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, <br /> 2� 17�233� <br /> DEE� �F TRUST <br /> Lvan No: 'l�'13�33'l 7 ���ntinued} Page � <br /> performance of any indeb�edness ❑r❑bligations s�cured by�his Deed ❑f Trus�and to exercise all ri�h�s and powers <br /> under this Deed ❑f Trust, under fihe Note, under any of the Rela��d �3acumenfis, or under any other agreement or <br /> any laws now vr hereafter in ��r�e; no�withstanding, svme ❑r all of such indeb�edness and �bliga�ions seGured by <br /> this ❑eed ❑�Trus� may now or herea�f-ter �e ❑therwise secured, whether by mortgage, deed of�rust, p�edge, lien, <br /> assignment or otherwise. Neither the accepfian�e v� fihis Deed vf Trust nor its enfv�cemenfi, whether by �vurt <br /> action ❑r pursuant t❑ the povver of sa�e ❑r ❑�her pawers contained in this Deed of Trust, sha[l pr�judice ❑r in any <br /> manner affe�t Trustee's ar Lender's right to realize upan or enforce any ather security navrr ❑r her�after held by <br /> Trustee ar Lender, i�being agreed that Trustee and Lender, and each o�f them, shall be en�i�led ta enfarce�his Deed <br /> af Trust and any other securifiy now ar her�af-�er he�d by Lender or Trust�e in such ❑rder and manner as fihey or <br /> eifiher o� them may in the�r absolu�e discrefiion determine. No remedy conferred upan ar- reser�ed fio Trustee or <br /> Lender, is in�ended tn be exciusiWe o#any vfiher remedy in this ❑eed o�Trus��r by law prv�ided ❑r permitted, hut <br /> each shall be cumula�i�e and shall be in addition to e�ery ❑ther remedy gi�en in this I�eed o# Trust or now or <br /> hereaf�er exis�ing at[aw or in �quity❑r by s�a�u�e. E�ery power or remedy gi�en by the No�e or any of the Related <br /> Documents to Trustee ❑r Lender or �❑ which ei�her of �hem may be o�kherwise en�i�led, may be exercised, <br /> c�ncurren�ly vr independently, firom �ime �a time and as aften as may be deemed �xpedient �ay Trus�ee or Lender, <br /> and ei�her of �hem may pursue incansis�ent remedies. No�hing in this Deed v� Trust shall be construed as <br /> prohibiting Lender from s��king a deficiency judgment agains��khe Trus�or�o the ex�en�such act€�n is permi�k�ed by <br /> law. Election [�y Lender fio pursue any remedy shall no� exclude pursuit of any oth�r remedy, and an ele�tion ta <br /> make expendi�ures ❑r t❑ �ake a��ion �o per��rm an o���gativn vf Trust�r under this ❑eed of Trust, af�er Trus�or's <br /> failure to perfivrm, shalE not a�tec�Lender's right ta declar� a d�fault and exercis�its remedies. <br /> F�eques#�vr NvtiGe. Trustar, on behalf❑fi Trus�or and Lender, hereby requests�hat a c�py af any Nofiice�f Default <br /> and a copy❑f any No�ice o-�Sale under�his Deed of Trus� be mai[ed ta�hem at the addresses set��rth in�he firs� <br /> paragraph o�this ❑eed of Trust. <br /> At�orneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lender ins�i�utes any suit ar activn tv en�Force any o� �he terms ofi �his ❑eed vf <br /> Trust, L�nd�r shall be enfiitled t❑ recoWer such sum as the court may adjudge reasanab[e as a�torneys' fees at trial <br /> and upvn any appeal. VIlhefihe�- or no� any caurt ac�tian is inWol��d, and t❑ �he exten� not prohibi��d by law, all <br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs tha� in Lender's opinion are ne�essary at any fiime fior the protectivn of its <br /> interesfi❑r the enfiarcement a�F its righfis shall hecome a part of the Indebtedness payahle on demand and shal� bear <br /> in��res�a�the Note rate fr�m the da�e❑��he expenditure un��1 repaid. