2� 17�2282
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> L�an Na: '14'�3�3C�5 �CDntqnued} Page ��
<br /> ❑efault, The word "Defaul�" means�he Default sefi forth in this Deed of Trus�in�he section�itled "l�efaul�".
<br /> En�i�onmental Lav►rs. The words "En�irvnmental Laws" mean any and all s�afie, federal and �ocal s�a�utes,
<br /> regulat€ans and ❑rdinances relating to �he pro�ectian a� human health ❑r the en�ir�nment, in�luding wi�hou�
<br /> limita�ivn �he Comprehensive En�ironmental Response, Campensation, and Liabi[i�y Ac� of 19SD, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. 5ectian �6��, et s�q. �"CERCLA"�, the Superfund Amendments and Reau�horiza�ion Act of �986, Pub. L.
<br /> No. 99-499 �"SARA"}, the Hazardvus Materials Transp�r�a�ion Act, 49 L].S.C. Sec�ian `�801, e�seq.,the Resvurce
<br /> Ganser�ation and Re�o��ry Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 59��, et seq., or ❑ther app[icable sta�e ❑r federa[ laws, rules,
<br /> �r r�gulatians adopted pursuant thereto.
<br /> E►r�nfi v�De�auEfi. The words "E�ent of D�fault" mean any❑f the e�ents of default se��arth in�his Deed afi Trusfi in
<br /> the eWents❑fi defaul�section o-�this L�eed vf Trust.
<br /> Guaranfy. The wvrd "Guaranty" means the guaranty�rvm guarantor, endorser, sure�y, vr accvmmoda�ion party t❑
<br /> Lender, including wi�hou�limitation a guaran�y of a�F❑r par�of the N�te.
<br /> Hazardvus Substances. Th� words "Hazard�us 5ubstances" mean materials tha�, because o� their quanti�y,
<br /> cancen�ratian or physical, chemica� vr infectious chara�teristics, may cause or pose a presen# ❑�- patential hazard
<br /> �o human health or�he enWironment when improper�y used, treated, stored, disposed of, generated, manufactured,
<br /> �ransp�r�ed or o�herwise handled. The wards "Hazard�us Substances" are used in the�r �ery �raadesfi sense and
<br /> include wi�hout [imitatian any and all hazardaus o�r toxic substances, ma�erials or was�e as de�ined by ❑r lis�ed
<br /> under the En�ironmenta[ Laws. The�ke�m "Hazardvus Substances" a�so includes, withou�limitatian, petroleum and
<br /> petroleum hy-pr�duc�ts or any�ractian thereaf and asbes�os.
<br /> Cmprvvements. The ward "[mprovements" means all �xisting and �utu�re impraWemen�s, buildings, structures,
<br /> mohi�e homes a#�ixed on �he Real Proper�y, facili�ies, additivns, rep�acements and vther �ons�ructivn ❑n the Real
<br /> Praperty.
<br /> Indehtedness. The word "Indeh�edness" means a�� principal, interest, and other amoun�s, casts and expenses
<br /> payable under the Note or Related ❑ocuments, tvge�ther with all renewals of, extensions o�, modi�ica�ions ❑f,
<br /> �vnsolidations vf and subs�itu�ivns far the Na�e or Related ❑ocuments and any am�un�s expended ❑r adWanced by
<br /> Lender �a discha�-ge T�-ustor's ❑bligations or expenses incurred by Trustee ar Lender fio en�force Trus�kvr's
<br /> ❑bliga�ivns under this ❑eed ❑f Trus�, �agether with in�erest vn such amoun�s as prv�ided in �his ❑eed vf Trust.
<br /> Specifica!!y, withaut Eimitation, Indebtedness includes all amaun�s that may be indirec�ly secured by the
<br /> Cross-Co�lateralization pro�ision vf�his Deed o�Trust.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender" means Fi�e Points Bank, its successors and assigns.
<br /> Nvte. The word "Note" means the promissory note dated April '�, �D17, in the vrigina� p�incipaf amvunt af
<br /> $$9�.���.�� �rvm Borrow�r to Lender, tvgethe� with all renewa�s ❑f, extensions v�, moditications of,
<br /> re�inancings❑f, cansolidatEans �fi, and substitutions�for the promissory nv�e ar agreem�nt.
<br /> Personai Prvperty. The words "PersvnaE Proper�y" mean all equipmen�, fix�ures, and o�her artEcles vf pe�svna!
<br /> pr-operfiy nvw ar her�after ❑wned by Trustor, and nvw vr hereafter attached vr affixed t❑ �he Reai Praper�y;
<br /> tagether with a!� accessions, pa�ts, and additians to, a!i replacemen�s af, and al! substftu�ians for, any ❑� such
<br /> proper�y; and �vgether with all proceeds �including wi�hout limitation ali insurance praceeds and re�unds of
<br /> pr�miums} �ram any saie❑r ather disposifiivn o�F the Prop�r�y.
<br /> Prvper�y. The word "Property" means col�ectively the Real Property and the Persona! Prope��y.
<br /> Rea� Property. The words "Reaf Prvper�y" mean the real property, in�erests and rights, as -�urther described in�his
<br /> ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Related ❑ocuments. The words "Rela�ed I�ocumen#s" mean all promisso�y notes, credit agreemen�s, ioan
<br /> agreements, en�ironmental agreemen�s, guaran�ies, se�urity a�reem�nts, mortgages, deeds v� trust, security
<br /> deeds, callateral martgages, and all othe�- ins�ruments, agreements and documents, whether now or hereafter
<br /> � existing, executed in cvnnecti�n wi�h�he Ind�btedness.
<br /> Rents. The word "Ren�s" means all pr�sent and future rents, re�enues, in�ome, issues, royalties, profits, and
<br /> other b�nefits d�ri�ed�rom�he Praperty.
<br /> Trustee. The word "Trusfi�e" means Fi�e Points Bank, whose address is P.� B�x �5�7, Grand lsland, NE
<br /> 688��--Z 5D7 and any subs�i�ute or successor trustees.
<br /> Trus�vr. The word "T�ustor" means GRAND ISLAN❑ C�MMERCIAL VENTURES, L.L.G..
<br />