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Ne Colta[erO Is to 6e acquiratl nftee the date licreof,wlll D�tho mvner o[the Collateral free from anp sdver�o 1ied, ee- <br /> wrtty intereat or enrumb�uacc; and that Debtot�rlll Qefend the Cotlate�al agalnst n11 ctatmy and demands of �11 persone nt any timo rtattefng <br /> the aame or any intere5t tLerein. (21 That no Iinanc{ng atatemer.t tocering the Collateml or nny Droceeds thereot is on file in any puh[ie of:ice <br /> and tht►t at the request oi Secured Pactp,Debtor pll! ,{oin Fith Secureii Party in e=eeuting one or more finaneiog atatementa pursuanS'.0•the <br />- NeDrsiaka Ua3torm Commercial Code fn torm 93LIITI3CL0ly LO Seeured Party anA �vilt Day the eoat of Ulin�auch t(nuncing etcttement,thin se�i¢Ity <br /> aareement cuid any eontinuatton or termin3tfon statemenl, fn al! publie officea Ahereeer flling[s deerr.ed by Secured Party to 6e necz�.uty or <br /> desiraDle; and It the Cot3ateral ie attached to reat estata prior to the yertectioa of the aecurity fnterest gr.inted hereby or if :lc+ ColIatersi <br /> includes Crnpa or ofi, gas or mfnerala to bc eatracteQ or timber to be cut, Debtor �ill. on demtwd of 3ecured Partp, turnL3h Ser'sred Parts <br /> sith n dtBC[atmer or dlaclaSmers or aubordinadoa agreement nigned by all peraons hacing an interest in the reai �staze, discIniminS�or suts- <br /> ordinatiag uny icterest ln tne Collateral xhich is prfor to the tnterest of Secured Party_ (3) Not to setl, tranater or d'uDose af th� C�flateral. <br /> nor take the aame or attempt to tabe the same fram the covnty where kept rt� a6ove stated. �cithout the prlor written conaent of �chs Secured <br /> Party. (!) To pay a11 tazes ar.d ��vessm=ntn of erery nature u�hieh maf be ler[ed or nssessed agafnst the Cotlatersl. (5) Noi tn pertnit or allolc <br /> �S adcernr llen,sec�rity intertxt or en� rhatsoever upon tAe Coltaternl. and aoi to yermlt the aame to �e attr.r.hed��r repteviaed. <br /> (61 3?at the Collateral f�ir, goc:! :oadit:���, �3 thaL E2 wtil at hIs oocxr esRense, keep the same in gaod condi".9cn aad fro:ri time to tf�e <br /> fartsviih, replue and rnD3f�ap snch ya_s,�'�..�ColtateraE a� map be Erokea, �ram out oz damaged aithout attoa:ing nnp Utn to Dc crea2�: ' • <br /> uyon the Collate.ial on account of auch re;;c�s��: or reD3irs. nnd that the 3ecured Purty mny ezamtne and tnspect the Coliat�-[ tinte, ' " '. ' .":.�,. � <br /> wAenrer lotntea iZb That Ao will at hia car,z.-�e:ae 8eep the CollatereE ir.gv:ed tn a compaay sa4E;factory to 8ecured Parh;u.y�,•�ifr�R loss, a� • ' <br /> eDD�9nato. bp tte7*.:coliision, Itre and ezter�r° corerege, wIth losa Da3�°j=°-to 3ecurr3 Party as its;nternst muy aDP�sar, an3 csil;.ua demas� • � � <br /> Qeliver esid poltciea ot lnavmrtce or Lurnfah yroof of aucb tnsurnnce to Se��rel Fvt�-_ E£t At its optioa 3ecured Party mny pracure such taa�..r- ' . ' � ' <br /> sace, dtacl�rge tasp,a, itena or:�.;ir�.y IDtereats ar other encumbrancea nt any tlme lerfed rsr piaced on the Coltat�[asrh may yaq foT the r�rJ- - <br /> ot any damage pr inZury t�or fcz r7:e yreserestlon and maintenance of tize Collateral. Debtor agree� to mi[cti�arm $ecnred P.st_s- ea de���. . • <br /> for nny DaYment o�espense In�vrred by Se�ccred Party pursuant to the te:�eaoinfi authorir�tlon. UnCEI i:ueh reimi3ursement, the �^rr__.�i bf_�* , <br /> sue6 paymeat,with interest st t5e highest perrni..�s�'e�te per nnnam fram date Q!Qayment until reimbatsemenL�E:s:�Ise added to tLe indebt,ad:s.�x�d by IArs:� . � <br /> � <br /> and sEill be seeared by thls agreea��,;_i9�Thst he�11 not use the Collateral in violatioa of nny app6eabSe atatute,m�-,'s:fan or��**f�cx and if a.�of the Collater.r: <br /> ' isa:u:rr.oebkle�the same wiil n:,i liR eeaP�:,wed in matal service aor in aay speed or endurancQ mateai.(10) DeECm�*rr:l�ap 5ezm�3 Pariy aay aad all costs aad � <br /> esyea3es iatumed in reeovering poeaas�icr n:t�e£a:steral aad iacurrnd in enforcfag this security a�v.r-5e�t,a.w�the:..