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<br /> f
<br /> � « sO.�RFJ/EQIES NOT EXCL�Sl�E. Tru�teo an8 Soaetrc�ary.and ca�h of them,sha�t��entitled ta entoree paymeni and pertormance oi any
<br /> mdeGtedneSSOrobligatianssecured hereby andtoaxercise alt r�gh�,and powers underth�s Trust QaaGav us��e�anyoth2r agree�rentexssutcd
<br /> �n connectton herew�th or any Iaws naw or herealter in force,notu��thsland�ng some or all of the such indebtedness an�!obt�gat�ons secured
<br /> • h8�@Gy rttay�14N�Or RBtA8llet be Othgcw�SB SBCUrBd.WJ�81h8t bY mOttQ2g0.t�1tS1 deed, pledge,I�en,ass,gnment or otherwise. Ne�ther the
<br /> acceplartceof thisTrus9 Deed noritsentorcement whethe+hyCo�rt action or purQuan±tothepoweraf s3teor other QowershereincontaineQ,s��at1 •
<br /> prejudice or in any manner aiPeci Trustee's or 8enetic�ary's nghl tg reatiie upon Or entorce arty other secunty now or hsreafter held by Trustee or
<br /> ': Ben8liciary.itbeingagreedthatTrustseandBenef�ciary,and8achofthem,sha116eent�Hedtoenforceth�sTrustOeedanQanyolhersecuritfnoL�
<br /> � � or hereattsr hetd by 8enefeciary or Trustee�n such order anQmanner as they or erther ot them may�n ihe;r absolute d�scretion d2term��e.No .
<br /> ;%, � remedy herein conierred upnn or ioserved to Trusies or Beneticiary�s+ntertdedto foe exclus�ve of any olhec reme�y hete�n or F�y law prqu:ded or
<br /> - • permitted,but each shalE be cumutative and shafl be rn aCdition t�every other remedy g�ven hereunder or now or hereafter existing at taiv or in
<br /> �_ equity orbystatute.Every pawerorremedy prov�ded underth�s Trus!Deed toTrusteeor Beneficiary or to which e�ther otthem may be otherw�se
<br /> • pntitted,may 6eexercised,concurrently or independently,from time to time ard as oiten as may be deemed expedient by Trusteeor Beneficiary
<br /> . � and either of them may pursue inconsistent remed�es.Nothing here�n shall be construed as proh�biur.g Beneticiary f�om seeking a defi��ency
<br /> � judgment against the Trusto:to the exten!sach action is pPrmitted by taw.
<br /> i
<br /> . ; t t.TRANSFER OF THE PHOPERTY;�iSSUMPTION.1'al{or any part of the ProOerty or interest therern is sotd,transferred or otherwise
<br /> conveyed Dy Trustor without Benetic�ary's prior writfen consent.ezefuding ra)the creat�on qf a lien or encumbrance subordirtate to this Trust
<br /> Deed.(b�a transter by operation ot law upon the death of a Trustor who is a�oint fanant ar(c;the grant of any leasehold interest of three(3)years ar
<br /> � leas which does not contain an option to purchase,su�h action�s a breach of this agreement.and Beneficiary may,at Benefic�ary's aption,
<br /> � declareallthesumssecuredbythisTrustDeedto6eimmediatetydueandpayable,provided.further.th�sTrustQesdmay.at8eneticiary'sDpt�on,
<br /> , be dectared imme0iate[y due and payable,it(1�Trustor is a partnership and any interest in the partnership is sold or assigned by any means
<br /> whatsoever,or(2�if fhe Trustor�s a corporat�on a�d a transter oi the majority stock owne�ship interest in the corpprat�an accurs.or the Trustor
<br /> � f corporation merges in any form with another corporation or entity.8eneficiary shall have waived such option to acceterafe if,prior to the sale.
<br /> i transferorconveyance.@eneficiaryandthepersontowbomlhePropertyistobesoidortransterredreachagreementinwritingthatthecred�tof
<br /> . suChpersorti�5atisfaCtnrytOBenefiC�aryanCthatthe�nteresipayableontnesumssecuredbythisTrustOeedshallbeatsuchrateasBeneficiary
<br /> 1 ` shall request.
