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<br /> ,,�'9i. ���.< `'��•,_k�_•<<.J`.k i�O:R�!{E:1` ='r�'t '�``!�?�}r�,l���d�.:a'�c -''�.C1t..c4'Ft9NSa'��1...��°�'°'�iv1L£SiLtiA�� e"1���.a�..i, �t:�s��YF:.,ietfi'Y:'f�S�c.�/�ti;-;
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<br /> ��SY� � nmR�i�:== —==`fi��Prc .:u��.W`:
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<br /> f to the pur�haser,without right�of�demptiort,t�e Trustce's tide and a!1 €ight,citte,intsre�aUn�c�di the Trustar an@ tus sncCessors
<br /> . � in i�eiest a�f�Il�er#qtis etainting by or thr�+�h or uttder them.;ir►,and to�he pro�erty seid.inclading at!suc6 righi,title,intenst . �
<br /> and tlaim in � tn such�pmperty acquirtd by the Tnsstor�os his s��,�SotS in interest suts:�quent to the execution of the Trustet.T[te
<br /> Trt�stee shall appiy the pmceedc of the Tnistee's sate.�rst, ta the et,ct:��t�:�:xpe�ses of exercising the power of sal�,and of the sak. .
<br /> � incIuding tht paymertt of the"g'tustee's fees a�tualfy incurred nnF Qn.eY:���t:r;�e,��rtAUnt which may 6e provided for in the t�ust deed,
<br /> — � secand.to paymer�t o�'the obtiga�ions secs�red try tht trust�°.c��t4d;th�:h��c��,i���-�y.to the pe�son or persons tegally Cnt�tled theret�
<br /> �iad the'f'n�ste�e eovenanss faithfuliy to periarrr�tl�e tru�t�t�in c�atx�::. �
<br /> _; . BEhEFICfARY may from time to tim��bsUwte a sescr^«2r�ar.or successc►rs to any,;�'s:.�.�e uamed henin or acting hereunder to
<br /> executo ihis Trust Deed tIpon such aPPaisttttli�nt.��ttd:�it�tntit:�:�nv,�,:�►ce tQ the suc�".�t±r;,Trustee.the latter sha116e vested with all _
<br /> — . titk.powers.and duties confernd npon any Ti�uS�M�;h��tt.t�1�tl�d.in.acting;hGteundei Ea2h such appcpinUnent and substitutio�sbail
<br /> 6e made 8y w�itten instrument and executed by&�.fi�iat,y,cant�initr�,r�fe�is�c tcz this Trust Deed and its place of record,which,When
<br /> tecotded in the o�ce of the Register of Deeds of.t�t��,c�urnt;t.c�r����jr�.�iriFwhich said property is situated,shall be conclusive praof
<br /> of proper appoin�eni of'the successar Trustee.Th�fc(iegt+;ng,i'��£?��,s�bstitution and tite procedure thenfort shalf not be eaciusive
<br /> of the pow�r and procedun pmvided for by. iaw,fa�,��;suliF�ktt��iq�,Rt;�a Truste�or Trustees in the-place of the Tn�stee or Trustces
<br /> named htrein . . .
<br /> Should the?n�stor or its successor ur.4qterest�►rithout the c�n�nt in wiiting of the&�ciary seil,trartsfer,or canvey,ar pennit
<br /> to be sold,transfernd or cvnveyed by agraeemtnt.�'or.sale ar.in,atty:mann�r,its interest in rf��o�e described real estate(or any part.
<br /> � : thes�#�,then Bcneficiary�ay ifeclaie all sums secured:Jt�z�by imr�e�3iatety due ar.d payable;stiir,"e�t ta� applicahle law.
<br /> . � . ' . .
<br /> � The wa�ve�r.5g �'ruste�ar Beneficiary of aury default of Tr�-�r�r under this TrusE Deed sl'�all r.�t 6e or be desmed to be a waiver
<br /> � af any other or si��:ar def�•.t:;:�subsequently occurring
<br /> G'7'.�'
<br /> This Trust Deed shall inure w and bind the he�t.�..e�..�-�ees,administrators,e�e��tars,success�rs and assigns a�'ti�e garties , F
<br /> heneto. . .
<br /> . , ,
<br /> The Trus:&b�ed shall be construed according to the laws af tt�State of Nebraska. '';;,<;'�:'=
<br /> .:'3f�
<br /> ;,;:
<br /> The Trt�stor requests that a copy of any rtotice of default and of any notice of sale hereunder be mailed to him by certifiel mail -
<br /> , at the address hereinbefore set forth and evidence oi'such mailing shall constitute evidence of receipt of snch notice.
<br /> �� -
<br /> I ' '. --
<br /> � Trustor represents and warrants that the above described real estate is not used for az�axi�ulfur,�l activity. �
<br /> Whenver t2�r•:contem s�requires,singular words shall be cc��ls�rued in the plural ascd vice versa,and the masculine gender shali • �
<br /> be conswed to iurJ.::de the feminine and vice versa. �
<br /> � IN WITNESS WHER�OH.the Trus�ar has hereunto set his�and the day and year.fr�st above written. ���..
<br /> , � ��
<br /> ������ .
<br /> `fRUSTOR 2oAy R. Lopez
<br /> r
<br /> � • � ���
<br /> , _�sL��� C
<br /> TRUSTOR Alicia T. Lopez
<br /> STATE OF �sasttca ��
<br /> COUI�iTY UF u�7=
<br /> • Before me.�Notary Public,qu�lified 6y said rounty.personally came Tonv R. Lenez and ,---��_---
<br /> ` Alicia T. Lopez known ta nte tu be the idenlical per�on(s)who signed the fi�reguing
<br /> ��enstrumcnt and acknnwledgeJ the execution thereof ta be his, her or their volunt�ry act a��id deed. �yitncss my hand and Notarial Seal ,
<br /> _ on �s�seh�a . 19_g,p_,- � l
<br /> My commission expires: �py ��-�¢y� �-� � - �
<br /> � ' rro�r�KV ��t�tt�►c•
<br /> �„� �:�� . �
<br /> iENE!',AI.NOTAAt-Stite c1►!s?ra;ia �
<br /> dC07YE.HtiD�G�:t,I > �''
<br /> (seai) . �
<br /> � , M�Ge�ra►Er.p I�ay t�'.-a� ; ��.
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