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2� 17�235� <br /> �. �rant of Easement t� ���. J�E! her��y �F�ANTS, BAR�AIN�, SELL� ANC� ��NV�YS <br /> �o ���, its su�cess�rs and assigns, a perp��ua� nQn--e�clusiv� eas�ment�v�r and acr�ss <br /> �ha� parti�n th� JaEI Pr�p�r�y legaily d�scri�ed and d��i�ted or� Exhi�ifi � and lab�lled <br /> Ea��ment "B", wh��h E�hibit is atta�h�d herefo and �nc�r��rated herein, f�r �h� purpo�e <br /> �f��hicular �ngress and �gress between the 9�� Prop�rty ar�d A11en Driv�, �ran� Is[and, <br /> Hall ��un�y, Nebr��k� for th� use and benefit, in ��mmon �rvith others, �f 9�� and tts <br /> suc�essors and assigns, E�S ��nan�s, 4�cupants, �ffic�rs, cu���mers, invit��s, agents, <br /> �usiness �r�sifors, busin�ss �ues��, l���ns�e�, su�l�s�e�s and empioyees and �uch <br /> s�r�i�� �r em�rgen�y Ueh�cles and pers�nne! as Shall �e necessary or advisa�le �th� <br /> "��1 �a�ement"�. <br /> 3. �bstruc�ion �f Easemen�. JoEI her��y agrees �hafi i� will no� ere�t, m�intain, ��ace �r <br /> I�av� any��s�ructian, fenc�a wall �r barr��ade �hafi may �n any Wvay obsfiruc� or hinder th� <br /> 9�� Easem�n�. �0� her�by a�re�s �ha� it �rvill n�t er�ct, m��ntain, place or 1�ave any <br /> o�s�rucfi�n, f�nce, walF �r �arri�a�� �ha� may in any way �bs�ruct or h�nder �he �l�E� <br /> Eas�men�. <br /> 4. No Publ�c D�dica�i�n. It is mutu�lly agr�ed fihat nei�her the JoE� Easem�nt nor �th� ��� <br /> Easemen� are infiended and shall n�� b� �ons�ru�d as, a dedic�ti�n af the prop�rty <br /> ��ver�d �h�r�b� f�r pub�ic use, and �h� par���s h�re�o her�by agr�e t� refrain fram and <br /> �ak� what�v�r�t�ps m�� �e n��e�sary#o �v�id su�h d�d��afiion. <br /> �. Maintenance C�bliqati�ns. <br /> �a} JoEI Easemen�. ��� a�r�es, a� i�s so�� c�s� and e��ens�, ta k�ep the JaEI <br /> Eas�menf �n go�d condi�i�n�and r�pair and, wi�h�ut limi�a�ion �o the f�re�oing, <br /> �ha[! ke�p �h� sarrl� fr�� �f r�fu�� and sn�w and fre� from hoEes and �r�a�s in <br /> the pavemer��. * <br /> ��} ��� Easemen�. JoEI agr�es, a� i�s s�l� c�st and exp�nse, �a k��p the ��� <br /> Easement in �ood c�nditi�n and r���ir and, �ifhou� lim��a�i�n �� �he fare�o�n�, <br /> shalE k�ep �h� same fr�e �f refuse and sn�w and fr�� from hales and br�aks in <br /> the �avem�n�. <br /> �. Ri,ah� ta_PerForm in Euen# .of D�fa�a�t. In #he �vent �ha� JoEE �r ��� d�fau��s in �heir <br /> obli�a���n� under �his Agre�men� ��he "Q�faul�in Parf '"}, then th� ofh�r party �he "[V�n- <br /> � <br /> l�efau,l�ing, Par��"� �ha�l ha�e, and is n�r�by �ranted �h� opti�n t� en��r upar� th� <br /> Default�r�g Par�y's prop�rty to �ur� �uch defau��; pr��ided, hav�ever, �hat the Default�n <br /> � <br /> Par�y shal� �av� fifte�n ���} days af�er v�r���en n��i�� to such defaulfi fram �he N�n� <br /> Defaul��ng Party within which t� cur� th� defaul�. Ir� the e��nt �ha� the Non-�efaulfin� <br /> Par�y ex�rcises su�h op�i�n �� �ur� such �efaul� and do�s in fact cure su�h defau�t, th� <br /> �ef�ult�ng F'arky shal! r�imburs� the Non-Defaufting Par�� f�r al� c�sts and e�c��n�es <br /> incurred by the I�an-Defaulf'rng Par�y in �urin� the d�fau�� plus in��rest �n such �osts and <br /> �xpenses a# �he I�v�er of �he highe�t rat� of �nter�st p�rmitt�d �y ap�l�cable ia�r �r <br /> tw�l�� percen� ���°Ia} per annum frorn �he da�� �uch cos�s and exp�nses were �n�urr�d <br /> until su�h cos�s and �xpens�s are �a��. <br /> �. �o�ena nt� �� Ru n �vi�h La nd. �� �s i nt�nd ed #hafi �a�h of the eas�rn�nts, co�enan�s, <br /> �gr��ments, ��nditions, re���i���ons, rights and obligations s�t forth her�in �hall run �ith <br /> the land and �re�te equi�a�[� servi�ud�s in fav�r of the rea� prap�rty b�n�fit�ed there�y <br /> � <br />