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2� 17�2271 <br /> C3�.�1� DF TRLJS�' <br /> Lo�n Nna 1[I73��5'I� ���ntlnued� Pa�e 4 <br /> Fvreclasu�e by Power of Sal�. l�Lende�elec�s�c� �vr�c�ose b��a�ercise at the Pc�w�r af Sa�le her�in �ontained, <br /> Lend�r s�aEl na��fy Trus�ee and shafl depvsi� w�th Trustee �his Deed ��Trus� and the Cr�dit A�re�r�rtien� and <br /> su�h receip�s and��idence of expenditur�� made and secured by�his aeed a�Trust as Trustee may require. <br /> �a� Upon receipt of su�h no�ice�frvm Len�er. Trus�ee sha�� cause to be reca�rded, pu�lished and deli�e�ed <br /> to Trustar such Nvt�c� of De�au�t and Na�tice ot Sal� as then required by law and hy this ❑eed ❑�Trust. <br /> Trus�ee sha�l, withou� demand on Trustvr, after such �ime as may then be requir�d by law and after <br /> � recorda�ivn ❑f such Nta�ice o� �e�auit and after Noti�e ❑f 5a4e having been gi�en a� requir�d by lawr S�II <br /> the Prvperty at �he �im� and p�a�e o� sale fixed by it in such N�tice o� �ale, ei�h�r as a wh�le, or in <br /> separa�e tots or parcels ar items as Trus�ee shaI�deem expedient, and in su�h order as it may determine, <br /> ��public auc�ivn�o the highest bidd�r�ar cash in Iawful mvney o�the lJnited States pay�ble at�he time <br /> ❑f sa�e. Trustee shall de�iver tv such purchaser vr purchasers �hsrevf �ts good and sufficien� deed ar <br /> deeds cvn�eying the �roper�y so sold, �ut wi�hou� any �o►►enant ar warranty, express �r implied. The <br /> reci�als �n such deed v� any matters or tacts sha[l b� con�lusi�� prr�ot of the tru�h�ulness therevf. Any <br /> per�nn, �ncluding withvu��imitatEon Trustc�r,Trustee, or Lender, may purchas� at suGh sale. <br /> �b� ►4s may be p�rmitt�d by law, aft�r deducting a!1 �ns�s, �ees and expenses v� Trustee �nd a� this <br /> Trust, including cas�s vt e�id�nce a��it1e En connection with sale,Trus�ee shaji apply�he prc�ceeds of sale <br /> �o paymen� v� {i� all sums expended under the t�rms o� this Deed o� Trust ❑r und�r the t�rms of the <br /> Cr�dit Agreement not then repaid, including �u� not iimited to accrued interest and late charges, ��i� a!I <br /> other sums then secur�d hereby, and tiiiy �he remainder, it any, to the pers�n or pe�sans legaiiy enti'tled <br /> thereto. <br /> �G} Trustee may in the manner prQvid�d b��aw pos�pan�sale of ail or any por�ian of the P�oper�y. <br /> Remedies Not Exclusi►►e. �"rustee and Lender, and each v� '�hem, shair �� �n�i�ied t� entorG� paym�nt and <br /> per#�rmanGe❑�any indeb�edness o��biiga��ons secured by thEs I���d v�Trust and t❑ exercise aI� rights and powers <br /> under �his ❑eed ❑f Trust, unde� the Credi� Agreement, under any ot�he Re�ated Dvcuments, ar under any o�h�r <br /> agreement c�r any [aw� nvw or hereafter in torce; nvtwithstanding, some ❑r a�� ❑f such +ndebtedness and <br /> obliga��ons se�ured by th�s Deed of Trust may now vr hereafter�e othervuise secured, ►rvhether�y mortgage, deed <br /> o-F trust, pl�dge, lien� assignm�n�ar❑therwis�. i��i'�her �he acce�t�nGe a�#his �eed v�Trust nor i�s �r�farcemen�, <br /> wrether by court action ar pursuan� ta the pc�wer o� sale or o�h�r powers cvn��in�d in this �eed af 'Trust, shall <br /> pre}udi�� vr ir� any manner a'�fect Trustee's ar Lender's righ�tv real�ze upan vr enfio�ce any other �ecur�ty now ❑r <br /> hereafter held by Trustee ar Lender, it being agreed tha�Trustee and Lender� and each nf them. shall be en�i��ed to <br /> enfarce �his Deed �f Trust and any ❑fiher securi�y now or he�eaft�r