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<br /> THIS DEED OF TRtIST is:made as of �he t day of r�1�'LyL , 199 0, by � �
<br /> and among ELTON RATI�JMAN and VERA RAT3�lAI�, h�and and wi e, I'RIIS3'OR"'j; whose .
<br /> mailing addr�ss is: Aural Route, Wond R.iver, Hebraska 68883; �
<br /> : and HANK oF WOOD RIVER,- ("�RtISTEE"y, whosp mailing adc]ress is �
<br /> Wo4d River, Nebraska 68883; and, ; ,
<br /> E�ANK OF WOaD AIVER, ("BENFF'ICIARY"), whether one or mare, whase mailing
<br /> adciress is: Wood Riner, Nebraska E8883. . ,
<br /> � FdR VALUABLE CONSIDERATIdN, 2�rustor irrevocably transfers� conveys, and .
<br /> assigns to.Trustee, IN TRLiST, WITH P4�iER OF SALE, for the benef�,t and security
<br /> of Heneficiary under and $ubj�ct to the texzns and conditions of this Deed of
<br /> . Trust the rea� praperty IQr;.ated in the Countx of Hall, State of Nebraska, and
<br /> �egalfy descriUed as follows: (th� "Property ):
<br /> ' � The East One-Half of the 3outhwest Quas�er �E�SW}) of Section �
<br /> # Thirt�-One (31) and the Northwest Qua��er.o the Southwest ¢uart¢r �
<br /> (NW��i�l}) of Sectian Thirty-One (31), �.1 in Township Ten �10)
<br /> North, Har.ge El�nen (11), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County,
<br /> � Nebraska; an.�i,
<br /> ' The West Half of the Northw��t Quarter {W}I3W}} (being shown on .
<br /> government survey as Lots 1 and 2) �f Section `I'hirty-One �31 , .;.�
<br /> � Township Ten.(ZOj North, Range Eleven (11), West of the Sixt�
<br /> f P.M., excepting ther��rom that portion thereof canveyed to the ^
<br /> County of Hall, bY Warranty I3�d, recorded in Book 78 at Pac�e 3C���
<br /> � of the Deed.Records of Hall Ee.r�,nty, Nebraska; and,
<br /> '. The South Half of the Southwe,t Quarter {8#SW}) of Section Thirt-�� � :h;
<br /> (30.b, in Township Ten (10) North, Ra*�e Eleven (11�, West of the . . ._
<br /> 6th P.M., excepting that part thereofyconveyed to he Cfluntq of „_,�='
<br /> Hall by Wazranty Deed recorded in Book 78 at Page 251.
<br /> r'4".:
<br /> i•=
<br /> ' 20GETHER WITH Trustor's right,.title ana interest in said property, now .
<br /> � or hereafter acquired incl�:dinq all irrigation pivots, gower units, fuel and •
<br /> fertilizer tanks, pumps,.bsildings, fixtures, crops and �mpra•ac�ents now on or
<br /> ' herer�fter glaced upon said real property; incl•.�ding also all ar�urtenances,
<br /> water, irriqation, and drainage rights; and all rents, issues, uses, 3.t�come, �-
<br /> . profits, and righ�s to ossession; all oil, gas, gravel, rock or ota.�r . _
<br /> � minerals of whatever na�ure, including qeothermal resources; and all gersonal -
<br /> ; property *_l�at may integrally belong to or hereafter become �. integral part af '�s
<br /> ' said real estate whether attached or detached including an��s r��:p urtenances an�.
<br /> ' accoutre��nts o� an� residence secured hereby; and all abov� �w..�^d below ground
<br /> � � irrigation equip:���. and accessories, and all leases, oermits, licen�c, or
<br /> � �rivileges, appur,`�zant or nonappur�enant to said premises, now or r,c::�after
<br /> � ssued, extendec3 or renewed by Trus�or, any State, the United States �.r any
<br /> � department, buxeau, inatrumentality or aqency thereof. A1]. of which ia =
<br /> � hereunder colleatively raferred to a� the "Trutst Estate". ' �
<br /> '! �
<br /> ; ''�::
<br /> ' ' a. Payment c� indebtedness ir: the total principal amount of "`"
<br /> ' $264,OOQ.00, with 3nterest th�reon, as evider.,.�ed by the certain Promissozy
<br /> ` Note of E^.�an date (the "NCte" with a matu�i.�� date of , 2000, executed �
<br /> � by Trusr��, which has beer� de�ivered and is ayable to i�F'e�er of -
<br /> p or
<br /> ` �*gne�iciary and which by +�:zis refe;enae i.s hereby crtade a part hereof, and any
<br /> i ar� a11 mod�ficaticns, extar.sions �..�cc] renewals thereof, and,
<br /> � b. Payment of all s��:.~s advancec� by Beneficiary to rot�ct the Trust
<br /> , Estate, with interest therecn at the rate of fourteen (14� pe�cent per annum. .
<br /> �ILSia Deed oi Trust, tihe Note, the Purchase Agreement, dated Jar.uary 30,
<br /> I��O, a.�.� any atltcr instrument given to evidence or Lurther secure thc payment
<br /> a*:d pe�iaz':::ance cE any obligation serured herebp are referred to collectively
<br /> as the.�`�xc�a Instrtunents".
<br /> 1. PAYMENT OF INDEBTEDNESS. Trustor shall pay when due the principal •-.-- -----
<br /> of, and the in ares on, e in e ta�ness evidenced by the Note, charges, fees ; T '
<br /> and all other sums as provided in i:he Loan Inatruments. This Trust Ueed will ;
<br /> be c�ue March 1, 2000, or upon payment in full of all sums secured hereby. i
<br /> Trustor hereb warrant that they hold fee simple �itle to the above-descri6ec� ; �•
<br /> property, tha� they have gotid and lawful authority to deed an8 encumber the , �
<br /> _ sampi j th�►t fit�i� p*_'�peY't� is free an clear Qf all liens an@ enctimhran_�� .
<br /> except encumbrances o� record, and that they will warrant and defend saia '
<br /> property agafnst all. claimants whomsoever. Trustor also hereby waives and
<br /> � re11nyuxshes ell rights o£ dower, h�mestead, distributive share and exemption
<br /> in and to Che above-described property.
<br /> 'L. TA}��5. Trustor shall pay each installment of all taxes and all n
<br /> tiens, judgm- e—�, and special assessments of �very kfnd, now or her�after
<br /> levied aqaanyt th� Trust Estate or any part hereof, before delinquency,
<br /> i � -
<br /> �
<br />