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2� 17�2282 <br /> �EE� o� -r�usT <br /> Lvan Na: ��'l 3D36�a �Gvnt�nu�d� Page 2 <br /> Lender agains� Bo�rower and Trustor ❑r any �ne or more ❑��hem, whether now exis�ing ar herea�ter a�ising, whe�her <br /> re�ated vr unrela�ed to the purpose of fih� No�ke, whether �vlun�ary ar ❑�herwise, whe�her due ❑r not due, direct or <br /> indirec�t, de�ermined ❑r undetermined, absalute or confiingen�, liquidated or unliquidafied, whe�her Ba�-rower ❑r Trus�or <br /> may be liable indi�idua��y or jvinfily with o�hers, whether ❑bligated as guarantor, sure�y, accommvdativn par�y or <br /> otherwise, and whe�her reco�ery upon such amounts may be or hereafter may hecome barred by any sta�u�e o-� <br /> limitat�ans, and whe�her �he oi�ligation �o repay su�h amoun�s may �e or hereafter may become atherwise <br /> unen-�orceable. <br /> REV�LVING L1NE �F CREDfT. This Deed of Trus� secures the lndebtedness including, wi�hvut limita�ion, a reWofving <br /> line of�redi�, which obCigates Lender to make ad►�ances t❑gorrower s❑Ivng as Borrvwer complies wi�h all�he�erms of <br /> the Nate. <br /> Trus�kor presently assi�ns �o Lender �also knawn as Beneticiary in this Deed o�f Trusty all ❑f Trustor's right, title, and <br /> interest in and �o all presen� and fu�ure leases a� �he Property and all Renfis �rvm fihe Praperty. jn addi�ian, Trustar <br /> gran�s to Lender a Uniform Commercia� Code secur�ty interes�in the Personal Property and Rents. <br /> THtS DEED DF TRUST, 1NCLU�7ING THE A551�NMENT QF RENTS AND THE SECURITY INTEREST �N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERS�NAL PRDPERTY, 15 G1VEN TD SECURE {A� PAYM�NT �F THE INDEBTEaNESS AND �B} PERF�RMANCE �F <br /> ANY AN❑ ALL �BL�GATI�NS UN[]ER THE N�TE, THE RELATED D�CUMENTS. AND TH[S DEED DF TRUST. TH15 <br /> DEED�F TRUST [S GIVEN AN❑ACCEPTED�N THE FOLL�VIl1NG TERMS: <br /> TRUST�R'S REPRESENTATI�NS AND WARF��4NT1ES. T�-ustor warrants �hat: �a� this Deed afi Trust is executed a� <br /> Borrower's request and nofi afi the requesfi ❑f Lender; �b� Trustor has the ful� power, right, and au�hflrity t� enter into <br /> this Deed ❑f Trust and �a hypatheca�e �he Property; �c} �he pr�Wisions o�fihis Deed o�Trust da not conflict wi�kh, or <br /> result in a defau�t under any agreement or other instrument binding upon Trustor and do not resul�in a viola�ion of any <br /> Eaw, regu�at�on, court decree or ord�r appli�able tv Trustor; {d� Trustor has estabiished adequate means o� olataining <br /> �rom Borrower vn a cantinuing basis in�orma�ion abou�k gvrrvwer's fiinancia� condi�ion; and {e} L�nder has made n❑ <br /> represenfia�ion to Trustor abaut 6orrower�in�luding without�imitation the�reditwor�hiness of Bvrrvwe�-}. <br /> TRUSTDR'S WAIVERS. Trus�ar wai�es a�i rights ❑r defenses a�-ising by�reason ❑f any "one action" ar "anti--deficiency" <br /> law, ar any o�her law which may pre�ent Lender fram bringing any activn against Trus�or, including a claim for <br /> de�icien�y tv the extent Lender is ❑fiherwise en�i�led to a claim �or deficiency, before ❑r a�f-�er Lender's cvmmencement <br /> vr comp�e�ion❑�any tore�losure a�tivn, either judicially❑r by exerc�se❑f a pawer of safe, <br /> PAYMENT AND PERF�R11JlANCE. Except as a�herwise pro�ided in this Deed o�Trust, Bvrrvwe�-and Trustar shal� pay�o <br /> Lende� al� lndebtedness secured hy this Deed ❑f Trusfi as it becom�s due, and B�rrower and Trus�or shall strictly <br /> per�orm aEf the�r respec�i�e abligatians under�he Nafe,th�s Deed�f Trus�, and the Related DvGuments. <br /> P055E5SIDN AND MAINTENANCE