2� 17�2181
<br /> �EE� �� T�I��T
<br /> ���r���r�u�d� ���� �
<br /> nat th�n r������ ir��l udi�� �t�t n�t �imit�d �� a�crued inter��t an€i rate �h�rges� �i i� a]i ath�r surr���hen
<br /> se�Ur�d Yt�r��y,��d �iii�t��r�ma�r�der,ff an�,#�the p�rs�n�r��r�ans I���II��:r���tl�d tl��r�t�.
<br /> �c� Trx�st��t����r��I��m�r�ne�pr�wided by I�v�r pastp�r��s�l����IC�r��y��rti�r��f�h��r���rty,
<br /> ��m����� N at �x�lu�i�re. Trust�� �r�� L�r���r, �r�� �ach �f th�m� �I���C �� �r�titled ta enfor�e payrnent an�
<br /> ��rf�rrnan�e�f�ny ind�t�f�cf�r�ss Qr��li�ati�r�s s���r��b�#hi� I�����f Ti ru�k an�fa���rcis��IC�igh���n�p�w�r�
<br /> Un��r tl�i� ���� �f Tru�t� un�er th� N���� �r���r�r�y�f the Relat�� a�cumen��� �r�n��r�n��tf��r��r��m�r�t�r
<br /> �r��1�v�� n�w�r h�r�af��r ir� f�r��; ��t�u�thsta r�ding,sam� ar all ❑f�u�h in���#��Cr���� �n��bli�ati�n�s��u«� t�y
<br /> thi� a��� ���'rust rnay na� ❑r i��r��ft�r���th�rwi�e ���ur�d, whetn��b�m��#����, ���� �f trust, pled�e� �ien,
<br /> ���i�nme�t �r �t[��ru►r�$�. �f�itF�er kh� ac�eptan�� �f tF��� a��� ���'���t r�or its ent�r�eEn�n�� wh����r �� ��ur�
<br /> ��tian �t purs�a�r�t t� tt�� ��vu�r�f�al� or oti��r pav�r�rs �ar�t��rr�� irr #�is a��� ��Tr�r�t, sh�ll pr�j�cdi�� at ir� �r��
<br /> �n�n��r aff��t�Fr�s���'� �r ��n�er'� rig�� #� r��#i�� ��Qn �r �nf�r�e �r�y ath�r s��u���y ��� Qr he�eaf��r h�l� �}�
<br /> �`r��t��or L�n�er,it ��ir��agree�th�t�'ru�t���r�����d�r,an��ach of t��rn, �h�Cl���nti�l���Q �r�f�r��this�e��
<br /> �f Tr�r�t and an�+�ther���r��rit�r r��vwr vr i��r�aft��h�1� by L����r�r Trust�e in ���h ����r�r�� rr��r�r����s tF�e� �r`
<br /> �af�er�f th�rn r���+ in t�eir al���lut� �ii����t��n ��t�rmine. hJ� r�rrr�d� ��ni�rr�� up�n or r�sen�ed to TEu�t�� �r
<br /> ��n���, i�int�r��l�� t� b��x�lu�i�r��f�r���#h�r r�m���►ir� �[�is a��d ��7r��t�r���aw p�-��rided or p�rrnitted, b ut
<br /> ���h �hal] h� �ur�r�l�tiv� and s�al� �� in ���iti�r� �� ���r�r ot��r rem�d� ���r�� i� ��i� ���� �f Tru�t or n�w ❑r
<br /> h�r�aft�r��ci��ir����law�r ir��quit�❑r��st�t�t�. �rr�r���uv�r ar r�m�����ven��th�!�l���Q��ny�f��� l�elat�d
<br /> �a��m�nts �o Tru�t�� �r I��n��r �r t� wh i�h �ith,�r �f th�m rr�ay �� ot��rwi�� �r�titl��, rr���r �� e�c���i����
<br /> ��r��urr�r���y�r in�������n#1�, �r�m tim� �� tim� �n�i����t�� as rna�r t��d��rn�d ��cp�di��t��Tr��l���� L�r���r,
<br /> �n� �ith�r of th�rrr �n��r P�r�u� in�an�i�t�nt r�rr��d���� l��#hir�g i r� thi� L���d �f �'ru�t �F��lI �� ��r��tru�� ��
<br /> Rr�[�i�it�n� L�nd��fr�rn �e��in�a�efici�n�y���fgm��t again5�th��"ru�tar�� tf���xt�r�����F� ��ti�n i���rmitte� by
<br /> I�w. El��ti�n �y L�r������ p�rsu� any rern���+ sh��l[ r��t ��c�lu�e pursuit�f an�r o�h��r��n���, �r�� �� el��ki�� t�
<br /> make �xp�n�i��r�� �r�o taF�e �cti�n t� ��t��rrrti �n �a�igation �f Tr��t�r u���r t#�i� ���� �f`Crust, �i��r Trust�r's
<br /> fai�ure t� p�r��rm��f��ll n�t aff��t L�nd��'s ri�F�t t����I�r�a��f�u[t and�xerci��i#s r�rr���i�s.