<br /> ' � t 2.ACCELERATtON UPON DEFAULT;pEMEQfES;SALE.The fa�iure by tne Trustor,to make any payment or to perform any ot;he tarms and
<br /> f condrtionsufth�sTrustDeed.orthetermsandconditionsoftheNote,oranyrenevials,modificationsorextensionsthereof,orthefaituretomake
<br /> � paymentatany oiher indabtedness,priorar subsequenttothisTrust Deed,and secured by this property,orlhedeathot oneor moreTrustors shall
<br /> be a brea�h and defauft of this Trust DaeO and the Baneficiary may declare a defautt and may declara all sums secured hereby immediatety due _
<br /> and payable andthe same shall thereupon become due and payaDle without presentment,demand,protes!or notice ot any kmd,provided.Trustor - .
<br /> shail have any statutory rig�t to cure the dafault before any notice ot defauli and demand for sale may be delivered to Ihe Trustee.Thereafter. ,
<br /> Benei►ciary may detiver to Trustee a written declaration of default and demand for sale.Trustar agrees and hereby grants that the Trustee shall ,
<br /> � havethepa•�c-rofsaleolthePropertyanditBeneficiarydec�desthePropertyistobesotditshetldeposilw�lhTr�steeth�sTruslDeedandtheNote
<br /> � ornotesar.dcnyotherdocumentsevidencingexpendituressecuredhereby,andshalldel"rvertaTrusteeav�nttennoUceaid�faultandelectionto � ;,.�
<br /> causethe property tobesold.and Trustee,inturn,shall prepare a s�rn�lar notice in the form required by law,wh�ch shafl b�=�uly filed for record by
<br /> � Trustee. `r~�'
<br /> f
<br /> (a) Afterthelapseo�sucht�measmaybarequiredbylawfolle�vingtherecordaUOnofNohceefDef�WC,andNol�ceofDefaultandNotica . ',-
<br /> f af�ale having been g+ven as required by taw.Trustee,v��thout demand on Yrustor,shafl sell the Froperty,it not redeemed,in one or
<br /> � more parcels anA in such order as Trustee may deterrr,:re on the date and the time and place tl2�iqnated���2id Notice of Sale,at ,
<br /> _ ____ � gublic auctton 2ccording to law. �
<br /> ; (bJ l�VhenTrusteesn'.l3pursuanttothepowersherein,Trusteeshallapplytheproceed�o.11hesatetopFp:�ent�fihecpstsande�c�enses =
<br /> � of axerc�sing the power of sale and ot the sale,including,without limitation,aitncray's fees antl the pay�ent of Trustee's Fees �
<br /> in�urred,which��rustee's Fe�s shall not inthe aggregate exceed the foltowing a^:•:r�s based upon the art►aunl�er_ured hereby and
<br /> re:naining unpaid at the tirac��heduledforsale:5 percentum onthe balance therec:�;andthen tothe items in s�':pa►8graph�c)�n the
<br /> j order there st�te�.
<br /> i .
<br /> � (c) Atter paying tra.tems specihed in sub�_��3raph(b►,if tho sale is by Srustee,or if the sale is pursuant to�udiciat foreclos�2°e.the
<br /> � prarPeds ot sale shall be a��'ied in the to!`owing order.
<br /> (1�Cost ot any evidence ot^���:procured+1 connect�or.w.:;�such sa!e and o1 any revenue transte•!ee requirod to ba paid; -
<br /> (2�A�I obliga!iCrs secured Cy th�s Trust i3e��; �`'
<br /> _ (3►Junior trusfC�.sds,rnortgages.or othe� enhotders: ���
<br /> ( �4)Thv remairc6er,if any,to She Gerson te�ally entitled thereto. �
<br /> ! 13.APPOINTMENT pF SUCCESSLZEt TRUSTEE.Benoficiary may,trom timg to time.by a written mstrumpnt executed and acknowlodged by
<br /> � Beno}iciary,mailed to T�ustar and recorded in;he county or counties�n wh.ch the Property�s located and by otherwise complying w�th thv
<br /> �
<br /> ( provisionsottheappl�caC�elawsoltheStateotNebcas4�substituteasucces�prCrsucCessorstotheTrustoenamedheroinoractinghoreunder.
