� 2� 17�2112
<br /> Trar�sfer of'�h�Property���r a Benef��ial Interest in��rr�w�r.�f a��or any par�af the Praperty or any interes�
<br /> in it is sflld or transferred �or zf a beneficial inter�s� in B�rr�wer is sa�d or transferred and B�rrawer �s no� a
<br /> natural pers{�n} withou� Le�zder's prior�writ�en corisent, Lender may, a� i�s ap�ion, require immedia�e paymen� �n
<br /> full �f al� s�ams secured by� �.iis Securi�y �ns�rumen�. ��we�er, t�ii� ap�ian shaX� nflt be exercised �y Lender if
<br /> exercise is proh�bited by fecl�ral Ia�v as af�he date�f thi5 Secur�ty�nstrumen�.
<br /> If Lender �.�ercises �his op�tion, Lender sha�I give B orrower not�ce of acce��rat�on. The n��ice sha�l prov�de a
<br /> periad af ntzt �ess than �he minirnum nu��er of days established b� App��cab�e Lavv from the date th� nfl�ice is
<br /> de��vered or ma��ed v�ithin wh�ch Borrower mus� pa� a11 sums secured by �his Secur��y �nstru.rnen�. �f Borrav�rer
<br /> fai�s ta pay th�se sums pri��r t� the �xp�r�.���n of�his peria�, Lender may invoke a�y rem�dies permit�ed by �h�s
<br /> Security Ins�xument wi.�h.ou�further no��c�nr dem,and on�o�rower.
<br /> Bor�°ower's R�ght �o Reir.�state. �f Bar�rn�crer meets c�r�ain condi�inns, Borrawer shall have �he righ� �� have
<br /> enforcement:of thzs Secur��y �ns�rum.ent d�sc�nt�nued at an}�time priar to the earlier of: �a� S days �or�uch ��her
<br /> per��d as A��pl��ab�e Law�x�ay spe�ify far reins�atement�bef�re sale of�he Pr�perty pur�ua.nt�o any povver�f sale
<br /> can�ained ir� tl�is Securi�y rt�s�rurnen�; �� �b} entry of a �udgm�n�: enforcing this Securi�.y �nstr�zme��. Thfls�
<br /> candi�ions are �hat Borro�v��r: �a} pays Lender al� su�s wh�ch then T�rou�d be due under this Security Instrume��
<br /> and the�on��ra�t as if no ac��elerati�n had accu�-ed;�b}cures any default of an�ot�ier c�venan�s or agreements; �c}
<br /> pays a11 exp��nses�ncurred i��enfor�ing this Security Ins��urr�ent,ir���u.ding,but no�Iimited to,reasonab�e a�torneys'
<br /> fees to �he ext�n�perm��ted by�aW; an��d} ta1��s such act�on as Len�der may reas�nably require�a assu.re that�he
<br /> lien�f�his �3�cur�ty Zns�ruxr.ient,Lender's rights in the Pro�er�an��orrower's obligation to pay the sums secured
<br /> by this Se�ur�tg�Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reu�.s�a��ment by Borra�ver, this 5ecurit� instrument
<br /> and�h� a�al�,gatians secured hereby shall r�main fu�ly effec�i�e as if no acce�era�ion had occurre�. H�v�Tever, �his
<br /> righ��a rein��ta�e shall not a��p�y in the case of accelerati�r�under�he section�i��e�Transfe��f the Prop�erty or a
<br /> Ben��c�al I:n�er�st in Bor��o�ver.
<br /> Hazardou� Sub�tanc�s.Bt�rrawer shall no�cause Qr pe�mi�the pres�nce,use, ��sposa�, starage, or release af any
<br /> Hazardous��ubstances ori n�•�n�he Property.Borrov�er shall na�d�,��r a1l�w anyone e�se to do,anything affec�ing
<br /> the Proper�� that is in vialt�tion of any E�Zvironmen�al Law. Th� pre�ceding �wfl sen�ences shall no� ap�1y �o fihe
<br /> pres�nce,us�e,or storage on�.e Property of sma1l quan�i��es�f Haz�rdous Su�stances tha�are generally r�Cagnized
<br /> to be approp�riate�o normal residential uses and to mainter�ance of the Pr�per�y.