<br /> F���uest far N�ti��F �'�u�t�r,�r�a�1�a�lf af�rust�r-��r�l L�nder, ��reb�►r��u��f�fh�t a c���r�f�r��r�l�ti��+Qf D�faul#
<br /> �r��i a��p��f�n�+C�at������al�und�r tl��� b�����Tru�t�e mailed to tFr�rtt�i#���d��������e�f�rth �n tF�e f�r��
<br /> ��ragra�h af thi������f�'rus�.
<br /> A�#��n��r�' F��s; �xp�ns��. I� L�n��r ins�itut�� �n�► �ui� ����ti�n #� ��f�r�e at�} af th� f�rms ��tF�i� ��I �f
<br /> Tru��� L���er s[�all�er�ti����#�re�ver su�M�um��tl�����r�rr�y adj�rd��r�a�an�b���s�tt�rn��s'�������ri��
<br /> �n� upvn �n�r �����f, 1f1�-���her�r n�t �n�►��urt �4ti�r� �� ir�v�iv��]} an�l #� th� �xt�r�� ��t �r��iC��#�� k��► lav�r, al�
<br /> ����na�l� �xp�ns�s L�r����in�ur� th�t in ��rr��r�s ��ini�n ar� nec�s��ry �t �ny tim� f�r ��� ������ti�n 4f i#s
<br /> i r�t�r��t��th��r�f�r��m�nt�f i#s �i�hts�ha11��rr����rt�f th�1r���[�t�c������y��r��n c���nan�and sha11 ��a�
<br /> ink�rest at t��Nat�r�t�fr�m t�e dat��f th�ex����itur��rr�til repai�l. Exp�r,s��v����C��r th��para�ra�F�anclu�t��
<br /> v�ri�i�oU��i mitat��r�' ��w��er suh���t t� �r��lami�� �n��r�ppl ica���I�v�, L�r�����att�rn��s'����and Le��te�����I
<br /> �����s�, v�+h�th�r�r r�4# t��r� i� a I�v�+st���, �n�lu�ir�� at#�rr�e�s' fees �r��i ������ f�� �ankru�t��r �rac���lings
<br /> �inGludir���f��rt�t��nadify�r�r�����r��automati��t�y�r rnj�r��ki�r�}������1���nd an�an�i�rpat��1��st j�t�gm�r�t
<br /> ��]1�Gtian �er'�r���, th���st�f s��r�f�ir����t��, �t�t�inin�tit�� r����k� �in����in�f�r��l��ur�r���rt��, sur��y�rs'
<br /> r�par�s� ar�� �}��r�isal f�e�t titl� ir�s�r�n��� and fees f�� �h� T��t��� #� #h� �xt�nf permi�t�� b�r applic���� I�w.
<br /> Trust��-�1s�v�rill Ray any��urt��s#�, in a�ditiat�ta sf[�the���rr►��r��ri�ed�y lav�.
<br /> Ri�ht��f Tr�st��, `�'nus������11 have all af th�r�gh���r►�f�u#���of L�nder��s�t i�rth rrr t1�i����ti�n.
