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� <br /> 2� 17�2337 ` <br /> ASSiGNI�iENT �F RENTS <br /> Loan No: 'i�'1��39'17 �C�ntinued} Page 4 <br /> Cvllect Ren�s. Lender shall ha�e the right, without nvtice to G�antvr, to �ake possessian ❑f the Praperty and <br /> col�ect the Rents, including amounts past due and unpaid, and apply the ne� proceeds, v�er and abo�e Lender's <br /> costs, agains� �he fndebtedness. fn furtherance ❑f this righ�, L�nder shall ha�e a[f �he r�ghts pro�ided for in �he <br /> Lender's Right t❑ Recei�e and Coll�ct Rents Section, abvWe. lf the Renfis are co��ec�ed by Lender, then Grantor <br /> irre�acably designafies Lender as Gran�or's at�arney-in-fact ta endorse instrum�nts recei�ed in paymen�thereo� in <br /> , the name ❑f Gran�kar and t❑ negotiate fihe same and call�ct the pro�eeds. Payments by fi�nants or other users �o <br /> Lender in respanse to Lender's d�mand shall sa�is�y the obligations fior whEch the paymen�s are made, whe-�her or <br /> nat any proper grounds ��r the demand exis�ted. Lender may exercise its rights under this subparagraph ei�her in <br /> person, by agent, ❑r through a recei�e�, <br /> 4�her Remedies. L�nder shall ha�e aI[ afiher rights and remedies provided in this Assi�nment ❑r fih� No�e ❑r by <br /> law. <br /> Election o�Remedies. E�ectivn by Lender to pursue any rem�dy shall not exclude pu�-sui-�of any o�her remedy, and <br /> an elec�ion ta make expendi�ures or tv take action to perform an ❑bligation ❑f Grantor under�his Assignment, after <br /> Granfiar's�ai[ur�to p�rfarm, shall no�a�€ect Lender's right ta deG�are a de�Faul�and exercise i�s remedies. <br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expenses. I� Lender ins�i�utes any suit❑r action ta enforce any ofi the terms ❑fi this Ass�gnment, <br /> Lender shall be en�i�led tv re���er such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable as attorneys' fees at trial and <br /> upvn any appeal. 11Vhefiher a�- not any �ourt action is EnWai�ed, and fio �he extent not proh�bited by �aw, a!I <br /> reasonable expenses Lender incu�-s �hat in Lender's opin�on are necessary a� any tim� �for �he protection �� i�s <br /> infi�res�or�he enfvrcemen�of i�ts rights shall become a par�of the Indebfiedness payable on demand and shal� bear <br /> tnterest at the No�e rate�ram fihe date of the expendi�u�-e un�i� repa�d. Expenses �o�ered by this paragraph inc�ude, <br /> without limitation, however subje��tfl any limits under appl�calale �aw, Lend�r's a�ttorneys' fees and Lender's lega! <br /> expenses, whe�her or nv� there is a lawsuit, including att�rneys' fees and expenses for bankruptcy praceedings <br /> {including effor�s to modi�y❑r�a�ate any au�amatic stay ar injuncfiion}, appeals, and any anticipa�ed post�udgment <br /> �o�[e��ion ser��ces, the cost o�searching records, ob�a�ning fi�le reports �including �areclosure reports}, surveyors` <br /> reports, and appraisal �fees, �kit�e insurance, and fees �For the Trustee, �❑ the ex�ent permi�ted by appEi�ab�e �aw. <br /> Granfivr als❑will pay any caurt c�sts. in addi�ivn�a all ather sums prv�ided by law. <br /> 1V11SCELLANEaUS PRflVIS��NS. The�oEE�wing m�sceltaneous prv�isions are a part af this Assignment: <br /> Amendments. This Ass��nmenfi, together with any R�la��d ❑�cuments, �onsfiitufies the entire understandEn� and <br /> agreemenfi ❑f�he parties as �a the matt�rs se� fo�th in this Assignment. No al�eration vf or amendmen� �❑ th�s <br /> Assignment shall be effec�iWe un[ess gi�en in writing and signed by the party vr parties svught to be charged or <br /> hound by#he al�eration or amendment. <br /> Captivn Headings, Capti�n headings in�his Assignmen�k are�or con�enien�� purposes ❑nly and are no�ta be used <br /> �o interpret❑r defiine the pra�isions��this Assignment. <br /> �oWerning Law. This Assignmen# will be go�erned by federai �av►► appl�cable to Lender and, #o #he extent nvt <br /> preempted by�ederal !av►r,�he Ia►►vs vf#he 5tate vf Nebraska w�#hnut regard to i�s con�licts of law proWisions. This <br /> Assignment has been accepted by Lender in#he Sta#e o�Nebraska. <br /> Ghvice of Venue. If there is a lawsuit, Grantvr agrees upon Lender's request to sul�mifi �❑ the�urisdiction o�the <br /> Gourts��Hall County, S�a�e o�r Nei�raska. <br /> ll![erger. There shall be no merger ❑f the interest or estate created 1ay �his Assignmen� wifih any vther in�eres� or <br /> es�ate in�he P�-operty a�any t�me he�d by or�or fihe benefit of Lender in any capaci�y, wi�hout�he wri�ten �onsent <br /> ❑f Lender. <br /> �nterpretat`r�n, ��} ln all cases where there is mvre than one 6�rraw�r or Grantor, then ali words used in this <br /> Assignmen�in the singu�ar shall be deemed tv ha�e been used �n�he plurar where the cvntex� and cvnstruction s❑ <br /> require. �2} If more than nne persan signs this Assignmen�as "Grantor," the obligations of each Gran�ar are joint <br /> and se��ral. This means �ha� it Lender hrings a lawsuit, Lender may sue any one ❑r mor� of �he Gran�ors. I� <br /> Borrower and Granfior are n�t fihe same pers�n, Lender need no�k sue Borrower first, and tha� Borrower need no�be <br /> j�ined in any lawsui�. {3� The names given fiv para�raphs or sections in this Assignment are �or c�n�eni�nce <br /> purposes only.They are no��❑ be used�a interpre�or define the prvWisivns❑f this Assignment. <br /> N❑ VI1ai�er hy Lender. Lender shal� not be deemed to ha�e wai�ed any rights under this Assignmen� unless such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. Na delay or omissian an the par�of Lender in exercising any righ� <br /> shall ❑perate as a wai�e�- of such right or any o�her right. A wai�er by Lender af a pro�ision D��h15 Assignmen� <br /> shall no� prejudice ❑r canstitute a wai�er of Lender's right o�herwise t❑ demand s�rict c�mpliance with that <br /> pro�ision ❑r any other pro�isi�n o�this Assignmen�. N❑ priar wai�er by Lender, nor any course af dealing be�ween <br /> L�nder and Grantor, shall canstitute a waiver of any❑f Lender's rights vr vf any vf Grantar's obligations as to any <br /> future -�ransac�ians. VVhene�er fihe consenfi af Lender Fs required under this Assignment, the granting ❑� su�h <br /> consent by Lender in any instance shall n�t constitute continu�ng consent fio subsequent instances where such <br /> �onsent is required and in al� cases such consen�may he granted or withheld in the sole discret�on af Lende�-. <br /> Notices. Any na�ice required ta be giWen under this Assignment shall be given in wri�ing, and shall be ef�ecfii�� <br /> when actua��y deiivered, when actually rec�i�ed by �ele�a�simil� �uniess ❑�herwise required by law�, when <br /> deposited w�th a nationa��y recognized oWernigh�cvu�ier, or, i�mailed, when deposified in fihe Uni�ed States ma�I, as <br /> first class, cer�ified or registered mai� pasfiage prepaid, direc�ed to �he addresses shown near fihe beginning o��his <br />