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2� 17�2112 <br /> Faym.ent�f Pr��cipai and I�terest; ��her Charges.Barrotiver shal�pr�mptly pay w�en due the princi�al af and <br /> zn�erest on tr�e deb�o�wed under the Con�ra�t and�ate charges�r an��ther fees and charges due under the�on�ract. <br /> Applicabl� La�v. As used in th�s Secur�ty Znstru.rnen�, �he term "�,pplicab�e Law" sha�l mean all c�ntro��ing <br /> app�i�ab�e f�,deral, sta�e an�l ioca� s�a�utes, regu�at�ons, ord�nances and admini�tra�ive rules and orders fth�.t have <br /> �h�e�'�'ec�of lavv�as vve��as aI�app�icable final,non-appealable jud�cia��pinions. <br /> Char�e5; L�ern�. Borrower �hall pay al� �taxes, assessrncn�s, cha�g�s, fines and impositi�ns a�tribu�a.ble ta �he <br /> Prope�ty which may a�tain priority flver thzs Se�ur�ty�n���urnent, and leasehald paymen�s ar ground ren.ts, if any. <br /> At the reque��t af Lender,BUrrov�rer shall p��mptly furnish ta Lender recezpts evidencing the pay�ments. <br /> Borro�rer shal�promptly d�.�charge any lien wh��h has prior�ty over�h�s 5ecu.rity Instrurnent un�ess Barx�ower: �a} <br /> agre�� in wj-itir�g ta the payment of the �b��gati�n secu�ed by the Iien in a manner accep�abXe �o L�nder; �b} <br /> con�ests in �;ood faith the lien by, flr de��nds a�ainst �nforcerx�ez�� �f the �ien �n, Iega1 proceedings which in the <br /> Lender's opin�c�n operate tc� pre�ent the enforcemen� ���he Iiern; or �c} secures fr�m �ie holder of f�.e �ien aza <br /> agreemen�s{��isfac�ory�o L��nder subord�ating th� �ien�� �h�s S�c�.r��y Instrurnent. If Lender deterr�i.nes�hat any <br /> par� of th� P'raperty is subj�c��� a ��en�vh�ch r�ay a�ta�n priarity av�r th�s Securi�r�ns�rum�n#, Lender may giv� <br /> Borrovver a��otic� identifyi�ag th� lien. Borrov�rer s�ia�� sa�isfy�e lier�or�ake one or more of the actxon� set forth <br /> abov�w�th�n� 1 U days af�he gi�ring of nat�ce. <br /> I3az�rd or l'roperty Insuran�e. Sorrovv�r shall keep �he i�nprov�r�en�s no�v exis�ing or hereafter erec�.ed�n�he <br /> Property insxxred agaznst�os=�by fire,hazards��.c�ude�i w�fi�zn�he�er�r�"extended coverage" and any o�he�ha�ards, <br /> includuzg flcao�s ar flflodin.g, for ,which I�ender re�uir�s insuran�e. This insurance sha1� be ma�n�a�.ned in the <br /> amflunts and for the periods that Lender requires. The insurance ca�ri�r pro�riding the insurance sha��be rhosen�by <br /> Borr�wer��t �o Lende�-'s approval which shai� no� be unreas�nably vvithhe�d. If Barrativer fails to main�ain <br /> caverage described above, Lender may, a� L�nder's a��ion, ob�air�. coverage �o prfltec� Lend�r's righ�s in �he <br /> Praper�y in a.ccr�rdance vvith�ectzon t�tled�'rote�t�on❑f�e�d�r's�agh�s�n th.e Proper�y. <br /> A�I xnsuranc�� pa�icies and r�enewals shal� be ac�ep�able �o Lender and shall inc�ude a standard mor�ga�e c�ause. <br /> Lend�r shall ha�re �he right�:�hfl�d�he policies and rene�uals. If Lender requires,Borraurer shall pr�mptly gzve to <br /> Lend�r a�I r�,ceip�s�f paid�sr�m�ums and ren�wal not�ces. I�the e�re��t of�oss, B�rrovcrer shall give pror�pt not�ce <br /> �o�he insur��zc�carrier and]L�nder.Lend�r may make pr�Qf af lass if no�made prompt�y by Borr�vver. <br /> Un�ess Ler� and B�rrower o�he�-�vise agree in wri�ing, �nsuran�e pr�ceeds shal� be app�ied �o rest�ration o� <br /> repair of the Pr�per�y dam��ged, �f, �n Lender's sole d�s�re��on, th� restoratiflr� ar repair is econamicall�y feasible <br /> and Lender's� s�curi�y is not�essened. �f, �� Lender's sol� discre�ion, �he restora�i�n or repair is no� eco�omicall�r <br /> feas�ble or Lender's security�rould be Iess�ned,�he insuranc�proceeds shall be app�ied to the sums secur�d b��his <br /> Security Instru�ent, v�rhe�h{�r ar na� then due, wi�h ar�y exces� pa�d to Borrourer, �f B�rr�urer �bandons �he <br /> Property, or do�s not anstive.r w��h�n�he nurnber of days prescri�ed b�Applicable Law as se�forth in a r�o���e from <br /> Lend�r t� Borr�vver that the insurance carrier has affered�� �e�tle a clair.