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<br /> -� � COM�� I30W TH�,,VIZLAGE f1� -nI,I3R, iv�BRA�KA, and bereby gives � � ,,'.�`-_'..
<br /> , ��
<br /> _ n���.ce o£ its Iien rights in respeet to unpaid charges Por water :t,y
<br /> a��, sewer ser�ice in the amount oP Seventy-Thres and 3a/zoa >+.:`-. `
<br /> �;:��::�.� .
<br /> , D��lars ($73.3a) anfl hereby .evidences the intposition "of a 1i�z�
<br /> � th�rePar to the ciate o° .thi� notice in such amount.
<br /> , . `:,.
<br /> : � Such 11en is for water a�ed sewer s�r�ice supplfed in respect
<br /> ta:, t�e rea7. es�ate lefiall� des�ribed as: �
<br /> Lot Sixteen (16), Argo TY�ird �ubdiv3sion to
<br /> � .
<br /> the ViliaF:ge o£ Alda, Ha].1 Ca�nty, Nebraska,
<br />: , ar�d notice hereof is giv�en �nder the ���hority vested in the , � . •
<br />_ ; V�llaoe of A2.da tn enforce such 1.iens in accflrdance with the pro- �
<br /> v�sions aP Nebx�aska Revised Statu�es Sections 17-538 and 18-5b9, __-
<br /> as revisecl. � `
<br /> „ Datsd th�s �,�� day of March, 19�0.
<br /> I, tfie undersigned, Village Clerk far the Village of Alda, �
<br /> Dlebraska, fYereby certiFy that as oF� the 3ate of tihis nctice, the
<br /> . ' txbove represent� a true accounting of aIl past due accoun�s for
<br /> ' sewcr 2rnd water service provided ta the above-deseribed real
<br /> eatate and constStutes a valid lien against �uch real estate
<br /> • � under the I�ws of the State oF Nebraska. , ��
<br /> - .�
<br /> VILLAGE �F kLDA, ?1EBRASKA �; _
<br /> . , ;�,
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<br /> �., '' . , ' gY '( -F' (► ('r �t� �, .
<br /> ,: , - ; � � v .Llage c erk
<br /> ' (SF: t� T..� . '
<br /> ;1,t� . .
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<br /> RL`.i.`i��.b.022890i rs
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