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2� 17�2342 <br /> Parcel lC� Number: 4fl0�14679 whic�curre�tly has the address of <br /> 4��4 Ta ra P� �st���t) <br /> G r a n d I s�a r�d (Cx ty�, �ebraska�S 8�l-$�31 �ip C'od�� <br /> �"Prap erty Addre ss"): <br /> T�GETHER'W�TH ali the impravements now or h�reafter erected on the prvperty,and al�easements, <br /> appurtenance�,an�fixtur��naw ar h�reaft�r a part of the property.All r�plaeement�and add�tion�shall al�o be <br /> co�ered by�his Se�urity�.A11 of the foregoing i�referred ta�n this Security Instrurr�ent as the <br /> "Pr�perty.�'Borrower understands and agrees that NiERS halds oaly legal t�tle to the inter�st granted by Borrower <br /> in�his Security In�trument,but, if necessary to comply with�ativ ar cu�ram, MERS(a�nominee for Lender and <br /> L�nder;s�uc�essars and assigns�has the right:to exercise any or all of th�se interests,including,but not Iimite� <br /> to,the right to foreclose and sell�he Property;and ta take any action required 4f L�nder inc�ud�ng,but not <br /> limited t�,releasing and�anceling this Securi�y Instrument, <br /> B�RR�WER C�VENAI�TS that Borro�rer���awful�y s�ised af the estat�her�by��nveyed and has the righ�to <br /> grant and convey the Praperty and that the Pr�perty is unencumbered, exeep�for encumbrances of record. <br /> B�rrawer�arrants and wi11 defend generally the titZe to the prvperty against a�l claim�and demands,subjeCt to <br /> any encumbrances of record. <br /> THIS�ECURITY INSTRUM�NT�ornbines unifarm ca�enants for use and non-un�farm <br /> co�enants w�th limited variations by,�urisdiction to constitute a uniform security instrument covering real <br /> prop er�y. <br /> Un�form G�ver►ants.B�rro�crer a�d Lender��v�nant and agree as follows: <br /> 1. Payment of Principaf,lntere�t, Escrvw ltems, Prepayment�harges,and Late Charges.Bvrro�ver <br /> shall pay when due the principal�f,and interest�n,the debt e�idence�by the Nate and any prepa�ment <br /> charges and lat�charge�due under the No�e. Borro�er sha�l also pay funds for Escrow�tems pur�uant to <br /> Section 3.Payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument shall be rnade in U,5, currene�. <br /> However, if any ch�eck or other instrument received by Lender a�payment under the Note ar�his Security <br /> Instrument is returned ta Lend�r unpaid,Lender may require that any or a11 subsequent payments due under <br /> the Note and this Security In�trume�t b�made in on��r more of the following forms,as selected by Lender: <br /> �a)cash;�b}money order; �c}certified ch�ck,bank check,�reasurer`s chec�or�ashier's check,provid�d an�r <br /> such check is drawn up�n an institution whose depo�i�s are ia�ured by a federal agency, instrumentali�y,or <br /> entity;or(d�Electronic Funds Transfer. <br /> �P�.y�ents are d�en��d r��ei�ed b�Lender v�hen receive�at t'he 1Q�ation desig�ated in t�e�ate or at such <br /> �ther location as m��b�designated by Lender in accordance with the noti�e pro�isions in Sectian 15. <br /> Lend�r may r�t�rn any payment or p�rtial payment if the pa}�rnen�or partial paym�nts are insuffici�nt to <br /> �ring the Loan curren�. Lender may accept any payment or partial payment insuff�c�ent�v bring the Loan <br /> current,wi�haut v�aiver of any rights hereunder or prejud�ce to its rights to refus�such paymeni�or p�rtial <br /> payments in the future,but Lend�r is not ob�igated to apply such payments at the time suGh payments are <br /> acc�pted.�f each Periodic Pa}�rr�ent is applied as af its sc�xeduled dt�e date,then�ender need n�t pay interest <br /> on unapplied funds, Lender may hald su�h unapplied funds un�i�Borrower makes payment to bring the Loan <br /> current.If Barrov�er does not d�sa u�ithin a reasonab�e per�c�d af time,Lender shall either apply sue1�funds <br /> or return them to B�rrower, If not applied earlier, such funds�vil�be applied ta the outstanding principai <br /> balance under�he�ote imrnediately pr�ar to foreclasure.�a off�et or clairn which Borrower might have <br /> now or in the future against L�t�der shall relieve Borro�ver from m�king payments due under the Note and <br /> thi�Secufity Instrument or performing the eovenants and agreeme�nts secured��this Security Instrument. <br /> NEBRASKA�ingie Family-Fannie M�e1Fr�ed�fie Ma�IJNIF�RM IMSTRUMENT WITH MERS Form 3428 11n� <br /> VMP� VMP�A(NE�(13Q2].DO <br /> Wolters Kluwer Finar�cial 5ervices Page 4 of 17 <br /> q0337471�8�7 4�33 376 p41� <br />