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph inc�ude, <br /> withou� limi�a�ivn, hvwe�er subject�❑ any Cimi�s under appl�cable law, Lend�r's attorneys' fees and Lender's legal <br /> expenses, whether ❑r na� �here is a iawsui�, in�luding attarneys' fees and expenses for banl�rup�cy prviceedings <br /> �inc�uding e�r�orts ta modi�y o�vacate any au�vmatic s�ay vr in�unction}, appeals, and any anticipafied post--judgment <br /> collectivn ser�ices, �he cost of searching records, ❑btaining ti�le reports tin�[uding ��reclosure repor�s}, surWeyars' <br /> reparts, and appraisal �ees, fiifile insurance, and �Fees far �he Trustee, to the extent permi��ed �y app�icabie law. <br /> Trusfor als�wifi pay any�ourt costs, in addi�ion ta a[I o�her sums pro�ided by law. <br /> Rights v�Trustee. Trustee sha[[ haW�a11��the rights and duties vf Lender as se�forth in�his sec�ion. <br /> PQWERS AND ❑gLIGATI�NS �F TRUSTEE. The following prv�isions rela�ing fi❑fihe powers and ohliga�ions ❑fi Trus�ee <br /> are part of this Deed o�Trust: <br /> Pawers vf Trusfiee. [n addi�ion to all powers o�Trust�e ar�sing as a ma��er of Iaw,Trustee shal� ha�e�he pawer t❑ <br /> take the following a�tions with respect to�he Property upvn the wrifiten reques�❑f Lender and Trust�r: {a} join in <br /> preparing and �iling a map or pla� af the Reaf Propert�, including the dedicatian ❑f stre��s or ath�r rights to the <br /> publi�; �b} join in gran�ing any easemen� ❑r creating any restriction on the R�al Property; and �c} join �n any <br /> subordina�ion or o�her agreement a�tec�ing this ❑eed of Trust or�the interest v-�L�nder under�his De�d ❑f Trust. <br /> Trus�ee. Trustee shall meet all quali�ications required �or Trustee under applica�le law. !n additian to �he rights <br /> and remedies se� forth a�v�e, wi�h respect to all o�- any part ❑f the P��per�y, the Trustee shalf ha�� the right to <br /> fore�lose by notice and sale, and Lender sha11 ha�e the right to �ore�lose by judicial fiorec�osure, in ei�her case in <br /> a�cordance wi�h and�❑the�ull ext�nt proWided by app[icable law. <br /> 5uccessor Trustee, Lender, at Lender's ❑ption, may from�ime to time ap�oin�a successor Trustee to any Trus�ee <br /> appoint�d under �his Deed of Trus� hy an instrument executed and acknawledged by L�nder and record�d in th� <br /> ❑ffice ��f the recorder af HALL County, 5tate vf Nebraska. The ins�rumenfi shall contain, in additian t� a�� ❑ther <br /> mafite�s required by s�ate law, the names ❑�F �he original Lender, Trustee, and Trustvr, the bvok and page �vr <br /> compu�sr sys�em re�ference} where this aeed of Trust is recv�ded, and the name and address of �he successor <br /> firustee, and the instrument shall be execufied and acknawledged by all�he 1�eneficiaries under�his aeed o�Trust ar <br /> �heir successors in in�kerest. The successvr trustee, without �vn�eyance vfi the Prvperty, shall succeed ta all the <br /> fii�le, pawer, and duties canferred up�n the Trustee in�his aeed ❑f Trus�and by applicable law. This procedure for <br /> subs�itution af Trus�ee shall go�ern�o the exclusion ot all other pro�isions�a�-substituti�n. <br /> N�TICES. Any notice required to be gi�en under th�s ❑eed ❑f Trust, in�luding wi�hout limita�ion any no�ice of defaul�k <br /> and any natice o�sale shall be gi�en in writ�ng, and shall be effec�i�e when actually deli�ered, when ac�ua��y receiWed <br /> by�e�efaGsimile �unless o�herwise required by law}, when deposited with a natianally recognized a�ernight cvurier, or, �� <br /> mailed, when deposi�ed in�h� United 5ta�es maif, as first class, �ertified ❑r registered mail pastage prepaid, directed �❑ <br /> the addresses shown near the beginning vf this Deed v�F Trust. A�� copies v� notices ❑�F fvrec��sure fram �he hvlder of <br /> any lien which has priarity o�er th�s Deed ❑f Trus� sha�l �e sen��k❑ Lender's address, as shown near the beginning of <br /> this ❑eed ❑f Trust. Any par�y may change its address �or notices under this Deed of Trust by gi�ing �vrmal written <br />