<br /> ��VI�ERS Ahf� ��L1��TI�h1S �F TR�I��'��. �`����Ilow�n� p�avisi���r�la�#�n� �� #h� pow�r� an��hli��t��r�����'���t��
<br /> ����a rt af th is����Q f Trust:
<br /> �awer�of Tru�t�e. �n�dditi�n t� �If��v�r�r��f Tr�s��� arisir����a matt�r�f�av�,Tru�t��s#��]I h�v�th� �av�r�r t�
<br /> t�k� ti��f�Il�win� a��ia��w it�r r���e�t t� the �r���rt����r� th��r ritte n r�qu�st�f L�r�����r�d T�us tor: ��}j�ir� in
<br /> ���paring �r�d fi�ir�� � ma� �r �l�t �f th� F��al Pr��erl�, ir���u�ir�� ti�� ���ication of str��ts �r �tl��r ri�l��� �� th�
<br /> ��ral i�; {b� ��i� ir� �ra n ki�� ���+ ����r��r�k or �reatir�� any r��#�i�#ivn �n th� l��al �E�p�r��r; ��d ��� jQ�n i n ar�y
<br /> ����r��n�ti�n�r��i��r a�re�m�nt�fi��t1�� th i� D�ed o f Trus�ar�i��ir�#������f�er�d�r t�r�d�r��i� a��d���`r��t.
<br /> 7rus��e. T��t�� �f��l[ rn��t al� �r��li�i��t��ns r��uir�d f�r TruSt�� under���li���l� I�v�r. !n ��di�i�n t� �i�� ri�h��
<br /> and rem�di�s ��t f�r�f� ���w�, vw►�t1� ������t ta all ar�n� ��rt �f the Pr�pert�, th� Tr��t�� �ha11 ha�r� the �i�f�t t�
<br /> for��l��� ��+ n�ti�� �nd ��f�, �nd L�nder�h�l] h�v� the ri�h#t� f����l��� ��r j�da�ial ��r���a��tr�r i� �i�h�r��� �r�
<br /> ����C�lan�e u�r�th �r�d t�f C����,I I�xten t pr��itl�d b�appl i�abl�l�w.
<br /> ��r���ssar 7ru����, Lenderr�t L�r��f��'$�pti�n, may fr�rri ti�n� tQ tirr��ap��ir�t�su���ssQr Tr��t��to�n�Trust��
<br /> �p�Qint�€� und�r th,i� ���d a f Tru��t ��r �� ins�rum�nt �x��uted �r�� a�k���rle���d ��r L������nd re��rd�� in th�
<br /> �ffi�� �� the r�G�r��r �f �I��I ���,nty� �tat� �� N��ra�ka. �he in�trurn�r�� �f�all �ont�in, in �d�it��r� t� �1� �lh�r
<br /> m at���s r���ir�� b� �tat� i�w, the nam�s �f t#�� �r��i�aa L�nd�r, �ru�t��� a�n� Trusto�, the ���k an�l �a�� ��r
<br /> ��rr-iput�r ��+�t�m referen��} w#��r� tE�is ���� �f �r��� i� re��r��d, �r��l t�r� nar�n� and �ddr��� at �h� �u���ss�r
<br /> trus��e,�r��#F��instrurn�r�t s��ll��execUt��i�r����kn�vwrl�dg�d b�r�11 t#�� b�n�fi�iari��ur�d�r tl�i� I������Tr�st or
<br /> ��n�ir�u�����Qr� in int�r���, 7he�u���ss�r�ru�t��r without ��r�����n�� �f the Pr�p�rt�r, ��r�lC �u�����i t� �II th�
<br /> title, ��v��r,�n��uti�s��r�ferr�d up�n�f���'r��tee in t[�is��e�Qf 7rust�nd�y�p�li���l�aaw. �his�r���d���f�r
<br /> substitu�i�r��f Trust���h�l����r�m t❑th���c�Ct���Qn�f al�a#[��r�r��i�i�r��fa r su�sti��ti�r�,
<br /> �1����E�. Any r�atic� r��uir�d to ���iv�r� �����-#h i� ���d���'r��t� in�ludi n� v�iti��+�#i imi#at��n �r�y nati�� �f��fault
<br /> and a��r��������sa�e���]I ���i�en in writln�, and�h�ll ����f��t�t��w��n �ctu�ll�►d�ri�r�r��, �rh�n a��u�lf�r r���iv��
