2� 17�23��
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> ��ontinued} F�age �
<br /> acknawledged by Lender in wrfting, �a� any breach c�r Wi�latian af any En�iranmental Laws� �by any use,
<br /> generation, manu�acture, starage, treatment, dispasal, rel�ase �r threaten�d release of any Hazardous Substance
<br /> ❑n, under, about ❑r �rvm the Property by any priar awners or �ccupants of the Property, or �c} any actuaf �r
<br /> threatened �itiga�rian Dt' ClaimS �# any kind by any person relafiing to such matters� and �3y Except as preWiausly
<br /> disclosed to and acl�n�Wledg�d by Lender in writing, �a� neither Trustar nor any tenant, �antrac�or, agent or ather
<br /> authorized user af the Prop�rty shall us�, g�nera�e, manufactur�, sfi�re, treat, dispose af or release any Ha�ardous
<br /> Su�stan�e on, under, a�vut ar fr�m the Pr�pe�ty� and tb} any such a�tivity shall he cc�nducted in �amplian�� �rvith
<br /> all applicable fe�eral, state, and �aca! laws, regulations and c�rdinan�es, including withflut �im��ati�n all
<br /> EnWir�nmental Laws. Trustor au�horizes Lende� and its agents to enter upon the Property ta make such
<br /> inspe�ti�ns and �eS�Sr at Trustar's expense, as Lender may d�em apprapriate to det�rmin� Gompliance of the
<br /> Praperty with �his sectivn ❑f the C]eed of Trust. Any inspecti�ns �r tests made �y Lender shall �� far Lender's
<br /> purposes only and shall na# be construed tfl create any respansibility vr liability an the part vf Lender to Trus�or c�r
<br /> t❑ any ��h�r pers�n. The r��resenta#ions anct warranties cantained herein ar� hased an Trustar's due dilig�nGe in
<br /> inWes�iga#ing the Praperty far Hazardous 5ubstances. Tru�tor here�y ��� releases and waiWes any future claims
<br /> against Len�er far indemnity or c�n�ribu�ion in�he event Trustar becomes �iable for cleanup or other casts under
<br /> any such la�vs; and {2� agrees tv �ndemnify, de#end, and ho�d harmless Lender against any and alf claims, �ass�s,
<br /> liabiliti�sf damages, penafties, and e�cpenses whiGh Lender rnay d�rectlV ar indirectly su�tain ar suffer resufting �rom
<br /> a breach of this se�ti�n af �he Deed of Trust vr as a cvnsequence af any use, generatian, manu�acture� st�rage,
<br /> dis�asal, release or threaten�d release occurring �rivr ta Trustor's ownership vr interest in the Property, whether❑r
<br /> nvt the same ►nras or should ha�e been l�n�wn to Trustar. The �ravisEons ❑# this section of th� Qeed af Trust,
<br /> including the obligatian ta indemnify and defend, shaEl sur�iWe the payment�f the Indebtedness and the satisfactian
<br /> and reconWeyance af�he lien vf this ❑eed of Trust and shall not b� aff��ted by Lender's acquisition ❑� any interes�
<br /> in th� Property, whether by fore�lasure ar�therwise.
<br /> NUisance, Waste. Trustar shalf not cause, canduc� or permi� any nuisan�e no� cammit, �ermit, �r suffer any
<br /> stripping af or waste on ar to the Property or any �artion of the Prop�rty. Withau� limit�n� the generality of the
<br /> faregoing, Trustor will not remove, or grant to any other party th� right t❑ remo�e, any timber, minerals �inclu�ing
<br /> oii and gasy, caal, clay, scoriar s�il, �raWel �r rack praduc�s withoufi Lender's prior wri�ten cans�nt.
<br /> Removal af Impror►ements. Trustar shall nof demalish Qr remoWe any Em�ro�em�nts fr�m the Reaf Property without
<br /> Lender's pri�r�vritten c�nsent. As a condition ta the remavai o�r any Impravements, Lender may require Trustar to
<br /> maf�e arrangem�nts satisfa�tvey ta Lender ta replace �uch �mprovements with Improvements o� at least equal
<br /> valu�.
<br /> L�nder's Right �o En#er. Lender and Lender's agents and representatiWes may enter upan the Real Prc�perty at all
<br /> reasonable times t� attend ta Lende�`s interests and tQ inspe�t the F�eal Property fvr purpases af Trustor's
<br /> �omplian�e with the terms and �ondEtions of this Deed o#Trust.
<br /> Compliance with Go�ernm�nta[ Requirements. Trust�r shafl pr�mptly camply with all laws, ordinanGes, and
<br /> regu�atians, naw or hereafter in �fFect, of all ga�ernmental au�ha�ities app�i�able t� the use ar occupan�y ❑f the
<br /> Praperty, includin� withou� limitati�n, the Americans V1Ji#h Disab�lities Act. Trustar may contest in goad �aith any
<br /> su�h law, ❑rdinanc�, ar regulafion and withhold compfianee durEn� any proceeding, �nGluding apprapria�e a�peals,
<br /> sa fong as Trustor has notified Lender in writing priar#o d�ing sa and so lang as, in Len�ler's sa�e apinivn, Lender's
<br /> interests in the Property are not j��pardi�ed. Lender may require Trus�ar ta post adequat� se�urity ar a surety
<br /> �flnd, reasanably satisfac��ry to Lender, to pratect Lender's interest.