�e shaII!re�er^.yzed by thi�seeurtty agmmen� . <br /> iTNTIL DL8'AUI.T Dobtor may har•e poeaessfon ot the Colt�teral ctnd use it in aay lawful munner not Inconeistent �vith thts a�reement <br /> and not fneonatatent with any pollcy ot inaurartce thereon, and uyon detattlt 3ecured Party nhall ha��e the fmmedlate rlRht to the poeaea�ton <br /> of the Collntersl. <br /> DEBTOR $HAI.L BE IN DESAITLT unAtr thls agreement uFon the happening of �ny ot the lollnwing acentq oc condltiona: (1)defautt <br /> in the p�yment ot performanee ot nny obligation, co�enant or Ilabfllty contninPd or referreA to herein or frt any note ectdencing the �ame: (21 ' <br /> etny �varrarity, repreaentattan or etatement made or turnlehed tn 9ecurc8 Par4y by or on behatf ot Debtor prore�to 6n�•e 6cen falae!r�any ma• � _ <br /> � terial reapeet when made or furnished: (3) any e�•ent whfcb msults 9n tho ncceleration of the maturity of the InAebte�lnesa uf Debtor to othero , <br /> � unQer sny fnQrnture, ogreement os unQertaY.lag; {A) Iose, thett, dama�e. de.structlon »ale ov encumbr�nrn to or ot nnY ot the Collateral, or the � <br /> � ; making o! nny 1eeY. aelzuro or sttuchment thereo[or thereun: (5) death. Aiscolution. terminntion o! existence. insolceney. busineas tnilute. aD� • .�. <br /> Dolniment of s recelcer of any part of the Drc�..^ty of, asafgnment for tha benetlt ot creditorn by, or the commenee�r.ent ot nny proceedir�under � <br /> any binkntDtcy or inaoiceney lawa 4y or eg:.:nst Debtor or any ELUarantor or surety tor DeDtor, <br /> � � <br /> ' UPON 9UCH DEFAULT ar.3 at any cs-:e thereatter, or it it deemn itaelt insecure :se°ured Pnrty may deci�re nll Obiig3tlone a�cureA <br /> hereby immedlatelg due nnd Da�able and s:�:.i*•:are Lhe remedies of t secu�ed Darty under the tie1:r,=ka Uniform Commercial CoAe. &cureA <br /> P�rtY rosY re,-,�;.!;Re �btor to nsse:+91e t�:e �'r.l'.c:oral nnQ deliver or ma)ce ic a•:aUoble to So:ureA Pa�y nt a place to be deal6naie3 by &cured <br /> P�rtg pt:c�:a reasonabty eonc¢:i�;to S:i'.: ;artles. Unle�s the Coltateral ss yerlehable or threatene to deellne aDeedlty In vaiue ar 1s ot s tyDe <br /> cus;.�rr;tr".y epYd oa a recoanisew msricet. 3ec.:red Party wlp glve Debtor revonnble notice ot tho time anA ylacG r.t any public sate thereoi cr <br /> ot the tfine etter�rhtch ar►y pric�s��aatg or ar.�othe�intPnded Ql�posltlon thernof la to be mude. The repuiremer.�n <P reaeonabte notice ahaU Dn . � <br /> met 1t euch nottce is mallcd,pos:-E2�re�•t, t.s:he addreas o}Dcbtor ohown �t the beginning of this .;.grv�,•,r;. �� leaat teD d,ys betore tAe <br /> dxv! of the eale or c'�ayosition. <br /> No wraiver by Secured 1?,e:t:y o! eny Qetault ahall oy<imle er�3 wa,ser ot sny cU�r-c defsult or ot the au:r.e dFf'nul!on a future occsnlon. <br /> The takln6 of thla aecuHty a�sc-.-ien! Ahail not w�aive or tmp.:i:uny ct���- e�•curity aatA Secured Pnrty rtu�y hs1�r ��r hereattee acauiro tor tix� <br /> DaYtnent ot the ibooe fedebteCnesa, nor sh�l1 the taYing ot any euch ud���l.5nu1 security waive or imyair thi� eecttrity agreement; but aalA <br /> &cureA Pariy ma.g reaor! to any �ecuelty It may have In the order it �r,:..� deem DroDer, and not�rlthsfanding �ny colIsteral eecurity, SecureA <br /> ri+1Y �ha11 rettYa i:�rl�ht�pt fktott s�af�ut DeDtor. <br /> AU tlrht� o!$ecureA Party�ereundeT aball layre to the benetit of �te eucce�aors and aaatbna; nnd nll D�omiaes end Gutlea oi Debtor <br /> �hdl b1a4 hU heire, eucuton m aEmfnUtratoro or hfa or !ta eucceeaor� or os�lgnn. tf there ►,,e more than ono Debtor, thefr Itablllties here� <br /> usd�s�haJl b�7oln!atid�e�enl. ;� <br /> .;a �� •ri GL:: �i <br /> This a�ree�ient ihaU become eiteCHve when It i�aigned by Debtar. � . . , . � � <br /> � ; ' ' � rt� � �v . � , � .--- --r-- <br /> � � t � � : . � � ':. l �� � , <br /> �' �� r. � � � ° � . • � '- `= � . <br /> - -- � ; - L� £ � `� (��� �f/''� --' ;..� ;� . <br /> _ � i ++ a � i t ` � �� • 11'� r..� '� � <br /> w <br /> � � � � � i1 � � � J~ �. , V f� � � <br /> � L � � �., ��; , - �, � <br /> � �, <br /> . � � _. <br /> � �� � - ." `i � : � � n <br /> � � � � � _, ��:� <br /> � � �r • , i � <br /> : � � � � � ,(� .. . ., <br /> ! <br /> t <br /> /sf <br /> l.v r: � <br /> ,f�•, <br /> �'�, f� <br /> I!..i'1, i <br /> . '��.'y_ <br /> ;.,�-=;{;. <br /> �: : <br /> � <br /> o•; t <br /> 4.V. . . <br />