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2� 17�2358 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> 4�nntinu�d� Page 7 <br /> Annua! Repvrts. If the Property is used for purp�ses other than Trustor's r�siden�e, Trustor shall furn�sh to <br /> Lender, upon request, a certi�ried statement ❑f net apera�ing incame recei��d from the Property during Trustor's <br /> pre�ious f�scal year in such f�rm and detail as Lender shall require. "Net op�rating income" shal� mean all cash <br /> receip�s fram the Proper�y less all cash expendi�ures made in connection with the op�ration af the Property. <br /> �ap�ian Headings. Cap�ion headings in this Deed v� Trust are for can�enience purpos�s anly and ar� nvt to be <br /> used�o �nterpret or define the pro�isions o��his Deed a�Trust. <br /> Merger. There sha�l be no merger af the �n�erest or esta�e created by this Deed �f T�ust wi�h any ather interest or <br /> es�ate in the Prope��y at any�ime held �y or for the benefit o� L�nder in any capacity, without the writ�en cons�n� <br /> of Lender. <br /> Gv�erning Law. This Deed of Trust vr►ill be gaverned by federal !aw applicable t❑ Lender and, �o the exten# not <br /> preempted by federal law.the laws of the State of Neb�raska withvut regard tv i�s confli��s of law pra�isivns. Thi� <br /> Deed of Trust has been a��epted by Lender in the S�a�e o#Nebraska. <br /> Cho�ce of Venue. �f there is a lawsu�t, Trustor agrees upan Lender's reques� to sut�m�t to th� jurisdiction o� the <br /> courts of Hal[ County, State of Nebraska. <br /> No Wai�er hy Lender. Lender shall no�E�e deemed to have wai�ed any rights under th�s De�d a�Trust unless such <br /> wai�er �s gi�en in writ�ng and signed by Lender. No delay vr❑mission vn ths part of Lender in exercising any right <br /> sha[� opera�e as a wai�er ❑f such right vr any other right. A wai�er by L�nder of a pro�ision o�this Deed of Tt�ust <br /> shaf� not prejudice or cons�itute a v►►ai�er o� Lender's right a�herwise to demand stric� compliance with that <br /> pro�is6vn or any other prv�ision of this Deed of Trus�. No p�ior wa��er by Lender, nor any cvurse of dealing <br /> between L�nder and Trustvr, shal! cans�itut� a wai�er ❑f any vf Lender's rights or v� any of Trustor's obligations <br /> as �o any futu�e �ransactivns, VIlhene�er the cvn��nt of Lender is required und�r this Deed af T�-us�, the granting <br /> o�sucl� cansen� by Lender in any instance sha�l not const��ute cant�nuing consent to subs�quent instances where <br /> such consent is required and in all cases such consent may be granted or withheld in the sole discre�ion of Lender. <br /> S��erabi���y. If a court of competent jurisdiction f�nds any pro��sion af�his Deed vf Trust tv be illegal, in�alid, or <br /> unenforceable as to any circums�ance, tha� #ind�ng shall not make the ❑f�ending pra�isivn illegafP in�alid, or <br /> unenforceable as �o any vther circumstance. If #easible, the ❑�fending pro�ision shall be considered modified so <br /> �hat it becomes legal, �afid and enforceahle. 1� the offending pro�ision cannot �e so madified, it shalf be <br /> cansidered deleted from this Deed of Trust, �Jnless otherwise required by law, th� illegality, in�alidity, �r <br /> unenfiorceability of any pro��sion o��his Deed vf Trus�shall not a#fect the legali�y, �a��dity or en�orceability of any <br /> o�her pro�isivn a#�his ❑eed of Trust. <br /> Succ�ssors and Ass�gns. Subj�ct to any limitations stated �n �his D��d o�Trust on transfer of Trustor's interest, <br /> this Deed ❑# Trust shall be h�nding upon and inure to the benefit o� the par#�es, their suc��ssors and assigns, !f <br /> awnership of the Property becomes �ested �n a persvn a�her than Trus�or, Lender, without no�ice �� Trustor, may <br /> deal with Trustor's su�cessors with re#erence�o this Deed ❑f Trust and the Indebtedness by way a�#orbearance or <br /> extension without rel�asing Trustor�ram the ohl�gations of this Deed of Trust or lia�ility under the lndebtedness. <br /> Time is af�he Essence. Time is of th�essence in the perfQrmance of th�s ❑�ed of Trust. <br /> Wa��e Jury. All part�es t❑this �eed of Trust hereby wai�e the right�a any jury trial in any a�tion, proc�eding, or <br /> coun#�rciaim braught hy any party against any other party. <br /> Wai�er vf Homestead Exemption. Trustor hereby releases and v►rai��s all rights and �ene�its