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r r <br /> , 2� 17�234� <br /> � <br /> 4. leased Premises❑escription. Tenant shall have the right,exercisable by Tenant at any time during the <br /> vrig�nal or renewal terms af the Lease,to cause an as-�uilt sur�ey vf the �eased Premises tv be prepared <br /> and,thereafter,to replace,in whoEe or in part,the des�ription�s}of the Leased Premises set forth on <br /> Exhibit A with a legal descr�ption or�egal descriptions based upon su�h as-buift sur�ey. Upon Tenant's <br /> request, Landlard shall execute and deliver any documents reasonably ne�essary t❑ef�e�tuate such <br /> repla�ement, Encluding,without limitation, amendments to th�s Memorandum and to the Lease. <br /> 5. �ht af First Refusal. There is a right of first refusal in the Lease. <br /> G. EffectlMis�ellaneous. This Memarandum is not a�omplete summary of the terms, pro�isions and <br /> �onditions�ontained in the Lease. In the e�ent o#a conf�i�t between�hEs Memorandum and the Lease, <br /> �he Lease shall cantral. Landlord hereby grants the right tn Tenant t�Compiete and exeCute�n�ehalf�f <br /> Landlard any go�ernment or transfer tax forms ne�essary fat�the re�ording of thi5 Memorandum. This <br /> right sha�f terminate upvn re�ording of this Mem�randum. <br /> 7. Natices.Afl notices must he in writ�ng and shal�be valid upon re�e+pt when del��ered by hand,by <br /> nationally re�ngnized courier ser�ice,or by First Crass United States Mail, certEfied, return re�eipt <br /> requested to the addresses set forth herein: To Landlord at: ❑onald and Sharan Jelinek, 15�4 Park�iew <br /> Dri�e, Grand I�land, NE 688�1;to Tenant at:Veriz�n 1Nireless,Attn. Network Real Estate, l$� <br /> Washington Vall�y Rvad, Bedminster, N1 D7921;with Copy to: American Tower,Attn: Land <br /> Management, 1�Presidential Way,Woburn, MA 01801, and also with �❑ t�:Attn Legal Dept. 116 <br /> Huntington A�enue, B�ston, MA �2116. Any of the parties here�a, by thirty�3n}days p�ior written <br /> notice to the�ther in the manner pra�ided herein, may designate vne or more different natice addresses <br /> fram those set farth abv�e. Refusal to accept deliW�ry af any noti�e or the�nabil�ty to del}ver any natice <br /> becau5e of a changed address far which n�not��e was g+�en as required herein,shal#be deemed to�e <br /> receipt af any such notice. <br /> 8. Counterparts. This Memarandum may be executed in multip�e counterparts,ea�h of which when sv <br /> exeCut�d and delivered,shaEl be deemed an original and a�l af whi�h,when taken tagether,shall <br /> Cvnstitute one and the same instrument. <br /> 9. Ga�ern�n�law. This Memorandum shall be go�erned by and construed in all respects in accvrdance <br /> w�th the laws of the 5tate or Commanwealth in wh"r�h th�Leased Premises is s�tuated,w+thout regard to <br /> the�onflicts af laws prov�sions of su�h 5tate ar Camm�nvuealth. <br /> [SIGNATURES C�NINIFNCE�II!F�LL�WI11�G PAGE� <br /> ATC Site No:4z�291 <br /> VZW Site No:z5396D I <br /> 5ite Name:G RAN D�SLAND BR�AD&FR�NT N E <br />