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F <br /> M <br /> 2� 17�233�� <br /> 1�EED �F TRUST � <br /> Laan Nv: 'I�'I 3�39�7 �Cont[nued} Page 'I� <br /> Defiaul�, The wvrd "I�efaul�" means�he Defaulfi set�arth in this Deed �f Trus�in the se�tion�itled "�efault". <br /> En�iranmental Laws. The wvrds "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and all sfiate, �ederal and local statutes, <br /> �-egu�at€ons and ordinances rela�ing to #he pr�te��ion of human health ❑r the enWiranment, including wi�hvufi <br /> limi�ka�ion �he Comprehensi�e En�ironmental Response, Compensa�ivn, and Liahi3�ty Act of �98D, as amended, 42 <br /> U.S.C. 5ectian 96D�, e� seq. �"CERCLA"�, the Super#und Amendmen�s and Reauthoriza�ivn Acfi o# �986, Puh. L. <br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"},the Hazardaus Ma�erials Transpor�atian Act, 49 LJ.S,�. Sec�ivn �8D1, et seq.,the Resource <br /> Canser�ation and Reco�ery Act, 4� LJ.S.�. Sec�ion 69a1, efi seq., vr o�her applicahle sta�e ❑r-�ederal laws, rules, <br /> or regulations adopted pursuant thereto. <br /> E�ren�o�Defauf�. The wards "E��nt❑f❑e�fau�t" mean any❑f the eWents af defaul�set�arth in this ❑eed ❑f Trus�in <br /> the eWen�s of defaul�sec�ion❑f this aeed of Trusfi. <br /> Exisfi'rng lndeb�edness. The words "ExEstin� Indebtedness" mean the indebtedness described in the Exis�ting Liens <br /> pro�isian❑f fihis Deed❑�Trust. <br /> Guaran�or. Th� ward "Guarantor" means any guaran�v�, surety, vr accammadatian party ❑f any ❑r a!f ❑�f �he <br /> indebfiedness. <br /> Guaranty. The word "Gua�-anty" means the guaranty from Guarantor fiv Lender, Encluding wi�hout limi�katian a <br /> guaran�y�f all or par�❑f fihe Note. <br /> Hazardous 5uhsfiances, The words "Hazardous Sul�stances" mean materia[s �hat, because af their quantity, <br /> concentrafiian or physical, chemical ❑r infecti�us charac�eris�ics, may cause or pos� a present ❑r pv�entiaf haza�-d <br /> �❑ human heal�h ❑�r the �nWironmen�when improperly used, treafied, stared, disposed ❑f, generated, manufactured, <br /> �ranspv�ted v�-❑fiherwise handled. The wvrds "Hazard�us Substances" are used in their�ery brvadesfi sense and <br /> include withou� limitation any and all hazardous or taxic substances, materials vr waste as defined by nr listed <br /> under the En�ironmen�al Laws. The term "Ha�ardvus 5ubs�ances" also in�[udes, withou�limi�ta�ion, pe�roleum and <br /> pe�roleum by-producfs vr any fraction�hereaf and asbes�as. <br /> Imprarrements. The wa�-d "lmprovements" means all exisfiing and future impro�em�nts, bui�dings, structures, <br /> mobile homes attixed an the Real Proper�y, facili�ies, additians, repf ac�ments and ❑ther cvn��ruction ❑n the Rea� <br /> Pr�perty. <br /> lndebtedness. The word "�ndelatedness" means all principal, interest, and ❑ther amoun�s, C05�5 and exp�nses <br /> payable under �h� No�ke or Rela�ed ❑ocuments, together with al[ renewafs a�F, extensivns o�, modi�ica�ions of, <br /> cvnsolidafiions of and subs�itutions for�he Nv�e or Related ❑ocuments and any amoun�ts expended ❑r adWanced 1ay <br /> Lender t❑ d'tscharge Trustar's obligatians or expenses incurred by Trustee or Lender tv enforce Ti'L15��1'�5 <br /> obliga�ians under this Deed vf T�ust, �vgether with interest on such amvun�s as proWided in this Deed a# Trust. <br /> Specifically, without limi�a�ion, Indeb�edness includes the future ad�ances set for�h in the Future Ad�ances <br /> pravision, tagether with all interest thereon and alt amoun�s fihat may be indirectEy se�ured hy �he <br /> �ross-Collateralizativn provision��this Deed o�F Trust. . <br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Poin�s 6ank, its successors and assigns. <br /> Note. The word "Nate" means �he prvmisso�y note dated April �2, ���7, in the original principaE amaunt <br /> vf $55�,���.�� from Trustor �o Lender, toge�her with afI renewals�❑f, extensians ❑f, m�dificati�ns of, <br /> refinancings of, consalida�ions of, and substitutions�or the prom�ssory no�e or agreement. <br /> Persvnaf Praperty. The words "Personal Pr�perty" mean all equipment, fix�ures, and vther ar�i�les of persona� <br /> praperty now or herea�ter vwned by Trus�or, and nvw or hereaf�ke� a��ached or affixed to �he Real Proper�y; <br /> �oge�her with all accessivns, parts, and additivns to, all rep[acements a�, and afl subs�i�utions far, any of such <br /> property; and together with all prviceeds {including wifihout limita�ion all insuran�e proceeds and refunds o� <br /> premiums} �rom any sa[e or❑fiher disposition of the Proper�y. <br /> Prvper�y. The word "Praperty" means �allectiWely the R�al Property and�he Personal Property. <br /> Real Property. The wa�ds "Real Property" mean the real property, interes�s and rights, as further described in this <br /> Deed of Trus�. <br /> Rela�ed Dvcumen�s. The words '°Related Documents" mean all prvmFssary no�tes, �redit agreements, laan <br /> agreements, enWironmentaf agreements, guaran�ies, security agreements, mort�ages, deeds ❑�f �rust, security <br /> deeds, collateral mvrtgag�s, and all v�her instruments, agreements and documents, whether now or hereaft�r <br /> ex�sting, exe�u�ed in connection with�he Indebtedness. <br /> Ren�s. The wvrd "Rents" means all present and �uture rents, re�enues, income, issues, rvyalties, profits, and <br /> ather benefi�s deri�ed from the Proper�y. <br /> Trus�e�. The w�rd "Trustee" means Fi�e Points Bank, whose address is P.❑ Box �5�7, Grand Is�and, NE <br /> 68802--15�7 and any subst�tute or successor trus�ees. <br /> Trustar. The word "Trustor" means TPCR RENTALS, LLC. <br />