<br /> Bflrra�ver shall promp�Iy gi�tre Lender wri�ten notice of a�.y�n�es�iga��on,claim, demand,la�rsuit or fl�her action by
<br /> any ga�ernn:�er��al �r regu�a.��ry agency or pr�va�e par�y in�rolving the Property and any Ha�ardous Substanc� or
<br /> Environme��tal Law of vv��ich B�rrower has actual �nn�vledge. J[f Barrov�er �earns, ar is notifier� by any
<br /> gflvernmen���I�r regula�ory authority,that any remova��r oth�r rem�+�ia��on of any Hazardot�s Subs�ance affe�ting
<br /> the Pr�pert�r is necessar�, Borrawer sha11 promptly tak� aII n�cessary remedial actions in accordance tiv�th
<br /> Environmen��al Lav�r,
<br /> As used in tllis p�ragraph, "Ha�ardous Substances" are tho�e substances defin�d as toxic or hazardous �ubstances
<br /> by Envir�nr.�en�al Law anc� the following substances: gas�Iine, �e�-osene, ��her flammable or �oxic .petroleurm
<br /> praducts, t�:�ic pes�icides and herbicides, v��a�ile s�lve��s, ma��r�a�s c�ntaining asbestos ar formalde�yde, a�d
<br /> rad�aact�ve rnaterrals. A5 1I5;��i in this paragraph, "Env�ron�za.�ntal Lavv�"means federa�Iaws and Ia�ws of�he s�ate of
<br /> N�ebraska tha�relate�o health,safety or en�ir�nmen�a�pr��e�t�on.
<br /> .A.ccelerativ�€�; R�medies, I�e�der shall gi�e no�ice to I3o�r��ver pr��r to ac�elera���n fol�owing Barr�wer's
<br /> br�a�h of a�y c�venant o�-agreement�n this Se�urity In�trurr�en�or the Contrac�under�wh�ch�ccelera��on
<br /> is permitt�d� �but no�prio���o acce�era�ion under the 5�c�ion ti�I��d Transf�r Qf the Praperty or �Beneficial
<br /> Inter°est�n ]3oxr�wer, un��wss Applz�able Law pravides vtherv��5e�. The noti�e shall sp��ify: �a� th� default;
<br /> �h} the a�ti�an requxr�d #:� cure the �efau�t; �c} a �ate, not �ess than �he min�m�m nuriaber of day�
<br /> established by App�icab�e Lativ fr�m the date the natic��s gi��� ���3orrower,by which the def�ul��nlu5�be
<br /> cured; and �d� that fai�ure �o cure the default on or �efore �he date spe�i�ed in the noti�e �.a.ay resuit i�a
<br /> accelera�ion� Qf the sums secured by t�h�5 S�curi�y Ins�rument and sale of the Propert�. T� the extent
<br /> p�rr�t�ed �y�aw, the notice shall fur�her inform Bo�ro�v�r �f��e right�o re�nstate after acce�eration and
<br /> th�ri.ght to br�ng a court�i�t�.on to assert the nfln-exi���n�e�f�d�fau�t or any o�her defense of�3flrrower tfl
<br /> accelerati�rn ancl sale. If tr�e defaul�is not cur�d �n nr before the da�e sp�cified�in the n�t��e,Lenfder at it�
<br /> vpt�on may r�quire irr�medxate payment in full �f a�l 5uxns s�c��red by this Security Instru�eni: w�thvut
<br /> fur�her der��a��i and may Ynvoke the ��wer of�a�e an�i a�� ot�,er remed�es permitted by Ap�al�cab�� LaYv.
<br /> To the ex�e:nt p�rmit�ed b�y �avv, Lender sha�I be en��led ta c�vll.ect ail expenses incurred in �ur�u�ng th�
<br /> r�me��es�r�v��ted�n this �5ection,�nciuding,but no���nut�d to9 r�a�onabl� attorneys'fees and�osts�f titie
<br /> ev�dence.
<br /> If the pow��� o:�saZe�s inva�k�d,Trustee shall record �n�tic� of d�fau�t in each caunty�n wh�ch any p�rt�f
<br /> the Property�5�vcated ant��ha�l mail c�pies vf such notic��n th�manner prescr�bed by Appl��able Law��
<br /> BQrr�wer a��d �o the athe�r per�ons pr��cr�bed by Applicah�e �aw. After the time required by App�icab�e
<br /> Law, Trust��� �ha�l g�ve p�ubl�� nat��e of sa�e to �he p�rs�ns a�d �n �he manner pres�ribed by A�pli�abl�
<br /> Law. Trus���e,�ithvut den�and on Borrawer, shall se�l�he Prope�ty at publi� auct�on �a th�h�ghest bidder
<br /> a�the time�indl place and�t�nder�he terms designa�ed im�he no����of sale an one�r mv�-�parcels and in any
<br /> order Trust:ee determines. Trustee may postpflne sale af all �r any parcel af the Property �y publ��
<br /> annauncem���t a�the�ime and place of any previflu���schedul.ed sal�.Lender or�ts des�gnee m�.ay�u��has�
<br /> the Propert;�at any sale.
<br /> i�por� receip�t a��payment c�f the pr�ce bid, TruS�ee sha�i d�����r t� th,e pu�chaser Trust�e�s dee� c�n��yin�
<br /> the Prvpert�y. �Che rec�i�al.s in the Trust�e's d��d shall be prima fasie evide�c� of the tru��vf the statement�
<br /> 9 2�Q4-2015 Campliar�ce Systems,Inc.fitSA-�3FCA-2415,12,3.I.1�15 '
<br /> CansurrFer Real Es#ats.-S�curity Tnstrument DI.�436 Page 4 of 5 www.carnpIia��cesysterc�s,cvm
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