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2� 17�2335, <br /> ASSIGNMENT �F RENTS <br /> Laan Nv: '1�'13D39�D �Contlnued} Page 4 <br /> Collec� Ren#s. Lender shafl ha�e the right, withaut no�ice �k❑ Grantor, to take passession af �he Property and <br /> collec� �he Rents, including am4unts pas� due and unpaid, and apply �he net proceeds, over and abo�e Lender's <br /> C�S�S, agains� the Indebtedness. ln �ur�herance o��his r�ght, Lender shall ha�e all the rights pra�ided for in th� <br /> Lender's Right ta Receive and Calle�fi Rents Secfiion, a1�a�e. lf the Renfis are cvllected by Lender, �hen Grantor <br /> irrevacably designates Lender as Gran�or's at�orney-in-�act �o endarse ins�ruments recei�ed in payment thereo� in <br /> �he name ❑f Gran�ar and t❑ nego�ia�e�he same and collect�he praceeds. Paym�nts 1ay �enants ❑r ofiher users to <br /> Lender in respanse fi❑ Lender's demand shall satisfy the olaligations fivr which�he payments are made, whether vr <br /> nat any prvper grounds for the demand exisfied. Lender may exer�ise i�s rights under�his subparagraph ei�her in <br /> persvn, by agent, or�hraugh a recei�er. <br /> �fiher Remedies. Lender shal� ha�� all ❑ther rights and remedies pro�ided in �his Assignment or �he Note �r by <br /> law. <br /> Elec#ion of Remedies. E�ec�ion 1ay Lender t❑ pursue any remedy shai� nat exclude pursui�of any a�her remedy, and <br /> an election to make expenditures or�o take action ta perform an obligafiion of Grantor under�his Assignment, after <br /> Grantor`s failure tv perf�rm,shall no�a��ect Lender's ri�ht ta declare a d��ault and exercis� its rem�dies. <br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses, I� Lender ins�itufies any sui�or action�o enfvrce any of fihe terms of this Assignmen�, <br /> Lender shall be entitled t❑ reco�er such sum as fihe caurt may adjudge reasonable as a��orneys' �ees a��rial and <br /> up�n any app�a[. Vllhether or nat any court activn is involved, and �o the ex�ent not prohibi�ed �y law, all <br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs that in Lender's opinion are necessary a� any time for fihe pratec�ion ❑fi its <br /> interest ar the en�arcemen��f its rights shafl i�ecvme a part of the Endehtedness payabEe �n demand and sha�l bear <br /> interest a��he Note rate�ram�he date❑�the expendi�ure unti� repaid. Expenses co�ered by this paragraph Enclude, <br /> without limitafiivn, hvweWer subject fiv any �imi�s under applicabfe law, Lender's attvrneys' fiees and Lender's Eegal <br /> expenses, whe�her ❑r not �here l5 a [awsui�, including attorneys' fees and expenses for hankruptcy proceedings <br /> {including ef�For�s to mvdify or Wacat� any automa�ic stay❑r injuncfiian}, appeals, and any an�icipafied post judgmen� <br /> collec�ion serv�ces, the cost of searching re�ords, �btaining tit�e reports {in�luding -�vre�lasure reports}, sur�eyors' <br /> reports, and appraisal fees, title insurance, and �fees for the Trustee, t❑ the extent perm�tted by applicabl� law. <br /> Gran�tor also will pay any court casts, in addifiion�o all❑ther sums prvvided by law. <br /> Nl15CELLANE�US PROV151aN5. The following mis�ellanevus pro�isions ar� a part❑f�his Assignment: <br /> Amendmen�s. This Assignment, tagether with any Rela�ed Documen�s, cans�itutes the entire understanding and <br /> agr�ement of the parti�s as to �he mafi�ers set �arfih in �his Assignment. Na altera�ion of ❑r amendment to this <br /> Ass�gnmenfi shall be e��ecti�e unless gi�en in writing and signed by the party o�- parti�s s�ught�❑ be charged or <br /> bound by the alteratian or-am�ndmen�. <br /> Cap�ivn Headings. Captivn h�adings in th�s Assignmen�t are�ar can�enience purposes onEy and are not to be used <br /> to interpret ar define the provisions of this Assignmenfi. <br /> �a�erning Law. This Assignmen� will he go�rerned by �Federa� law appii�ahle to Lender and, tv the extent na� <br /> preempted�y�ederal law,�he laws vf the Stat�v�Nehraska wi�hvut regard�n i�s cvn�lic�s of�aw prvWisions. This <br /> Assignment has been ac�ep��d hy Lender in the State❑f Nehraska. <br /> �hnice af Venue. 1f�here is a lawsui�, Grant�r agrees upon Lend�r`s request�❑ submi� �❑ �khe jurisdic�ion ❑f�khe <br /> cour�s a�f Hall County, 5tate a-�Nebraska. <br /> Merger. There shall be n� merger of fihe interes� ❑r esfiate �reated hy this Assignment wi�h any o�her inter�st or <br /> �state �n�he Property at any time held by❑r for the benefit of Lender in any capacity, wi�hvut�he writ�en consent <br /> ❑f Lender. <br /> In�erpre�a�ivn. �1} ln all cases where fihere is more than ❑ne Bvrrov+�er vr Grantvr, then all words used �n this <br /> Assignment in the singula�-shall he deemed�o ha�e been used in the plural where the cvntexfi and �onstrucfiion so <br /> require. {�� lf more than vne person signs�his Assignmen�as "Gran�ar," �he obliga�ivns ❑f each Gran�vr are�oinfi <br /> and se�eral. This means �ha� if Lender brings a �awsuit, Lender may sue any one vr mvre ❑� the Grantars. lf <br /> B��r�wer and Gran�kor are na�the same persvn, Lender ne�d na�sue Borrower f�rst, and that 6orrower need nv�be <br /> joined in any lawsuit. �3} The names gi�en t❑ paragraphs or sectivns in this Ass�gnment are �for con�enience <br /> purposes only.They are no��o i�e used to in�erpret or define�he proWisivns o�th�s Assignment. <br /> Na U1Taiver hy Lender. Lende� shal� na� he deemed t❑ ha�e wai�ed any righ�s under this Assignment unless such <br /> wai�er is giWen in writing and signed by Lender. Nv delay or❑missivn on the par�of Lender in exercising any right <br /> sha�i opera�e as a wai�er of such righ� or any ❑ther righ�. A waiver hy Lender of a prvWisian of this Assignment <br /> sha1� no� p�e�udice ❑r cons�i�u�e a waiWer vf Lender's righ� o�herwise �o demand s�ric� complian�e with that <br /> pro�ision ❑r any vther pro�ision o�this Assignment. Na prior wai�er by Lender�, nor any course af dealing between <br /> Lender and G�an�or, shall cons�kitute a wai�er vf any of Lender's rights or of any ❑�Gran�or's o�ligafions as to any <br /> �uture transactions. Vllhene�er �he consen� o�f Lender is r�quired under �his Assignmen�, the gran�ing ❑� such <br /> consent by Lender �n any ins�ance shall nvt constitu�e �ontinuing �vnsent t❑ subsequent ins�ances where su�h <br /> consenfi is r�quired and in all cases such consent may be granted or withheld in�he sale discre�ion ❑�Lender. <br /> Notices. Any notice requ�red ta be gi�en under this Assignment shall be gi�en in wri�ing, and shall be ef�ective <br /> when a�tua��y deli�ered, when acfivally recei�ed 1�y �ele�acsimile tunless otherwise requtred by �aw}, when <br /> deposited with a nationally recognized overnight caurier, a�, i�mailed, when depvsited in the United S�ates mail, as <br /> �irst class, cer�ified or regis�ered mail pos�age prepaid, directed to �he addresses shown near the beginning of this <br />