2� 17�21 �9
<br /> St. Pau1, Minnesata 5�1�4-�94�
<br /> Defined Terms:
<br /> Benef�Giary: As s�t forkh above and u��d interchangeably wi�h the term Lender.
<br /> Borrower:JSH Farms, �nc.,Jasan E Humphrey, Sarah N Gr�er Humphrey togetherwith any other maker
<br /> ar co�mak�r, �igner ar co-signer ❑f any Lo�n Document repres�nting any �bligations secured by this
<br /> �ru�t deed.
<br /> L�nder: As set forth a�aWe and used inter�hangeably with th�term B�n�ficiary.
<br /> Lo�n Da�uments: The descr�b�d no�e� and any an� �1i o�her not�s, cr�dit agr�emen�s, �ecurity
<br /> �gre�ments, UG� f�nancing �tatement�, I�ase agreemen#s, mortgag�s, de�ds of trust, any other
<br /> do�ument granting a lien tv s�cure th� Qbligafiians, �nd any othe�docum�nt ar ins�rum�n� �x�Guted �n
<br /> connection wi�h or evidencing any �b[igati�n �including any am�ndm�nt, rest���menf or modifica�ian
<br /> �hereta}.
<br /> C]b[i�ati�ns: Include�, with�ut limitation, all �redit inciuding �rincipal and any adWan�es, �n�er��t �nd
<br /> other amounts due f� Lend�r under th� Loan Documenf� whe�her or n�t this trust deed is s�ec�fi�ai[y
<br /> referred to in the ��idenc� �f debt, including without limitation, fees, c�st�, and e�penses, �ogefiher with
<br /> all renewals, ex�ension�, or refinancing �f same and any futur� and addifi�n�[ f�ans o�adv�nces made
<br /> �� Lender's aptian ta or an b�haEf of B�rrov�rQr by L�nd�r or under any o�h�r Loan Document for any
<br /> purpvs� whe�her related �r unrelat�d fi� �h� purpvs� of the �rig�nal credi�, including ad��nc�s for the
<br /> pro�ection vf the Property, all aitorney f�es, �as�s and e�penses incurr�d by Lender �a th� ext�nt
<br /> permitted �y law in fihe collection af any laan or in the enf�r�ement��preserva��on of the r�ghts�f Lender�
<br /> in�nd to the Pr�perty, regardiess o�wheth�r Trustor is��ligafi�d thereon as�m�k�r or co-mak�r, signer
<br /> or co-�sign�r, or��� guarantor, end�r��er, surefiy�r ather a��ommodatian party.
<br /> Persvnal Property: All equipm�n�, fixtures and other personal pr�perty that are no�rv or hereafter
<br /> at#��I�ed or affixed ta the Real Prop�rty; together w�th ��1 accessians, parts and additians ta, a�l
<br /> r�pf�cements�f�nd all substitutions f�r any of such pr�p�rty.
<br /> R�al Pruperty:Toge�her�i�h the be1�w l�galEy described r�ai es�a�e, all e�is��ng or subsequen�ly erec��d
<br /> or 2�ffix�d build�ngs, structures, rmprovem�n�s or fixtur��; al�crvps, fiimber, f�mber��b�GLIfi, �r��s, plants,
<br /> v�nes �r other plantings; ali water, w��er rights, including r�parian ri�hts �nd surfac� �rat�r rights,
<br /> wa��rcourses, irriga�ion, drainage and dit�h rights; all renfis, 155u�5, uses, income, pr�fifs and raya[ties;
<br /> �11 leases, p�rmif�, Cicenses, privil�ges, easemen�s, righ�s �f way, right� ta p�sses��on, all righ�s in and
<br /> tv�h� [ands lyin� in s�re�t�, a[leys and rvads adj�ining the Re�l F�rvperty and appurt�nanc�s; all leas�s,
<br /> permits, license�, or�ri�ii��es, appurt�nanf�r nvn-appurt�nant�o the pra�erty, n�w�r hereafter issued,
<br /> extended, or renewed by Trustar, any 5tate: the Unifed States, or any d�partm�nt, bu�eau,
<br /> insfirumentalit�, �r a�ency thereaf; all pr�ceeds in �min�nfi domain, insuranc� paymer�ts, pra��eds vr
<br /> refund�of premiums or�ny Qther p�yment or se�t[ement r�l��ing tv the Prap��ty; all oil, gas, gr�v�l, rack,
<br /> ge��herma� and simil�r r�s�urc�s�r other minera� �ights�f whatever nature; �nd any and al� ��her righ�s
<br /> related to the real property.
<br /> Property: C�llec���ely the Real Property and the P�rs�nal Prap�rty, including without I�rnita��on all
<br /> insurance proceeds�nd r�tunds�f insuranGe �remium� r�lated to said F'rop�rty.
<br /> Trustee: As set f�rth a�a�e.
<br /> Trustor: As se�forth above.
<br /> The abav� named Trust�r for good and valuable cansideration, hereby ErreW�cahly transfer�, can�eys
<br /> and ��signs �o Trus�ee, I N TRUST, V1l1TH P�V11ER �F �ALE, far the ben�fit and se�ur��y af the
<br /> B�n�f�ciary, its successors and assigns, �n �s�ignmen��nd security intere�t in a�l at Trustor's righ#, titl�
<br /> App#:5�4�4�968; CEF#:2437��; Note#:��1 ���SQ Legal Doc.Date:March �5,���7
<br /> FC3RM 5���,Trust Deed and Assignrnent ot'Rents Page�of S
<br />