vf the hamestead <br /> exempti�n laws o�the S�ate vf Nebraska as to all ]ndehtedness secured by�his ❑eed of Trust. <br /> DEFINlTlUNS. The fo�law�ng capitalized w�rds and terms shail haue the #allvwing meanings when used in th�s Deed �� <br /> Trust. Unless specifically stated to the cantra�-y, all re�erences to dollar amounts shall mean arr�ounts in lawful money <br /> ❑f the United Sfia�es of Ame�ica. Words and terms used in �he singular shalf include the piural, and th� plural sha�l <br /> include the s�ngula�, as the context may require. Words and t�rms nflt atherw�se defined in this Deed of Trust shal� <br /> ha�e the meanings attri�uted to su�h t�rms in�he Uni�orm �ommercial Code: <br /> geneficiary. The word "Benefic�ary" means Exchange Bank, and its su�cessors and assigns. <br /> Borrower. The word "Borrower" means fUlidwest Premier �n�estments, L.L.C. and includes all co-sign��-s and <br /> co-makers signing th� Note and al!their successors and assigns. <br /> Deed vf Trust. The words "D�ed of Trust" mean �his Deed of Trust among Trustor, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> includes withou� limita�ian all assignment and se�urity in�erest pro�isions reiating to the Personal Prop�r�y and <br /> Rents. <br /> Default. The word "Default" means the ❑efault set forth�n this Deed of Trust�n the section titled "Default". <br /> Enviranmenta! Lar►vs. The words "En�irvnmental Laws" mean any and a11 state, federal and l�cal s�atutes, <br /> regulat�ons and o�dinances rela�ting tv the prot�ction of human health or the en��ronment, incfuding without <br /> fimitation the Comprehensi�e En�ironmental Respvnse, Compensation, and Liability Act vf 1984, as amended, 42 <br /> U.S.C. Section 96��, et seq. �"CERCLA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reautharization Act ofi �98�, Pub. L. <br /> No. 99-499 4"SARA"y, the Hazardous Naa�erials Transportation Act, 49 L1.5.C. 5ec�tion 18��, et s�q., �he ResQurce <br /> C�nser�a�ion and Reco�ery A�t, 42 U.S.�. Section 69�1, et seq., or other applicable state or federal laws, rules, <br /> or regulativns adopted pursuant theretv. � - <br /> E�ent of Defauit. The words "E�ent of Defauft" mean any of the e�en�ts o�defauft set#orth in this Deed a�Trust in <br /> the e��n�s v�de�ault sect�on of this Deed ofi Trust. <br /> Guarantor. The word "Guarantvr" means any guarantor, sure�y, or aGcommodation party ❑� any or all o# �he <br /> lndebtedness. <br /> Guaranty. The word "�uaranty" means the guaranty �rom Gua�an�kor �❑ L�nd�r, including wi�hout limitation a <br /> guaran�y o�all or part of the NQte. <br /> Hazardous Substanc�s. The words "Hazardous 5ubstanc�s" mean ma�eria�s that, be�ause o�f their quan�i�y, <br /> concentration or physical, chemicai or infectious characteristics, may �ause or p�se a present or potential ha�ard <br /> to human health or#he en�ironment when �mprvperly used, trea�ed, stored, disposed o#, generat�d, manufactured, <br /> transported or o�herwise handled. The wvrds "Hazardvus 5ubs�ances" a�e used in their �ery �raadest sense and <br /> in�lude without limitation any and all hazardous �r toxic suhstances, materials or waste as de��ned hy vr listed <br /> under the En�ironmenta! Laws. The term "Hazardous Substances" alsv includes, withou�limitation, petroleum and <br /> petraleum by-produ��ts ar any fraction thereof and asbes#os. <br /> Improvements. The w�rd "lmpro�sments" means all ex�sting and future impro�emen�s, buildings, structures, <br /> mobi�e h�mes affixed on the Rea[ Property, facilities, additians, replacements and other constructi�n on the Real <br /> Property. <br /> Indehtedness. The wo�d "fndebtednessFT mean� all principal, infierest, and other amounts, costs and expenses <br /> payab�� und�r the Note or Relat�d Documents, together with a11 renewals o�f, extens��ns of, modifications o�r, <br /> consolida�ivns �f and suE�stitu�ions �ar the Nate or Rela�ed ❑�cumen�s and any amaunts �xpended ❑r ad�an�ed by <br /> Lender to discharge Trustor's obfigations or expens�s incu�red by Trustee or L�nder �o ento�ce Trustor's <br /> abligatians under �his Deed of Trust, together with �nfierest on such amoun�s as pro�ided in th�s ❑eed of Trust. <br /> ., ..... . _................:. .... : .. . ....... ..... ... .. ......,..,....... ,.,,.,.,.,............ ............... .......- -.. ............... . <br />