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2� 17�2�58 <br /> which curren�ly has the address of <br /> 155 P�NDER�SA C�� <br /> [Stree�� <br /> GRAND ISLAND ,Nebraska �8803 �"Praper�y Addl-ess"}: <br /> �G�ty] jZip Code] . <br /> T�GETHER V►rITH a�l the ���pro�ements now�r hereafter e�-ected on t��e propert�, and a�l ease�nents; <br /> appurtenances;and fixtures no�w�r h�reafter a part of�he property. A�I repiacements and addi�i�ns shall als�be <br /> couered by �his Security ���5�rument. A�! of the fare�oing is referred to in th is Secur�ity lr�strument as the <br /> "Prope�y." The Pr�per�}� s��al� also include any additional proper� described in Sec�ion �� of the Master Form <br /> Deed of Trust. <br /> B�RR�VI�ER ��VENANTS t�1at �3ar-�-ower �s la�wfully seised of tt�e �state hereby conveyed and has <br /> �he righ� to �rant and con�e}� the Pr�per�y and tha� �he Propert}� is une��cuinbered, except far eY�cumbrances of <br /> reco�d as of the execution dafe af this Secu�'ity Instru�nent. Borr�we�-��varran�s and v��i I1 defer�d �enerally the title <br /> to the Property against a�1 c�airz�s and demands, subj�ct to any encumbraz�ces of record. <br /> MASTER F�.RM D�ED�F TRUST <br /> By the ex�cut�on and d���veiy af this Security lns�i•u�nent,Borrower agrees tl�at al1 of the pro�is�ons of <br /> the Master Form Deed af Trust are hereby incorporated in their-entirety into this Security �ns�rument. Borrower <br /> agrees t�be bound by and to per-farin al� of tf�e coWenants and agreements in the Master F�rFn Deed of Trus�. A <br /> copy of�he Mas�er Forrn Deed��Trus�has beeil proWided ta Borro��e�-. - <br /> NEBRA5I�A—SHORT F�RM�PEN-EN❑SECUR�TY INSTRUMENT NE107006, tpage 3 of 5 pages) <br /> HCUI�F#48�a-9155-7985v2�81�5��5} rvE_�o�oo6-a3�5 Documents Processed�3-21-2017 �4:35:15 <br />