he�d by Lender ❑� Trustee in such order and <br /> manner as they or either ❑t them may in the�ir absalu�e dis�r��ian determine. N❑ remedy canferred upan ar <br /> res�r�ed �o Trustee ❑r Lender, is in�ended to be exctusive �t any o�her remedy in �his Deed vf Trus� or by iaw <br /> prv�ided or permitted. but each shail be Gumula���e and shall �e in �dditian �v e�ery ather remedy �i�en �n this <br /> t]eed o#�Trus�or naw or hercafter existing a� Iawr ar in equity �r by statute. Every pr�wer vr �emedy gi�en by the <br /> Credit Agreement ar any o�F the Related �?vcuments �o Trus't�e or Lender or '�o which either �� �hem may �e <br /> ❑�herwise entit�ed, may be ea�ercised, c�ncurren�ly ❑r independentiy, from time to �ime and as vften as may be <br /> deemed expedient by Trus�ee or Lender, and e��her o� them may pursue inGansisten� remedies. No�hing �n this <br /> De�d of Trust shall be cvnstrued as prvhib�ting Lender �rom seeking a deficjen�y�udgmen� aga�nst�he Trus�vr to <br /> rhe extent such ac�ian is permit'ted by law. <br /> E[e�tion v� Remedies. A�� Q� Lender's rights and remedies wili be cumulati�e and may be ex�rcis�d a��ne dr <br /> tiagether. I� Lender �ecides �o spend maney vr ta� per�orm any ��r Trustor's o�lig��ivns under �his Deed af Trus�, <br /> after 7rustor's �ai�ur� to da so, that decision by Len�er wii� no�� a�fect Lender's right xa declare Trustor in de�ault <br /> and to�x�rcise L�nder's remedies. <br /> Request fvr Natice. Trustor, on hehalf❑f Trustar and Lender, hereby.requests�hat a copy v�ar�y N��ice a�CJe�auit <br /> and a �apy o�any Notice of 5aie under this Qeed o�F Trust be mai�ed�a�hem at the addr�sses se���rth in the tirst <br /> �aragraph❑���is Deed of T�ust. <br /> Attorneys' �e�s; Expenses. I� Lend�r E�s'�itu��s any sui� or �c�ion �o en�vrce �ny of the terms v� thi� Deed �f <br /> Trust, Lender sha!! bs en���Ied �❑ re�vWer such sum as �he cvur�may ad�udge reasQnabl� as attarne�s' fees a�trial <br /> and upan �ny appea�. Whether or not any court a�tion �s inWo�ved, and �o �he extent na� prvhibited by law. all <br /> reasvnabCe expenses Lender incurs that in L�nder's opinion are necessary a�t any tim� �ar �h� protec�ion a� i�s <br /> in�eres�ar the en��rcement of its righ�s shail become a part❑#the indebtedness payab�e vn demand and shall be�r <br /> in�erest at �he Credi� A�reemen� rate fram the da�e ❑f th� expendi�ure until r�paid. Expenses coWered by this <br /> paragraph inc�ude, wi'thvut limi��'�ion� however subjec�ta any limi�s under appiE�abl� iaw, Lend�r's a���rneys' fees <br /> and L�nderrs legal e�cpens�S, whether or no�C there is a lawsuit, inc[uding �t�qrneys' #ees and expenses tor <br /> bankrup�cy proceedings �includ�ng et��r�s �t� modi�y ❑r �aca�te any au�amatic s�ay❑r �n�unc�iany� a�peals, and any <br /> anticipated pvst-judgment callectian ser�ices, the cvst v� searching records. abtaining �i�le reports {inc�udin� <br /> for�c��sure reparts�, sur�eyvrs' rep�rts, and appra�s�i fiees, ����e insuran�e, and fees �ar the Tru��ee, to the extent <br /> permit�sd by applicable law. Trus��r als❑wiil pay any cvurt G�s�s, in addi�tian t�all ather sums pro��ded by iaw. <br /> MISCELLA�VEC�US PR�VISIdNS. The'�ollowing miscEllaneous pro��sions ar�a par�a��this C��ed o�Trust: <br /> Governing Law. Th�s Deed c�i�Trust wi�� b� gvverned by t�dera! law appliGable �ta Lender and, ta fihe ex�en# not <br /> preemp��d by�edera�law,�he laws ot the S�ate of Nebraska wi�thaut regard to i�s con#licts of law prov�sians. ThiS <br />