<br /> Duty to Protect, Trustvr agrees neither t❑ abandon ar feaWe una��end�d the Property. Trustor sha�l do a�� ather
<br /> ac�s, in addition�❑fihose a�ts set fi�rth abov� in this s�ction, which f�am the �haracter and use of the Prvperty are
<br /> reasanak�ly ne�essary to pr�tect and pr�serve th� Pr�perty.
<br /> DUE 4N SALE - CDNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's aption, declare immedia�e[y due and payable al� sums
<br /> secured by this ❑eed af Trust upon th� sal� or transf�r, withou�Lender's prior written cons�nt, ��all or any par�af the
<br /> Real Praperty, ❑r any interest in the Reat Pr�perty. A "sale or�transfer" means �h� con��yance of Rea! Property ar any
<br /> rightr �E��e or interest in fihe Real Prap�rty; whether legal, beneficial or equitabEe; whether Woluntary ar in�oluntary;
<br /> wh�ther f�y autright sale, de�d, insta�[ment sale cantrac�r land cantrac�, contract for deed, leasehold ir�teres� with a
<br /> te�m greater than thr�� �3f years, leas���ptivn G�ntract, ❑r hy sale, assignment, or transfer of any heneficial int�r�s� in
<br /> ❑r to any land trust halding title to the R�a! P�operty, �r by anV other metho� of Gonveyanc� ��f an �n#erest in the Real
<br /> Praperty. If any Trus�ar is a corpvratian, partn�rship ar limited liability company� transf�r a�so includ�s any change in
<br /> ownership of mvre than twenty-five percent ���°/o} of the Woting stv�k, par#nership interests ar iimited lial�i�ity company
<br /> interests, as th� case may ��, of such Trustor. H�wever, �his Qptian shall nvt be exercEse�l by Lender i�F su�h exer�is�
<br /> is prohibi�ed I�y fe�leral law or by Nebraska law.
<br /> Tr4�CES AND LIENS. The follvwing pro�isions refating ta the taxes and liens on the Pr�perty are part af this Deed o�
<br /> Trust;
<br /> Payment. Trus#vr sha11 pay when due �and in al� e�ents priar ta delinquency� all taxes, special�axes, assessments,
<br /> charges {including wat�r and sewer}, fines and impvsitions feWied against ar on ac��unt af th� Pra�aerty, and shail
<br /> pay wh�n due all �laims for wark done an or f�r ser�ices rend�red or material furnished tfl the Property. Trustar
<br /> shall maintain the Pr�perty free flf all liens haWing priority over❑r�qua! ta the int�r�st of L�nder under this �eed of
<br /> Trust, except #or the lien of taxes and assessments nat �ue and except as otherwise pr��ided in this Deed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Righ�t� Cantest. Trustar may withhald paym�nt Qf any ta�, assessment, �r elaim in conne�tian wi�h a g��d faith
<br /> dispute ov�r the oblEgatian tfl pay, so I�ng as Lend�r's in�erest in the Pr�perty is not jeopardized. If a lien arises or
<br /> is filed as a resul� ❑f n�npaym�nt, Trust�r shal! within fifteen {1 5} days af#er fihe �ien arises or, if a lien is f�led,
<br /> wifihin �ifteen [15} days after Trustor has n�tic� �f the �iling, se�ure the dis�harge ❑f #he lien, �r if request�d by
<br /> Lender� deposit with L�nder cash or a suffi��en�carparate surety bond or other security satisfactory to Lender in an
<br /> amaun� su##icient to dischar�e the lien plus any ��sts and attarneys' fees, or c�ther �harges that cvuld accrue as a
<br /> r�sult�f a#oreGlosure or sa�e under�he lien. In any contest, Trustor shall defend itself and L�nder and shali satisfy
<br /> any adverse jud�rnent bef�re�nfor�ement agains�the Property. Trustor shall name Lender as an additional �bligee
<br /> under any surety bond furnished in the contest pr��eedings.
<br /> E►rid�nc� o# Pa}rment. Trustar shal� upan d�mand furnish t❑ Lender sa�tisfactory e��den�e vf payment af th� taxes
<br /> or assessments and shall authori�e the ap�aropri�te gov�rnmen�al afficial to deliver to Lender at any time a writt�n
<br /> sfiatement af�he taxes and assessments against the Property.
<br /> Natice of �onstruction. Trustor shalf notify Lender at least fiif�een {15} days befare any w�rl� is commenced, any
<br /> servic�s are furnished, or any materials are supplied ta the Praperty, i� any mechanic's lien, materialmen's lienr ar
<br /> other lien cauld be asserted an a�caunt of th� wark, serW�ces� ar materials. Trustor wilf up�n request of Lende�
<br /> furnish to Lender advance assurances satisfa�t��y ta Lender that Trustor can and will pay the c�st af such
<br /> impr�Wemen�s.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE 1N5URANCE. The fallowing pra�isivns relating to insuring th� Pr�perty are a part a�this ❑eed �f
<br /> Trust,
<br /> Maintenance of Insurance. Trustor shal� procure and maintain p�fi�ies vf f�re insurance with s'tandard e�etended
<br /> coverag� endorsem�nts on a replac�ment basis f�r �he �rull insurable �a�ue coWerin� af[ �mpra�ements �n the Real
<br /> �,
<br />