<br /> 14.INSPECTIONS.B6'eficiary,or its agents,re;,�ESentatives or employee� are authorizedto entor at any reasonable t�me upon or�r aay part
<br /> - ; ottheProrertyforthepurposeotinspaclinglhesamean�itorthepurposeofcerforminganyoftheactsitisaulhoritod�oporlormundeHheterms
<br /> f o1 the Tru�t D88d.
<br /> 1
<br /> . t 5.OPTIONTO FORECLOSURE.Upon Ihv occurrQncool any broach and unus�tho doclaralionotdotauil hereu»der.�c�e��ciary sha'i�ave the
<br /> � ! option to toreCtoso this Trust Oepd in tho mannor prowded by law tor tho foroc�asure of mortgagos on roa►propprty
<br /> , 16.FpREBEARANCE8Y8ENEFtC1ARY0RTRUSTEEN�TAWAIVER.An�iorebearanceby9eneficiaryortrustesirExercis:r.�ar.yrightor
<br /> , ramedyhereunder,oroth9rwiseattordedbyappl�cabtalaw.shallnOtbeaw����rotorprecludetheexerciseotanysuchr�'�;orremed� l�kew�se
<br /> , the waiver by Beneilciary or Trustee of any dolauh ol Trustor under this Tr�s'Deed shall not bo deemad to ba a wa�ve•of any otr��•cr sim�lar
<br /> i defaultssubsequen;tyc��urring.
<br /> ' .:=_-__�-_
<br /> ' 1T. BElJEFICIARY'S POW�RS.Withouf a�toct:r.g or releas�ng the I�ab.�:ty ot thv Trusta or any othQr porson I�a��r'pr the payment ot any `
<br /> — � obti9ahc.^•r�roin mentionod,and wilhout atloaf�r.�t'^�lien or charge of this Trust Devd upon any port+on ot the Pro����;l0 8enefiC�ary may.lrom i
<br /> � timotot���candwilhoutnoticeatlhprequostotor�crmoreTrusco:s.(�►r�leASaanyporsonl�ablo.I�i►extendorrene•���ra^�aturilyoralteranyot
<br /> � 1he terr�;c1 any sueh obligations,(�i�)grant other c-rulgonces.;.��}release or recanvoy,nr cause to bo released or r;s:�nvoyed al any luno a1 ,
<br /> �enofrciary s a�uan a^;7 parcor or afF ottho ProFerr�.rvJ tako ar retoas�a�sy cc�er ur adnwanat sacurity for any bbugatibn n�rein r�e��or,ee,�v,i '
<br />— makp sotttpments or o:�•er arrangomvnts with 7rustor in rvlation theroto.Alt T-�stors sh�ll bv�ointly i�nd soverally abligated and t:��:.^d by Ihc
<br /> '- act�ons ot tha Bone*��?:�y or any ane or moro Trustor as statod in Ihis parag�o�;�.
<br />±' L
<br /> f 8.ATTaRAIEY FEBS,COSTS AND EXPENSES.Tho Baneticituy ut Ih�s 7rust beed is enbtted to ttra p7ymcnt ol att�rnuy s tr.es,r.��sts and
<br /> expons2�.as pruvidod in this 7rus1 baod.oxCE�pt es otherwiso prbhibrted�a�,vi
<br /> h
<br /> fy qECONVEYANCE BY 'fHUSTEE. Upon v�c�nun rQquest ot Hen�,fic•..•�e ancl uuoi� �dyrnpnt by Trustnr ot Trustee s lees. i�ustee sh,�n ��
<br /> ruconvbyto'fruslar.url�ep�rsonurpovsonslErgti:'4�5n1itlttdlhprtilv.vnlhoulwarrtnly.��nyG�o�UunotthEPre�pEriythenhelJhpreunde< «ecrta�s:�= f
<br /> sw_h�4�c�nvayancE vf�eny malters qr(.tCts Sh2tl!pi;CtinclR�S�uC prUti�bt Ihc I�ulhlutnt�s thorcof )ho�rantci:�rs,irvy r�cur,v��r��ncv�»��v hc• s'
<br /> b
<br /> cit;;;cn��rU as th�parsori�r parsans Iegally enhtled th�reto' °
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