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2� 17�2�81 <br /> under this Security Instru.ment and the�Iote and Loan Agreem�nt. The fix11 debt,�ncluding a1�amaunts described in <br /> �a}, �h}, and �c) abo�e, if nat paid earlier, is due and payable on �ctaher 0�, 21 U4. For this purpose, Barrawer <br /> irrevacably grants and conveys to Truste�,in trust,with p�wer of sal�,the follflwing d�scribed�rop�rty lacated in <br /> Hall�ounty,Nebraska, <br /> S�e�egal description atta�hed h�reto and made a part her�af <br /> v�hi�h has the address of�15 E 2Dth St,�rand Istand,NE 688U1�"Property Address") <br /> TDGETHER VL�ITH all the impravemen#s now or hereafter erected on the property, and al� eas�m�nts, rights, <br /> appurtenances, and fixtures naw ar herea�er a par� of the prap�rty. All replacements and additions shall also be <br /> covered�y this Securit-�instr�ment. All of the foreg+�ing is referred to in this Security Ins#rument as the"Property.'i <br /> ��R�.OWER ��V��AIwTTS that Bor�ower is �awfuliy seised af#he estate hereby conveyed ar�d has the right ta <br /> g�ant and con�ey the�roperty and that the Froperty is unencumbered. Borrower warrants and will defend generally <br /> the title to the Property aga�nst all ctaims and demands,subject ta any encurnbrances of record. <br /> THIS SEC[3RIT� �NSTRLJ1ViE�T combines unifarm co�enants far nationa� use and non-unifarm cov�nants with <br /> limited�aria�ions by juri�dictian to constitute a uniform securi�instrument ca�ering real�ra�erty. <br /> �]�IF�RM��V�NANTS. Borrower and Lender co�enant and agree as fo��ows: <br /> 1. Payment af Principal and Interest. Borrower sha11 pay when due the principa� of, and interest�n, the debt <br /> evidenced by th�N��e. <br /> 2. Payment of Property Charges. Borrower shall pay a11 property charges consisting of prope�-�y taxes, ha2ard <br /> insurance premiums, flood insurance premiums, ground rents, candaminium fees, plan�ed unit development fees, <br /> hamevwner's associatian fees, and any other spe�ial assessm�nts �hat rnay be r�quired b� �oca� or sta�� law in a <br /> timely manner, and sha11 pro�ide evidence o� payment ta Lender, unless Lende� pays proper�y charges by <br /> vwithholding funds from mon�hly payments due to the Borrower or by charging such payments ta a line af credit as <br /> pravided for in the Laan Agreement. <br /> 3. Fire,F��ad and�th�r Hazard Insurance. Borrower shall insure alI improv�ments on the Property,whether <br /> now in existence or subs��uently ereCted, against �.ny f�azarc�s, casualties, and �antingencies, including but not <br /> limited to fire and flaod for which Lender re�uires insurance. Such insurance sh�ll be rr�aintai�ned in the amounts and <br /> for the periods that Lender requires, Lend�r has the discretion to increase or decrease the amount of any insurance <br /> req�aired at an� �ix�� pro�ided the amount is equal ta ar greater than �ny minimuxn required by the Secretary of <br /> Housing and LTrban De�e�opment ("Secretary"}. Whether or not Lender imposes a f�ood insurance requirement, <br /> Borrower shall a� a minimum insure a�l impra�ements on the Proper�y,whether now in existenc� or subsequently <br /> e�ecCed,agair�st lass b�flnads�o the extent requirEd�y the Se�retary.if the Lender imposes�nsur�n�e requ�rements, <br /> alI insurance sha�l be�arried wi�h companies appro�ed by Lender,and the�nsurance po�iGies and any renewals shall <br /> be held by Lender and shal�include ioss payable clauses in fa�or of and in a farm acceptable to Lender. <br /> In the e�ent af loss, Sorrow�r shall gi�e Lender immediate notice by rnai�. Lender may make proof of ioss �f not <br /> made promptity by Borrawer. Each insurance �ampany concerned is hereby autharized and directed to mak� <br /> payment far such Iass ta L�n€Ier,instea�of ta�orrawer and�.ender jointly.InSurance proceeds sha��be applied t� <br /> restoration or repair of the damaged Prope�ty, if th� restoration or repair is e�onomica�ly feasihle and Lender's <br /> se�urity is not I�ssen�d. If thE restaration ar repair is nofi econamically feasible ar Lender's security would be <br /> Dne Reverse Mortgage,LLC Laan�riginator:Bruce aisen <br /> Company-NMLS#:ZU52-Loan hTumber:3369956573 LQan��iginator NMLS#:9U2398 <br /> 11Tehraska-1 St M�ERS Securit,�Instrument��tdjarstabl�J Page�of 11 �-D' Bay Docs,LLC �3�0112415 <br /> q�336g956�73 ��33 �38 ��'!'� <br />