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2� 17�2327 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> Laan Na: '1 a'13�38�� ��ontinued� Page 5 <br /> Cvmpliance W�th Laws. Trustar warrants that �he Prop�rty and Trustar's use af the Property complies with all <br /> existing applicable laws, ardinances, and regu�atians of go�ernmental authorities. <br /> 5urvi�al �f Representatians and Warran#ies. All representations, warranties, and agreements mad� by Trustar in <br /> this Deed ❑f Trust shall su����e th� execution and deliWery af this aeed ❑f Trust, shall be continuing in nature, and <br /> shal! remain in fu�l force and effe�t until su�h time as Barrower's indebtedn�ss shall he paid in ful�, <br /> ExISTIN� 1NDE6TEDNESS. The following �ro�isions concerning Existing Indebtedness are a part af this Deed of Trust: <br /> Existing Lien. The lien of this Deed af Trust s�cu�ing the Indebtedness may be secvndary and inferiar t❑ an <br /> existing lien. Trustor expressly co�enants and agrees to pay, ❑r see t❑ the payment af, the Existing Indebtedness <br /> and t❑ pre�ent any default an such indebtedness, any default unde�the instruments e�idencing su�h indebtedness, <br /> �r any default under any se�urity documen�s for such ind��tedness. <br /> No IVlodifi�ation. Trustar shall not enter �nto any agreemen� with the holder of any martgage, deed of trust, or <br /> other security agreement which has priority ❑�er this Deed ❑f T�ust by which that agreement is modified, <br /> amended, extended, ❑r renewed wit�o�rt the prior wrftten consent ot Ler�der. Trustnr shall neither request n�r <br /> accept any future ad�ances under any such security agre�ment without the priar written consent of Lender. <br /> C�NDEMNATIQN. The �allflwing pro�isians relating to condemnativn pr�ceedings are a pa�t af this Deed af Trust: <br /> Praceedings. If any proceedEng in condemnation is �iied, Trust�r shakl pramptly natify Lender in writing, and <br /> Trustor shall promptly take such steps as may be ne�essary to defend the action and obtain the award. Trustar <br /> may be ihe naminal party in such prace�d�ng, but Lender shall be entitled to participate in the praceeding and t❑ b� <br /> rep�esented in the proce�ding by counsel ❑f its awn choEce, and Trustor will deli�er vr �ause to be deEi�ered tn <br /> Lender su�h instruments and documenfati�n as may be requested hy Lender �ram time to time to permit such <br /> parti�ipation. <br /> ApplicatEan af Net Rrviceed�. If all or any part of the Prnperty i� cvndemned by eminent damain proceedings or by <br /> any proceeding or purchase in fieu of condemnation, Lender may at its electian require that all or any portian ❑f the <br /> net proceeds of the award be applied to the Indebtedness ❑r the repair or �estoration of the Praperty. The net <br /> prviceeds o� the award shali mean the award after payment of all r�asonable costs, expenses, and attvrneys' �ees <br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in connectian with the �ondemnation. <br /> IMP�SITI4N OF TA3CES. FEES AND �HARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTHDRITIES. The following pro�isions r�la�ing <br /> to go�ernmental tax�s, #ees and charges are a part nf this Deed o�Trust: <br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Trustor shail execute such documents in additian to <br /> this ❑eed o� Trust and take whate�er other a�tian is requested by Lender ta perfect and cantinue Lender's fien on <br /> the Real Praperty. Trustor shafl reimburse Lender far all taxes, as described below, tvgether with all expenses <br /> incurred in �ecording, pertecting ❑r continuing this Deed of Trust, including without limitation all taxes, fees, <br /> d��umentary stamps, and ❑ther charg�s for re�ording or re�istering this De�d o�Trust. <br /> Taxes. The fo�low�ng shall canstitute taxes �o which �his �ection applies: �1 y a specific tax upon this type af <br /> Deed ❑f Trust or upon all or any part ❑f the lndebtedness secured by �his ❑e�d of Trust; �2y a specific tax an <br /> Borrower which 6�rrower is authar�zed ❑r required to deduct from payments on the Inde�tedness secured by this <br /> type ❑� Deed af Trust; t3� a tax on this type of Deed ❑f T�ust chargeable against the Lender or th� holder ❑f the <br /> Note; and t4} a specitic tax on all or any portian af the indebtedness ar on payments ❑f principai and interest <br /> made by Borrower. <br /> Subsequent Taxes. 1f any tax to which this section applies is enacted subsequent to the date of this De�d flf <br /> Trust, this e�ent sha�l ha�� the same effect as an E�ent of De�aul�, and Lender may exercise any ar al! af its <br /> a�aiiable remedies #ar an E�ent of De�ault as prv�ided below unless Trustor either ��y pays the tax befare it <br /> becom�s delinquent, or ��� contests the tax as pro�ided abo�e in the Taxes and Liens section and deposits with <br /> Lender cash ❑r a sutficienfi �orporate surety bond or other se�urity satisfa�tory ta Lender. <br /> SECURITY AGREEIUIENT: FINANC�NG STATEMENTS. The follow�ng pro�isians relating to this Deed af Trust as a <br /> security agreement are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Se�ur�ty Agreem�nt. This instrumen� shall canstitute a Security �4greement t❑ the extent any of the Property <br /> �onstitutes fixtures, and Lender sha�l haU� ail of the rights of a secured party under the Uniform Commercia� Code <br /> as amended from time t� time. <br /> Security Interest. Upon request �y Lender, Trustar shall take whate�er activn E5 requested by Lender to perfect <br /> and continue Lender's security interest in the Rents and Personal P�operty. In addition to recording this Deed ot <br /> Trust in ihe rea! praperty records, L�nder may, at any time and without further authorizatian from Trustor, file <br /> executed counterparts, copies or reproducti�ns of this ❑�ed vf Trust as a financing statement. Trustar shall <br /> reimburse Le�der tQr a1� exper�ses incurred in perte�ting �r cant�nuing th�s security interest. Upan detault, Tru�tor <br /> shall not rema�e, se�e� or detach the Personal Praperty from the Praperty. Upon defauft, Trustor shall assem�ie <br /> any Personal Property nat affixed to the Praperty in a manner and at a place reasanabCy con�enient to Trustor and <br /> Lender and make it a�aifable to Lender within three �3� days after receipt flf w�itten demand from Lender to the <br /> extent permitted by applicable law. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses ❑f Trustor �debtor� and Lender �secured partyy fram which information <br />