<br /> h�r t�]�f��sirnil���n�����therwi��r��uir�d�y law�,r�v��r���p�sited with �r��ti�r�ally r��a�n�z���v�rr�ig�t��uri�r, ar,it
<br /> rnail����uh�n��pa�i��d in th��r��������t�s rnailt��fir�t�I���� ��rtife�i�r r�gist����ma�l po�t����r���i�� �ir�����i t�
<br /> th� ��d�����s�h��rut� ��ar th���gir��ar��Q���is ������Yr�st. All �pi���f n�ti��s �f f�r�cl����'�f��m #h� halt��r�f
<br /> any li�n �u�i�h ha� �ri�rit�r��er t�is ������Yr�sf shall b����t to �er����� ���r���, as���u�r� ne�r ti�� ���innir�� ❑t
<br /> th�s ���� �f T�u��. An�r party rr��y �Ftange it� a������ f�t�r��t�c�s ur��f�r�hi� �e�d �f Trust ���i�rin� forma! u►ri�f��
<br /> notic� ea �r,� ��k�v{ �;,rei�rs� �pesci���n� tr-a�; tr�r,� �rur�a�� �r el�t� ngtlets I� IQ �h�F�G�� 1h� �c'�I`L�'� �l(������. �pr ng����
<br /> �urpa���. Ti r��tar a�r��s#o ke�p Lender ir�f�rmed at all t�m�����'ru�lar"s ��rr�nt�d�r��s. Uni����th�rwl�e p�����i��
<br /> �r r��uir�d by lav�r, i��her� i� rt��r�#l��n a��i'ru�tor.�r��r n�tic��i��� b�+L�r���r tQ �r��r�'ru�tor i��1��me�t�b�r�otiG�
<br /> gw�+��t��Ir Ti r�l�t��'s.
<br /> E1.��7`R�NI� ����E�. L�r���r m�y ��R�� �l��tr�r�rcarli� �r Qth�rwi s�} �r�d th�r��ft�r ��str��r+ tl�e �ra�inal� �f tl�i�
<br /> A�r��me�t �r����� 1��1a#�d a��um�n#s in tl�� ���u��r c��rs� �f L�nd�r'� husi r�e��� AI� s��h ca�i�� �����,���I �r�m a�
<br /> �l��t��n�����r�n �r��r any�kh�r r�aia���m��r�s {i.e.� �h�t��r�����image�r f���irnil���hal! in �II r����cts ��G���id�r��
<br /> ��uiwal�r�t ta ���r��in�l,at�� �arr��re�h�����r�airr�s an�ri��t#��r�l�je�ti�n�t�#h��s��f�u����pi��.
<br /> 1�II��ELLAN��IlS PR�V1���NS, �he f�El�wing rr�i���ll�n�aus p�vvisi�n��r��part Qf th�s ����af Trus�:
<br /> Am�nclm�nts. �'hi�D����f'�ru��' t�g�ther v�r�th any R�I�t�d i�a�um�r�t��car���it�t��th�en�I��ur���r�t�n�ang ar�d
<br /> ��r��m�r�t�f th� �a�#i�s a� t� tF�� m��t�rs s�t f�rkl� in this E�����f Tru�t. iVo�It�r��i�r� �f�r arn�ndr��nk t� #hi5
<br /> a���flf Tr�st s��ll b��ff��tiv� unl�ss�i�ren rrr wri ki r�g and sign�� k�� �h���rty or�artl�s so��hk t� ���h�r����r
<br /> ��t�n�i b�th��iker�tl�n���rr����rn�nt.
<br /> Ann�a�l F����rfs. If #h� F�r��ert� �� u��i ��r ��r��es ath�r th�r� Trust�r�s r��i��n�, Trust�r ���11 f�arni�h t�
<br /> L.�n��r� upQn r��u�st' ���r�ifi��l �#�t�rr��n��f r��t ���r�tin� �r�c�rr�� r��iv��l fr�m f�� �r�p�rt�duri ng Tr�s#��'s
<br /> �revi�u� �s��� �r�ar ir� ,���h ��rrti �r��1 c�et�i� � Len�i�r�h�l! r�q�ir�. "N�t ���ratln�i�c�r��" �hal� rr�ar� �II c��1�
<br /> r�c,�ip�s fr�m ti��Rr���r-ky I����1��a�h�x��r�di��rr�s mad�ir�c�nn��ti�n tn�it�tl��flp�r�ti�n�f th�F�r���rky.
<br />