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�. <br /> 2� 17�2337 � <br /> ASSIGNMENT �F RENTS <br /> Lvan Nfl: ���3a39�7 �C�nt�nu�d} Page � <br /> FUTURE ADVANCES. ln add�fiion�❑ the Note, �his Assignment se�ures all future advances made by Lender to Grantor <br /> whether or n�t the ad�ances are made pursuant to a cammi�ment. 5pecifical�y, without limifiation, this Assignmen� <br /> secures, in addition �o the amounts specified in the Nate, a!I �uture amounts Lender in i�s discre�ivn may loan ta <br /> Gran�or,�oge�her wi�h al! interes��herean. <br /> TH1S A5SIGNMENT IS G1VEN T� SECURE �'i} PAYMENT �F THE [NDEgTEDNESS AND ��� PERF�RMANCE �F ANY <br /> AND ALL DBLIGATIDNS �F GRANT�R UN�7ER THE NDTE, TH15 A551GNMENT, ANI3 THE RELATED DDCUMENTS. <br /> TH15 ASSIGNMENT�5 ,�1VEN AND ACCEPTE❑ DN THE F�LLQININ�TERMS: <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�RMANCE. Excep�t as atherwise pro�id�d in this Assignmen�ar any Re�ated Dvcumenfis, Gran�ar <br /> shall pay �o Lender a[I amvunts secured by this Assfgnmen� as they become due, and shall stri�tly perform all �� <br /> Gran��r's ❑bliga�ions under�his Assignment. lJnless and until Lender exercises i�s �igh�to colle�t the Rents as p�ovided <br /> be�ow and so long as there is n❑ defaul� under this Assignmen�, Grantar may remain in possession and control v� and <br /> operate and manage fihe Property and �ollect�he Rents, pra�ided that�he granting af�he right to callect the Renfis shall <br /> not constitu�e Lender's c�nsen�tv the use❑fi�ash cvllateral �n a bankruptcy praceeding. <br /> �RANT�R'S REPRESENTATIDNS AN❑1JIrARRANTIES. Grantor warrants that: <br /> Dwnership. Grantor is enti�led to recei�e the Ren�s free and clear o�f all rights, foans, �iens, encumbrances, and <br /> claims�xc�p�as disclased�o and accept�d by Lender in writing. <br /> Right to Assign. Grantor has �he ful! rEght, pvwer and authority to en�e�- into �his Assignmen� and ta assign and <br /> con�ey the Ren�ts t❑ Lender. <br /> No Prinr �4ssignm�n�. Grantor has nvt pre�iously assigned vr con�eyed the Rents �❑ any other persan by any <br /> instrument now in farce. <br /> Na Further Transfer. Granfior will nv�seE�, assign, encurnber, vr❑�herwise dispose v�any❑�F G�antar's rights in�he <br /> Ren�s except as prvWided in�h�s Assignmen�. <br /> LENDER'S RIGHT T� RECE�VE AND ��LLECT RENTS. Lender shall ha�e the right at any �ime, and e�en �hough no <br /> default shal� ha�e accurred under this Assignment, to co[�ect and recei�e the Rents. For fihis purpvse, Lender is he�eby <br /> gi�en and granted-�he following righ�s, powers and authority: <br /> No�ice �o Tenanfis. Lender may send natices to any and ail tenants ❑f the Praperty ad�ising �hem o� fihis <br /> Assignm�nt and direc�ing al! Ren�s�❑be paid directly�o Lender or Lender's agen�. <br /> Enter#he Property. Lender may enter upon and take possession ❑�the Property; demand, ca�lect and r�ceiWe�rom <br /> fihe fienan�s vr�rom any vther pe�-sons liable therefvr, all v�fihe R�nts; institute and carry ❑n al! lega! proceedings <br /> necessary for �khe pro�ec��an o�f �he Pr�perty, inc�uding such proceedings as may be necessary t❑ recover <br /> pvssession af the Prop�r�y; coEfect�he Rents and remoWe any�enant❑r�enants ❑r vfiher persvns from the Property. <br /> Ma�n�ain#he Proper�y. Lender may enter upon the Proper#y t� main�ain�he Property and keep�he sam� in repair; <br /> t❑ pay fihe cosfis thereof and vf a!l ser�ic�s vf all employees, in�ludin�their equipment, and ❑f alf �ontinuing costs <br /> and expenses of main�aining�he Proper�y in praper repair and condi�kivn, and also�o pay afI tax�s, assessments and <br /> wat�r utilities, and the premiums on fire and ❑ther insurance effected by Lender❑n fihe P�operty. <br /> Complian�e wi�h Laws. Lender may do any and all th�ngs to execute and campiy wifih �he laws ❑f the 5tate of <br /> Nebraska and a�s❑ a�1 �ther laws, rules, orders, vrdinances and requirements of a�l o�he�- governmenta� agencies <br /> affe�ting�he Praper�y. <br /> Lease the Prvper�y. Lender may rent❑r lease the whale or any part❑f�he Prvperty-�or such�erm or terms and ❑n <br /> such c�ndi�ivns as Lende�'may deem apprvpriate. <br /> Emp[oy Agents. Lender may engage such agent or agents as Lender may deem apprapria�e, either in Lender's <br /> name ar En Grantor`s name,fio ren�and manage fihe Prvperty, including the�olle�tivn and app�ication❑�Ren�s. <br /> Dther Ac�s. Lende� may d❑ ai� su�h oth�r �fihings and a��s with respe�� t❑ �he Property as Lender may deem <br /> appropria�e and may a�t exclusi�ely and soleiy in �he place and stead ❑f Gran�or and �❑ ha�e afl ❑f the powers o-� <br /> Gran�ar for the purposes stated abo�e. <br /> No Requiremen�to A�t, Lender sha�� nat be required to d❑ any vf the foregving ac�s vr things, and the fact that <br /> Lender shall ha�e performed one �r more ofi fihe ��regoing aGts or things shall no� require Lender�❑ do any other <br /> spec�fic act or thing. <br /> APPLICATI�N ❑F RENTS. All cos�s and expenses incurred by Lender in conne��ion with �he Property shall be fo�r <br /> Grantor's accoun� and Lender may pay such costs and expenses frvm the Rents. Lender, in its sole discretion, shall <br /> de�ermine �he applica�ion ❑� any and all Ren�s recei�ed by i�; howe�er, any such Ren�s recei�ed by Lender which are <br /> not applied �a such cos�s and expenses shall be applied �o �he Indeb��dness. All expenditures made by Lender under <br /> this Assignment and nvt reimhursed from the Rents shall be�ome a part �f the Indeb�kedness secured by this <br /> Assignment, and shali be payab�e❑n demand, wi�h in�eres�k at the Note rate from date of expenditure unfiil pa�d. <br /> FULL PERF�RMANCE. I� Grantor pays all ❑f �he �ndeb�edness when due and otherwise performs all �he ❑bliga�ivns <br /> imposed upon G�anto�under th�s Assignment,�he Note, and the Re�ated [7ocuments, Lender shal� execu�e and deli�er to <br /> Grantor a sui�able satisfac�ion o��this Assignment and suitab�e statemen�s of�ermina�ion o� any��nancing s�a�ement vn <br /> file e�idencing Lender's security �nterest in the Rents and the Prvperty. Any termina�ion fee required by law shall 1ae <br /> � <br />