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<br /> making of the m od i fi ed paym ents he�eunder.
<br /> �. This Agreement shall supers�d� xh� terms �f any n�odificatian, forbearance, tr�a1 periad plan or
<br /> other mortgage as��stanc�that the Barrower preWiousl�r entered into with L�nder.
<br /> k�. In cas�where th�Loan has been r3eg�ster�eed with Mortgage�who has only Iega�t�tl�to the in�r�sts
<br /> granted by the Borrower in the I.�an Documents,Mor�gagee has the right to exercise any or aIl of
<br /> those interests,includin$, but not�imited t�,t,he right tn foreclose and sei�the Properiy and to take
<br /> any action required of Lender including,but not limited to,rel�asing and canceling the Lnan.
<br /> Q. �f the Loan Documents$o�ern a home equifiy I�an or line of credit,�hen Borrower agrees tha��s af
<br /> the 1Vrodifie�ivn Effecti�e Dafie,��ri�ht to barrow new funds under the home equity Io�n ar line
<br /> �f cr�dit is terminated.This means thaf Barrower can�ot obtain a.dditional a�dWan.ces and mus#make
<br /> pa�yments ac�arding ta this Agreem�nt. L�der ma� ha�e pr�►viously tertninated�r suspen�ed the
<br /> right to obta�r�additional ad►vances�der th�home�quity Ioan or line of c�edit,and if so,Borrawer
<br /> canfirms and acknawied�es that n��ddi�ional advances may be obtained.
<br /> R. Un�ess this Agreem�nt is execut�d without alteration and is signed and returned along v�ith th�
<br /> fo��awing documents with the payxnen�,if requ�r�d,v�ithxn I 5 days from t�e date of this letter in the
<br /> enclosed, pre�aid o��rnight en�e�ope, it wi11 be af no force or effect and the Loan will �r�emain
<br /> subject ta �.�1 existing terrns and conditions pro�ided in the Loan Documents. Upon receigt af�
<br /> praperIy execu�ed Agreement,this Agreement will be�ccarne eff�cti�e on MAR�I31,Z017.
<br /> S. I ag�ee that this Agreement w�II be nu��and►�oid if the Lender is unable to recei�e all necessa.iy title
<br /> endvrs�ment�s�,�itle insurance pro�iuc�(s)and!or subordination Agreemen�{s),
<br /> T. Borrower rnust d�li��r to Wel�a F��go Home Mortg�g�a properly signed r�nodif�cai�on Agreement
<br /> by MARCH �8,�D�7. �f Borrov�er does n�t return a pcoperly signed madi�ication Agr�en�er�t by
<br /> this date and make aII payments pursua�rtt ta the trial plan Agreement or any other reau�ned pre-
<br /> m�dif cation payments,Wells F�rgfl Home Mortg�ge may deny nr can�el�he modi�ication.�f the
<br /> Barrower returns properly si$ned rnodi��a�ion Ag�eemen� by said date, payments pursuant ta the
<br /> lnan madific�tion Agre�ment are due as outlined ir� this modification �►gr�eemen� Wells �arga
<br /> Home Mor�g�ge may deny or cancel this loan madif cation Agreement if B�rrower f�.ils ta make
<br /> the first payment due pursuant to this loan madification Agreement.
<br /> U. Borrvwer authorizes Lender, and Lender's successor� and assigns, to share Borrower information
<br /> including,but not limited to�i}name,�ddress,and te�ephone number,�ii)Socia�Security Number,
<br /> (iii) credit sc�re, �i�} income, ��� payment his#ory, (�i� aCcount balances and activity, including
<br /> informati�n abaut my modif�catio�or fax�eclosure relief programs,with Third I'artics that can$ssist
<br /> Lender and Borrower in obtaining a for�closur�e �re�ention alternativ�, or otherwise pra�ide
<br /> sup�art ser���es re�ated to Borr+ia�er's Ioan. For purgoses of this sectior�, Third Parties in�Iude a
<br /> counseling�gency, state or InCaI H�using Finance A.gency or sim�lar entii�,any insurer,guarantor,
<br /> or serWicer i���insures,guarantees,or s�rvices Borra�er's Ioan or any other mortg�ge loan secured
<br /> by the Prvp�r�r an which Bormvr�er is obligated,or t�any companies that perform support se�~�rices
<br /> to them in car�r�ectian with�arro�er's laan.
<br /> V. Borrower cvnsent� to being cont�cted by Lender or Third Parties concerning mortgage assistance
<br /> relating to Bvrrower's loan including the trial period plan to modify Borrower's �oan, at any
<br /> telephone number, including mobile telephone number,or email address Borrower has pra�ided to
<br /> VI�eIIs Farga Custom Non HAMP 11 I I ZO I6 368 ypg�����������Q�
<br /> �'age 7
<br />