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2� 17�2335a <br /> ASSIGN�ENT �F RENTS <br /> Loan Na: '1�'13�39�� ��ont��lued} Page � <br /> absolute o� cnntingent, liquidated ❑r unliquidated, whe�h�r Grantor may �e liabl� indiWidually vr jainfily with athers, <br /> wh�ther abliga�ed as guarantor, surety, ac�ommvdafiion party or otherwise, and whether rec�Wery upon such amounts <br /> may€�e ar hereafter may bec�me barred by any s�a�u�e❑f limitations, and whe�her the obliga�ian ta �epay such amaunts <br /> may be or herea�ter may become otherwEse unenforceal�le. <br /> THIS A5S[GNMENT 1S G1VEN T� SECURE �'i} PAYMENT QF THE lNDEBTEDNE55 AND {�} PERFDRMANCE DF ANY <br /> AND ALL ❑6LIGAT��NS �F GRANT�R UNDER THE N�TE, THlS ASSIGNIVIENT, ANB THE RELATED D��UMENTS. <br /> TH1S ASSIGNIVIENT 1S G1VEN AN❑ACCEPTED�N THE F�LL�WING TERMS: <br /> PAYN[ENT AN❑ PERFDRMANCE. Except as otherwise pro�ided in this Assignment or any Rela�t�d Documents, Gran�or <br /> shall pay to Lender all amounts secured �y th�s Assignmen� as they become due, and shall s�ri�tly per�orm all a� <br /> Granfiar's ❑1a�igati�ns under this Assignment. Unless and unfiil Lender exercis�s ifis right fio co��ec��he Ren�s as praWided <br /> belvw and so Ivn� as there is no de�aul� under fihis Assi�nmenfi, Granfivr may remain in possession and con�rol of and <br /> opera�e and manage the Proper�y and collec�k�he Rents, pro�ided that the gran�ing ❑�f the right�❑ collect the Renfis shall <br /> not constitute Lender's consen�fiv the use❑f cash col�atera[ in a bankrupficy praceeding. <br /> GRANTDR'S REPRESENTATI�NS AND 1JVARRANTlES. Grantor warrants tha�: <br /> �wnership. G ran�vr is entitled ta recei�e fihe Rents free and c1ea�- vf aEl rights, laans, (iens, encumbrances, and <br /> claims excep�as disclosed to and a�cepted by Lender in writing. <br /> Righ�to Assign. Grantor has fihe full right, power and au�harity to enter in�❑ this Assignment and �❑ assign and <br /> �on�ey�he �ents to Lende�. <br /> Na Privr Assignmen�. Grantor has nv� pr�Wiously assigned or �onWeyed �he Rents to any other pe�son by any <br /> instrumenfi naw in fivr�e. <br /> Nv Further Trans�er. Grantor will no�sell, assign, encumb�r, ❑r o�herwise dispose ❑f any vf Grantor's righfis in�he <br /> Rents excepfi as pro�ided in this Assignmen�. <br /> LENDER'S R1GHT T❑ RECEIVE ANa CDLLECT RENTS. Lender sha�l haWe �he right a� any fiime, and even thaugh na <br /> defaul�shall have ❑ccurred under�his Assignment, t� calle��and re�ei�e the Rents. For this purpose, Lender is hereby <br /> gi�en and gran�ed�he follvwing rights, pawers and au�hority: <br /> N�tice #o Tenants. Lend�r may send no�ices to any and a�� tenants ❑� the Prvperty ad�fsing them o� �his <br /> Assignment and directing af� Rents tv 1ae paid direc�ly t❑ Lender ar Lend�r`s agent. <br /> En#er the Prvperty. Lender may enter upvn and�ake possessivn vf�he Proper�y; demand, callec�and receive fram <br /> the �enan�s or from any other persans lia��e �here�or, all ❑��he Ren�s; insti�ute and carry on all legal prviceedings <br /> necessary for fihe pro�e��ivn of fihe Property, �ncluding SLICf1 proceedings as may be necessary to re�o�er <br /> pvssessivn❑��khe Property; collect th� Ren�s and remo�e any�enant or tenants�r oth�r persans�rvm the P�-operty. <br /> Main#ain the Proper�y. Lender may enter upon th� Proper�y t� main�ain the Prvperty and keep the same in repair; <br /> �v pay fihe �vs�s therevfi and ❑�a!I services o�all emplvyees, in�luding�heir equipment, and of all cantinuing costs <br /> and expenses�f maintaining�he Proper�y in proper repair and condition, and als❑to pay all�axes, assessments and <br /> water uti��ties, and the premiums on�ir�and ❑ther insurance�ff�cted by Lender❑n the Property. <br /> Campliance with Laws. Lende�- may dv any and all things to exe�ute and c�mply with �h� laws ❑f the Sta�ke of <br /> Nebraska and afso a11 other laws, rules, ❑rders, ❑rdinances and requir�ments of all other go�ernmen�al agen�ies <br /> afife��ing�he Prvperty. <br /> Lease�he Proper�y. Lender may r�nt flr lease�he whale ar any part o�th� Property�For su�h term ❑r terms and on <br /> such �onditions as Lender may deem appropriate. <br /> Employ Agen�s. Lender may engage such agent or agen�s as Lender may deem apprapriate, ei�her in Lender's <br /> name or in Granfior's name,to rent and manage�he Prvperty, �nciuding fihe colle��ion and applica�ion❑f Ren�s. <br /> �ther Ac�s, Lender may do all such other things and ac�s with respect �o �he Property as Lsnder may deem <br /> apprvpria�e and may act exclusiWely and solely in the place and stead ❑f Grantvr and t❑ haWe all o�the powers ❑� <br /> Grantor f�r the purpnses stated abo�e. <br /> No Requirement�o Act. Lender shall no� be required to do any o�the foregving a��s ❑r things, and fhe -�a�t tha� <br /> Lender shall ha�e per�ormed ❑ne ❑r more ❑�the �oregoing ac�s or th�ngs shall na� require Lend�r�a d❑ any ❑ther <br /> speci�ic act❑r thing. <br /> APPLICATI�N ❑F RENTS. A�� C�5�5 and expenses incurred �y Lender in connection wifih the Prvperty shall be far <br /> Grantor's a��ount and Lender may pay su�h cos�s and expenses frvm the Rents. Lender, in its sole discretian, shall <br /> determine �h� application of any and all Rents re�ei�ed by i�; howe�er, any such R�nts recei�ed by Lender v+rhich are <br /> no� applied �o such c�sts and expenses shall be applied �v fihe Indebtedness. All expendi�ures made by Lender under <br /> �his Assignment and not reimburssd from �he Rents shall become a part o�f the Indebtedness secured by this <br /> Assignment, and shall be payable on demand, with in��resfi at the Note ra�e from date of expenditure unti� paid. <br /> FULL PERFDRMANCE, I� Gran�or pays all of the Indeb�edness when due and o�herwise perfvrms a�l the �hligations <br /> imposed upon Grantar under this Assignmen�,the Note, and the ReIated Dvcuments, Lender shall ex�cute and d�li�er to <br /> Gran�or a sui�able satis�ac�ion af�his Assignmen� and sui�ab�e statements o�terminatfon ��any financing sta�tement vn <br /> file e�iden�ing Lender's securi�y interest in the Rents and �he Property. Any termina�ian �ee required �y law shall he <br />