DF THE PRDPERTY. Borrvw�r and Trustor agree that 6orrower's and Trusfivr's <br /> passession and use❑f the Praperty shall be go�erned by�he��[Ivwing pro�is�ons: <br /> Pvssessivn and Use. Until the vc�urrence of an E�enf of Default, Trusfiv�- may ��y remain in possession and <br /> control o�the Prop�rty; {2} us�, ❑perate or manage the Prop�rty; and t3} collect the Rents��am�he Property. <br /> Duty to �Jlain�ain. Trustor shall mainfiain the Prop�rty in tenantable condi�ivn and prompt�y per�orm all repairs, <br /> replacements, and main�enance ne�essary�o p�-ese��e �ts va[ue. <br /> Cvmpiiance With Environmental Laws. Trus�kor represents and warrants to Lender tha-�: �1} ❑uring �he perivd ❑�F <br /> Trustvr's ownership of�khe Property, there has been no use, generativn, manufiacfiure, sta�-age,treatmen�, disposal, <br /> release ❑r threatened release o� any Hazardous Substance by any pe�-s�n on, under, ab�ut or from the Prvperty; <br /> {2} Trus�ar has no knawledge o�, or reasan to belie�e that there has heen, except as pre�iously disclased �v and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in wri�ing, �a} any breach or �iolation o� any En�irvnmental Laws, {h� any use, <br /> generation, manufacture, storage, �rea�men�t, dispasal, release or threatened release �� any Hazar-dous 5ubs�ance <br /> on, under, about or fr�m the Property by any priar �wners or v��upants o� fihe Prvper�y, or �c} any actual or <br /> �khreaten�d �itiga#ion ❑r �Eaims o# any kind by any pers�n re�ating �❑ such mat�ers; and �3y Ex�ept as p�-e�iously <br /> disciosed tv and acknvwledged hy Lender in wri�ting, {a} neither Trusto�r nar any�enant, con�ractor, agent�r�ther <br /> auth�rized user of�he Praperty shall use, generate, manufacture, st�re, trea�, d�spnse a-�or release any Hazardous <br /> 5ubs�kan�e ❑n, under, abou-�or from the Property; and �by any such ac�i�ifiy shalf be cvnducfied in cvmpliance with <br /> af� applicable �edera[, stafie, and local laws, �egufations and ordinances, including withou� �imi�a�ifln all <br /> En�ironmen�al Laws. Trustor authori�es Lende�- and its agents to enter upon �he Proper�y �o make such <br /> �nspe�tions and �es�s, at Trustor`s expense, as Lender may deem app�opriate to determine compliance of �he <br /> Pro�er�y wi�h this sec�ian o�-�he D�ed vfi Trust. Any inspections ❑r tes�s made by Lender shall be fa� Lende�-'s <br /> purpases only and sha11 nat be cvnstrued�o crea�e any responsibility❑r Iiability ❑n the par�❑f Lender to Trustar❑r <br /> t❑ any ❑�her person. The representa�ions and warrant�es cantained herein are based on Trustar's due diligence in <br /> �nves�iga�ing the Properfiy for Hazardous 5ubs�ances. Trust�r hereby {�� releases and wai�es any �Fu�ure claims <br /> agains� Lend�r for indemni�y ❑r con�ributi�n in the e�ent Trus��r becomes liable -�or cleanup or ather costs under <br /> any su�h laws; and ��} agrees to indemni�fy, defend, and hold harmless Lender a�ainst any and all claims, losses, <br /> liabilifiies, damages, penalties, and expenses which Lende�may direc�ly or indirec�ly sustain or suffer resulting from <br /> a brea�h ❑�this section o�fihe ❑eed of Trust vr as a consequ�nce of any use, generat�on, manufac�ure, storage, <br /> disposal, release ar threatened release ❑ccurring priar t❑Trustvr's ownership❑r interesfi in�he Prope��y, whether❑r <br /> nofi fihe same was or shouId ha�e been knawn ta Trus�or. The pra�isions o� this sect�on of �he Deed af Trust, <br /> including the obiigation to indemnify and de�end, sha!! sur�i�e the payment of the lndebt�dness and the safiis�acfiion <br />