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<br /> � -:G tarl�fn� -����'2�i.lS����a.ti4u5}2a:�.'kf'L['F�'�,� £� 3'i�T�``Ze'.=::�.�S.s�F � . _ _ . —
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<br /> � � ���' IU1Q8� " .
<br /> �
<br /> `--- - - �1�ALD H:- GIA�and REI�E M. GL4E, husband and wife s and
<br /> _ ROBERT W. GLOE and MARY E. GLOE, husband and wi£es hereinafter
<br /> referred �o as "Grantors", whether orie or nars, in consideration .
<br /> of Two Hundreci Sixty-S� Thausand and No/1Q0 Do1.lars ($266,000.00) , �
<br /> � receipt af which is hereby acknowledged, convey� to DIBBERN
<br /> BRt)THERS, a Partnership, organized under the laws of the State
<br /> � � of tYebraska., Grantee, the fallowinq descri.bed real estate:
<br /> , The Southeast Quarter (SE�) o€ Section Ten (10) ,
<br /> ; in Townshig Ten (10) North, Range Eleven (11) West
<br /> • of the 6th P.M. , in Hall County, Nebraska; excepting
<br /> � therefrom a t=act of land descri.bed as�follows:
<br /> Cammencing a�E the Southeast corner of said Saction
<br /> Ten (].a) , , and running Northerly alang anci u�on the
<br /> �easterly line of said 5ection a dis�aace o� .30 Reds, �
<br /> � thence in a Southwester2y direction �Z I�oc�s to� a, goint �
<br /> � on the Southerly line of said Section 55 ��ds west of
<br /> �` the said Southeast aorner of said Secf.ion '�cn t1Q) , �
<br /> , thence Easterly alomg and upon the Souther3y line .of �
<br /> said Section a distance of 55 Rods to the poi.nt ��' . '
<br /> : beginning, also excepting �herefram Lot One (1) �.��:e �
<br /> � • Subdivision, in Aall Count�,r,, Nebraska. S.aid tract
<br /> . . containing 152 acres more o� less. " � .
<br /> � Granta� covenants (jointl.y and sev�zally, if more t;nan one) � �
<br /> s with the �antee that Grantoz: � � �,�
<br /> , :.;
<br /> • � 1. Is '�awful�y seized of such rea�. estate and that it is� ��ee ' -
<br /> � from ene�.�ances subjec� �o easements, reservations, covenants ..;�:�:
<br /> and restr��:tions of reoos�r -_
<br /> i
<br /> j 2. Has legal pow�er and lawf�a� authority to convey the sa�::�_� -
<br /> �
<br /> �
<br /> j 3. [ti��k�nts and will defend the t�tcLe to the real estate
<br /> against ti'-s� ?�awful claims of all persoi,..�.. _
<br /> . � �
<br /> . ' ecuted the d"�� day of �..�-.�^�-�;. , ��r!���.
<br /> . f l!""�.. 1��, : . - ',�
<br /> �;:
<br /> �: � �'�-' � �� 21/. �D�y �
<br /> mc��.a1d H. Gloe Robert W. Glae �d:"
<br /> .j j •_.�a.:.
<br /> � t , c..__ __
<br /> ' -� �w �i! - � ��--'�+__- 'P � �
<br /> ,• R nee M. ;loe ar �. Gloe
<br /> STATE OF IeT�73RASKA )
<br /> • ' (ss: � �,�
<br /> �
<br /> � The foregoing instrument was acknat,�ledged before me on the ��
<br /> ; day of '�.�'�„t,,,� , 1990, by Donald H. Gloe and Renee M. Gloe,
<br /> E husband and wi£ . �i,�
<br /> � �u�tM,r•saa e��� ��`�/�'e `` `' �,-�,-,.
<br /> _ �G►
<br /> ���'��B t y .Publ ic
<br /> . Mh con�M.Fav.sept a,1991
<br /> STATE OF NEBR�S _.
<br /> _ (ss: ' �- --�-
<br /> LC � �
<br /> The forec�oing instrument was acknowl�dged before me on the , .
<br />- - - d�y af r.r��:.�cr, �33f3, by Rvbert 6��. c.�loe anci Mary E. Gloe, husbancl � � �
<br /> _ and wi.£e. � _ ,� �
<br /> � � GE�ti�NoTAAY•5tne el M�� '� ,,r-� ..
<br /> , WIIBURJ.MoGJMBER �C . f��`�<<�. �L----�
<br /> — �wl�►•���1991 0 �� � �
<br /> y Public
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