�., �hen L�nder ma}�col�ect�he �n��rance <br /> proc�eds. L�.nder may use �h� proceeds t� repa�r ar res�vre �he l�r�perCy or ta pay sums secured by thi� Securi�y <br /> Instru�n��z�,��h��her or not t��en due.The p�r�ad of time fo��or���er�o ansv�er as se�f�rth in�he rio��ce�ui�l begin <br /> vsrhen th�no�ice�s given. <br /> Un�ess Lend�er and Borrovver atherwise agree in writing, �ny appli�a�itir�af pr�ceeds to principal shall not extend <br /> �r post�p�ne�khe due date �f the payment� due u�ader the Con�r-act Qr change�he am�un�of the payments. If under <br /> the section titl�d Ac�e�eration; Rem�dies, the �'r�per�y is acquired by Ler�der, BorroWer's right�o any insurance <br /> policies and pr�ceeds resulting fram dar.�.age t� �he Prop�rCy prior t� �he acquisition shall pass �o Len�er �o the <br /> exten�of�h�sua:�s secured b�y�his Securi�y�nstrument immed�a�ely pr�flr�a the acquisi��on. <br /> Prese�-vat�Q��, 1Vla�ntenance and Pr�tection �f �he �roper�y� ��rrower'� Loan Applicax�fln; I�e�.seh�ld�. <br /> Borrower sh,�ll no�des�roy, damage or�mpa�r t�e Praper-�r, allow�he Property�o de�eriara�.e, ar comm�t was�e �n <br /> the Praper�.B�rrower in defaul�if any farfeit�r�actian or pr�ceed�ng,whe�her civil or crirn.xnal,is begun <br /> tha��� Lendf�r's gfl�d faith judgmen� cou�d result �n forfeiture �f t�.� Pr�per�y or otherw�se ma�er�a��y i:�npair �he <br /> lien created by this 5ecur��.y Ins�rument �r Lender's security int�r�st. Barrawer rnay cur� su�h a defau�� and <br /> re�nstate, as.prov�ded in section��t�ed Borr�we�'s R�gh��o l�eins��te, by causing the a��ion or praceeding to be <br /> dismissed v�rith�ru��ng tha�,i�Lender's good fai�h deter�ina�ion,pre��udes forf�iture of�he Borr��wer's�nteres�ir� <br /> �he Pr�perty flr �ther mater�a� impairment af�he lien created by t�is Securi�y �nstrum.ent �r Lender'S secur�ty <br /> in�eres�. B�r��o�er sha�l alsa�e in default i�'Borrawer,during�he��an app�ica�i�n process,gave ma�erially false or <br /> inaccurate �n�formatian vr s��atements tQ Lender �or fail�d �o provid� Lend�r ,w�.�h any mater�a� information} � <br /> cann�ct�on v��it��he �oan ev�denced b��he ��n�rac�. �f tllrs �ecur�ty�nstru.ment�s on a�easehold, B�rrawer sha�l <br /> camp�y witli ali�he provisio�ls of the Iease. If B�rrawer acqu�ires f��ti.�1e tfl�.e Property,the�easehold and�he fee <br /> �i�le s�aa�l not m�rge un�ess L��nder agrees�o�the merger in writing. <br /> Protection €�f ]L�nder's Rsghts in the Property. �f�3��rower f�i�� �o perform the covenants and agreemen�s <br /> �onta�med in thi� Security�n:s�rument, or�here is a�egal proce�d�ng t�xa�may signif cantly aff�c�Lender'�righ�s �x� <br /> the Property �such a� a pratl�eding �n �a.r�ru.ptcy, prob�.��, for cond�mna�ion or forfe��.ure �r �o enfarc� laws or <br /> regula�ions}, th�n Lender rr.Eay do and pay for whatever is nec�ssary �o protect �he value of the Prope�ty an� <br /> Lender's rights in the Properry. Lender's ac�ions�x�.ay inclt�de paying amy sums secured by a lien vvhich has priorzty <br /> over this 5ecurity Instrumen�t, appeaxing in.cour�,paying�-eas�nah�e al:torneys'fees and en�ering on�he Property�� <br /> make repairs,.A�though Len���r ma}r take a�tian under this sec�i�n,L��der does nat have to�a so. <br /> Any arnount�� disbursed by :L�nder under �h�s s�ct�an sha�l becnm� �.dditiona� deb� �f Borr�wer se�ured by this <br /> Se�urity �nstrument. Unless �orrovver and Lender agree �o o�her ��rms of payment, �hese arr�ounts shal� bear <br /> Q�2�44-2a 15 Camp€i�tnce Systems,�nc,618A-��FCA-24I5.12.3,l.11 l 5 <br /> Cansumer Rea�Estate:-Secunty instn.iment DL2436 Pa�e?vf 5 WWW.GOTTl�Ik7I]Ce5y5t�I115.G0Iri <br />