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State of NEBRASKA) <br />County of 4 rp y ) <br />Further Affiant says not. <br />l'1r <br />PI <br />AFFIDAVIT <br />My c omm i ss ion Expi res: m <br />"7 y 0 ,1 % / — GENERAL NOTARY -State of Nebraska <br />TORT E. CRAWFORO 17 <br />_ MY Comm. �. M F° 8, X <br />Lot 2, Bison Meadows Subdivision Two, an addition to the Village of Doniphan, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />R;> <br />(above space for recorder's use) <br />Return to: <br />Vintage Title and Escrow Company <br />PO Box 2596 <br />Kearney, NE 68848 -2596 <br />COV Q � (, f <br />David P. Johnson <br />David P. Johnson, being duly sworn, deposes and says that he was a single person on March 22, 1994, being the date he executed a <br />Warranty Deed in favor of David Johnson, Trustee of The David Johnson Trust dated March 22, 1994 recorded in the records of Hall <br />County, Nebraska, in 95- 107387, for the following described real estate: <br />State of NEBRASKA) <br />County of 5 dt r pY ) <br />Before me, a notary public qualified for said county, personally came David P. Johnson, known to me to be the identical person or persons <br />who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution thereof to their voluntary act and deed. <br />Witness my hand and notarial seal on this a 7 day of M A, r , .20 / 7. <br />G10236R <br />