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r f <br />CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT OF MERGER <br />Ron Pedersen and Brian Casper state and certify that: <br />1. They are the Senior Vice President and Secretary, respectively of Crossland Mortgage Corp., <br />a Utah corporation. <br />2. The Agreement of Merger in the form attached was duly approved by the Board of Directors <br />and shareholders of the corporation. <br />3. There is only one class of shares and the total number of outstanding shares is 12,400. <br />4. The shareholder percentage vote required for the aforesaid approval was 100 percent. <br />5. The principal terms of the merger agreement in the form attached were approved by the <br />corporation by a vote of the number of shares which equaled or exceeded the vote required. <br />On the date set forth below, in the City of Salt Lake City in the State of Utah, each of the <br />undersigned does hereby declare under the penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of <br />California that he signed the foregoing certificate in the official capacity set forth beneath his <br />signature, and that the statements set forth in said certificate are true of his own knowledge. <br />Signed on November 30, 2000 <br />Ron Pedersen, Senior Vice President <br />r <br />Brian Casper, Secretary <br />CA BC D- AGREEMENT OF IvMRGER OF FAD I I /W5 (!1537) <br />200104122 <br />ANY PROVISIONS HEREIN WHICH RESTRICT THE SALE, RENTAL <br />OR USE OF THE DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY BECAUSE OF <br />COLOR OR RACE IS INVAf,ID AND UNENFORCEABLE UNDER <br />THE FEDERAL LAW. j <br />A CERTIFIED . COPY- <br />i. <br />ATTEST: APR 2. 6� 4 <br />BEVERLY B. K AUFMAN, County Clerk <br />Harris County, Texas <br />& _ l Deputy <br />