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IV <br />o ft Z <br />0 m <br />B n <br />Property Address: 1310 BRANDING IRON LN, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803 <br />AND WHEREAS, the above said Deed of Trust has been paid in full; <br />By CITIBANK, N.A. as Trustee <br />On 1s:2 • 2117 <br />TE FFLER , DOCUMENT CONTROL OFFICER <br />STATE OF Maryland <br />COUNTY OF Washington <br />WITNESS d a d • fficial seal, <br />CATHERI `n . MULLENDORE <br />Notary Expires: 08/03/2020 <br />rn. <br />r' <br />When Recorded Retum To: GERALD KINDIG PATRICIA KINDIG 1310 BRANDING IRON LN, GRAND <br />ISLAND, NE 68803 -2920 <br />Apco,rrtck, /4,�Gbntr 4o <br />DEED OF R ONVEYA <br />CITIMORTGAGE, INC. #:0002399284 "KINDIG" Lender ID:00146/0002399284 Hal , ebraska PIF: 08/31/2016 <br />WHEREAS CITIBANK, N.A. whose address is 14700 CITICORP DRIVE, HAGERSTOWN, MD 21742 is the <br />present Trustee of record under the following described Deed of Trust: <br />1 IN IIIII II IN MI IIIN NIN INII IIN IN IIII IIN <br />Trustor: GERALD R. KINDIG AND PATRICIA A. KINDIG, HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />Beneficiary: CITIMORTGAGE, INC. <br />Original Beneficiary: HOMELAND MORTGAGE COMPANY <br />Original Trustee: OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY <br />Dated: 05/30/2002 Recorded: 06/05/2002 in Book/Reel /Liber: N/A Page /Folio: N/A as Instrument No.: <br />200206012, in The County of Hall, State of Nebraska <br />Legal: LAND SITUATED IN HALL COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS: LOT TWENTY -SEVEN (27), "WESTERN <br />HEIGHTS FOURTH SUBDIVISION, IN THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />NOW THEREFORE, the present Trustee having received from the present Beneficiary under said Deed of Trust <br />and the obligations secured thereby, a written request to reconvey by reason of the obligations secured by said <br />Deed of Trust; <br />DOES HEREBY RECONVEY, without warranty, to the person or persons legally entitled thereto, the estate, title <br />and interest now held by it under said Deed of Trust, describing the land therein as more fully described in said <br />Deed of Trust. <br />On March 23rd, 2017, before me, CATHERINE M. MULLENDORE, a Notary Public in and for Washington in the <br />State of Maryland, personally appeared TERRI SHEFFLER , DOCUMENT CONTROL OFFICER, personally <br />known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is /are <br />subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he /she /they executed the same in his /her /their <br />authorized cap ity, and that by his /her /their signature on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf <br />of which the p. on(s) acted, executed the instrument. <br />*X *X11CITM *10/05/2016 11:45:00 PM* CITM01CITM0000000000000008725099* NEHALL* 0002399284 NESTATE TRUST REL *TS7 TS7CITM* <br />(This area for notarial seal) <br />