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<br />._.v. ��. _�-�_�d�k'=�iL'��'���'� `rf�.:W �FS��:e .:s1:.�. x�;� t �L�;.y� - � .r. ' �:clL'.�e�2,.." a ! �..�rti's��:� �'.,. ��::��c-:. l�� _.-.
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<br /> (E}chibit "Fi" to Warranty Deed, from Donald �'. Starr, a single
<br /> person; Byron E. Stasr and Dorothy Starr, husband and wife;
<br /> Robert D. Starr and Beverty soe Starr, ktusband and coife; and
<br /> Robert J. MeGuire, Personal Representative of the Estate of
<br /> ' Helen L. McGuire, Deaeased, Grantors, �.o Dibbern Broth�rs, �
<br /> a Partnership, Grantee) �
<br /> Psrcel 1: The �c�utt► Seventy-Three ��i Five Tenth� C73.5) ���,:�s rzf the
<br /> Southtteat Ouarter ISW �/�. and the WesL a�alf of the �ca�hea�t �'���,�t���r tWl/2
<br /> SEIf�), Section Thirty-��� t31), Tovnship Trelve t12) Narth, Range ren llOf
<br />_ . Mest of the 6th P.E�. , Kall Caunty, Nebr�af���: aaid 73.5 acres being � :
<br /> rectsngular tract . �►itta the South lina of ee�.aT, ��outh�rest Guarter (s�"tf lt�� -
<br /> and a�id Weat ��'3f o£ �he Scuthesat Ouarter tMi/2 SEl/4) as it� So��li
<br /> Boundery Lisie, �ra-h�lf of the HigAtray to be iriclude� in so3d 73.5 ocres,� . :'
<br /> h��rirag the identia�3� treat dev3sed to the Grentor, Rosa L. 9t�rr. •l�o kna�rit
<br /> �� as E�ase Stara� hy the terms caf the last Wily and Teatament af JemeB 8.
<br /> Lesher, Decea�e�, pureuant to � Decree recor�ed ir� Book 7, at Page 636 of
<br /> N311s e:ad ETe�ree�; Hall �munty, Nebreska, exceptirag �i�r�! excluding fr�m ea�d
<br /> tr�cta , a tract o.sf lan� conveyed to D�nald F. �t�ssr �nd Iiildred H. '
<br /> St�rr, hueband a:��� �ife by Worranty Deed record�d in Book 129, Pege 205 of
<br /> the D�ed Recorda o8 Hsll County, Nebreeka, m�s� particulerly described aa
<br /> Sollawss A Trset o# land con�prietng a per$ of �he West Holf of th�
<br /> Southe�st Ou�rter tN A�'� SE 1/4) of �rction Thirt�-One t31), ToMnship � `
<br /> 7relve 112) North, R�-L�� Ten �10) Weet of tb� 6th �'.M. , Hsll Caunty,
<br /> ltebr�aks •nd �eiar� pertie�aierZ�� siescribed ea 8stllores: Bec���ning at the •
<br /> Sout���et corner ef said Meat �fa�.�$ of the South�o�t Q�zsrter fVf �l/2 SE 1/4);
<br /> tl�snae northesrly elong arad upon the eest lin� of estefl Mlest H�lf �xt t�se ' ' �
<br /> Sou�he�st �u�rter �W1/2 SEl/4>, a distance of Four F{us�dred Sixty-Etgkt and
<br /> 51x Tenths �468.6) feet; thence reaterly para13e1 rith the south line af
<br /> aaid xeat Half of thr Sautheast Gusrter (W 1/2 �E 114), a distsnce of F�sur --
<br /> Hundred ts00. 0) fe�e�; thence southerly, per�lle� with the east line o� dssd =
<br /> Nest He14 ot the S�a�t2sea=t, 0�snrter (Ml/2 SEl/4), s di��rnc� o� Four Hundred =
<br /> Sixty�Eight �nd S3.x 'Fe�n$�;�8 �468.6) feet to • point on the eouth line of �; ���
<br /> s�id N�s! H�lf o# �Cx� So�:��heost Querter �W1/2 SE1/4�f thence e�sterly •2ong
<br /> •nd upon the scat�..f� line of a�.�r� Weet Helf of the South�a�t Ou�rLer �Wl/2 ���
<br /> SE�,�/4) s dist�nce of Faesr Hundred �400. 0) feet to the point of b�qinningj
<br /> excepting thsr�from th� s�auth Thirty-Three t33.0) feeet ■nd exctptinp • s
<br /> aertain tr��� deedrd to �the County o£ Hall, Stete of Hebraeka recorded in � t
<br /> Oeed Book 95, Pag� 141 and excepting two percel� of land ae ahoMn in Report ���
<br /> of Appra38ers reav��ed in Book R, Pege 97 and Book U, Pnge 22g,
<br /> AHD �
<br /> __ P�real 2t The Sautheaet Ousrter ISEl/4), Section Thirty-Six t36), ToMnship �
<br /> Tvelve !12) North, Renge Sleven I11) Weet of the 6th P.H, o� Hell County,
<br /> - Hsbrask�, exceptinG� tl) right of vey eaeement �a the Kansae Hebrwaka H�tur�� � �
<br /> � G�� �on�p�ny and «v tract to the County of HaZl, S1�wte of Kebr��k�, tor
<br /> road purpo��i sa shorn ir� Book "U", Pego 22B, •nd �3) troct to the cCaunty
<br /> • eyi H�111, Stat♦ o= N�brae�k4 tor road pur�s�sa�s a� ehorn in Hook 155, ,Pa�e 498
<br /> _ ot xhich .23�1 aares M�■ p.ev9.oualy Lakerx a�s sha�rn �n Book 'R•, pags 47 end
<br /> «� tr�ot to th� ,rstate of H�braske for moad �u�:pos�� �e ehorr 9.n DoauMen!
<br /> Ho. 83-00�192 �1�. a�� the Regi�ler af Deeds Of�:c� in Hall County, N�braeke.
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