian to the highest hidder far �ash in lavtirtul money �f the lJnited 5tates payable at �he time <br /> a# sal�. Trustee shall de�iver t� such purchaser ❑r purchasers thereof its goad and suffi�ient deed or <br /> deed� conWeying the p�vperty s� sofd, but �►vithout any �o�enant or warranty, express flr implied, The <br /> recita�s in such deed of any matters or fa�ts shall be can�lu�i�e proof of the truthfulness thereaf. Any <br /> persfln, inciudEng uvithvut limita#i�n T�ustor, Trustee, ❑r Lender, may purchase at su�h sale. <br /> �b} As may be permitted by law, after deducting ali �osts, fees and expenses af Trustee and af this <br /> Trust, in�lu�ing costs af e�Edence of title in G�nnection virith sal�, Trust�e shall apply th� proceeds af sale <br /> ta payment�f �i� all sums �xpended under the terms �f this De�d af Trust�r under the term� of the Note <br /> not then r�paid, in�ludin� bu� not limited ta ac�rued in�erest and lat� �harg�s, {ii} all oth�r sums then <br /> secured hereby, and {iii} the remainder, if any, to th� p�rson ar pers�ns legally entit�ed thereta. <br /> �c� Trustee may in the manner proWided by�aw pastpane safe of all or any p�rtivn af the Property. <br /> Remedies Nat ExGlusiv�, Trustee and Lender, and each of th�m, shal! b� entitled to enfor�e payment and <br /> performance Qf any inde�tedness ar❑bligations se�ured by this Deed of Trust and t� e�cercise all rights and Rowe�s <br /> under this Deed of Trust, under the Nate, under any �f the Related D�cuments, or under any other agreement ar <br /> any laws now or her�after En for�e; notwithstand�ng, som� or alf of such indebtedness and obligations s��ur�d hy <br /> this Deed af Trust may now or hereafter be atherwise s��ured, whether by mortgage, deed af trust, pledge, lien, <br /> assignment or otherwise, Naither the a�ceptance af this Qeed of Trust n�r its enforcement, wh�ther by court <br /> action �r pursuant to the power of sa�e or other pawers ��ntained in this deed of Trust, shall prejudi�� ar in any <br /> manner affect Trustee's or L�nder's right t❑ reali�e upon or enforce any othsr se�urit� now ar hereafter held by <br /> Trustee �r Lender, it being agreed that Tfust�e and Lender, and each ❑f�them, shall be �ntitled �a enforce this Deed <br /> of Trust and any �ther se�urity n��v or hereafter held by Lender or Trustee in such ord�r and manner as they ❑r <br /> aither ❑f them may in the�r absalute discr�tian determine. No remedy c�nferr�d up�n ar r�ser�ed to Trustee ar <br /> Lender, is intended �o be exclusiWe o� any other �emedy in this �eed af Trus� ❑r by law praWided or permitted, b�t <br /> each shall be �umulatiue and shall be in addition to e�ery other r�medy gi�ren in this Deed ❑f Trust or nov�v ❑r <br /> hereafter exis�ing at law ar in equity o�by statut�. EWerV patirver�r r�m�dy given by the fVate or any af the Related <br /> Documents ta Trustee ❑r Lender ❑r to which either of them may be otherwise entitied, may be �xer�ised, <br />