2� 17� 19�8
<br /> �EED �F TRUST
<br /> Lvan Nv: 7 D 7 30348� �Cont�rl ued� Page 2
<br /> PAYMENT AND PERFDRMANCE. Excep� as ��herwEse prv�ided in �his Deed ❑f Trust, Trustor shall pay tv Lender all
<br /> amounts secured by this �]eed af Trust as they became due, and shall strictly and 'tn a timely manner perfo�m a11 ❑f
<br /> Trustor's obligativns under the Note,fihis Deed v�Trust, and�he Related ❑ocuments.
<br /> P�SSESSIaN AND MAINTENANCE OF THE PRUPERTY, Trustor agrees that Trustvr`s pvssession and use af �he
<br /> Property shaE! lae ga�erned by fihe�o�low�ng pro�isivns:
<br /> Passession and Use. Unfii[ the occurrence af an Event of L7efau[t. Trustar may �'�} remain in possession and
<br /> contrv!vf the Properfy; {�y use, operate vr manage the Prvperty; and {3� callect�he Ren�s�rom the Property.
<br /> Duty to Main�ain. Trustor shall maintain the Property in govd canditian and promptly per�orm a[[ repairs,
<br /> replacements� and ma�ntenance necessary�v preser�e its�alue.
<br /> Gompliance W�th En�ironmental Laws. Trustor represents and warrants to Lender that: {�� During the period ❑fi
<br /> Trusfior's ownership o�F the Proper�y,fihere has been n❑ use, generation, manufa��ure, sfiorage,trea�ment, disposal,
<br /> release ar threa�ened r�lease ❑f any Hazardous Substance by any persvn on� under� abou� ar from the Property;
<br /> {�f Trustvr has nv knowledge o#, or reason t❑ believe that there has been, excep� as pre�ivusly disclosed �v and
<br /> acknvv►rledged �y Lender in writing, {a� any breach ❑r Wiaiation ❑� any En�ironmen�al Laws, �b� any use,
<br /> generation, manu�acture, storage, treatment, dispasal, release flr fhreatened release ❑f any Hazardous 5ubsfiance
<br /> ❑n, under, abvut or �rvm �he Property by any prior vwners or occupants ❑f the Property. or �c� any actual or
<br /> threatened Eitigatian or claims of any kind by any person relating tv such matters; and �3� Except as pre�iausly
<br /> disc[osed t❑ and acknowledged by Lender in wri�ing, �a} neither Trustor nvr any tenant, contractvr, agent�r❑ther
<br /> authorized user af the Property shall use. generate. manufacfiure, s�ore, treat, dispvse af or rel�ase any Hazardous
<br /> � 5ubstance on, under, abvut or�rvm�he Prvperty; and �b� any such ac�i�ity shall b� conducted in cvmpliance wifih
<br /> all applicab�� federal, s�a�e, and I�cal laws, regulations and vrdinances. including wi�hflu� [imitation all
<br /> EnWironmen�al Laws, Trustar authorizes Lender and its agents fio enter upon the Property tv make such
<br /> inspecfiions and fies�s, afi Trusfior's expenser as Lender may deem appropriate ta det�rmine compliance v� the
<br /> Proper�y wi�h �his sec�ion o� �he I7eed vf Trus�. Any inspections ❑r tes�s made by Lender shall be for Lender's
<br /> purpvses anly and sha[l not be cvnstrued t❑ create any responsibili�y❑r liabili�y on the part af Lender to Trustar ❑r
<br /> �o any other person. The representativns and warranties contained herein are hased vn Trustor's due diligence in
<br /> in�estiga�ting the Prvper�y far Hazardous Substances. Trustor hereby ��} refeases and wai�es any �uture claims
<br /> against Lender �vr indemnifiy or confiribu�ion in �he even�Trusto� becvmes [iable far cleanup ar other costs under
<br /> any such laws; and {�� agrees to indemni�y. defend. and hold harmless Lender against any and all �laims. lasses.
<br /> [iabilities, damages, penal�ies, and expenses which Lender may direc�ly�r indirec�ly sustain �r su�fer resuiting from
<br /> a i�rea�h of this sectivn af�he ❑eed of Trust ar as a cvnsequence of any use, �eneration, manufacture, storage,
<br /> dispasal, release or threatened release❑ccurring prior t❑Trus�or's❑wnership ar interest in the Proper�y,whether❑r
<br /> n�� the same was vr shauld haWe been known to Trustor. The pro�isions ❑f �his se�tion o� �he Deed of Trust,
<br /> including�he obligafiion t❑ indemnify and de�end, shall sur�i�e the paymen�t of the Indebtedness and the satisfia�tion
<br /> and recvn�eyance vf the lien v##his De�d ❑f Trust and sha�! nat be a��ected by Lender's a�quisi�ion of any int�r�st
<br /> in�he Praperty, whether by torec[osure or v-�herwise.
<br /> Nuisance, Was�e. Trustar shall nvt cause, canduct ❑r permit any nuisance nar commit, permit, ❑r suffer any
<br /> stripping of or waste on vr �❑ �he Pr�perty vr any partivn ❑f the Prnperfiy. Vllithout limifing �he generaE�ty vf the
<br /> foregoing. T�us�or will not rema�e, ar grant�a any ather par�y the righ�t❑ �-emv�e, any�imber. minerals �including
<br /> ❑i[ and gas}� �vai� clay. sc�ria. soil,gra�el or rock praducts without Lender's prior written consent.
<br /> Remo�al af lmpro�ements. Trustor shaf f not demolish or remo�e any[mprv�emen�s from the Real Prvper�y►nri�hvu�
<br /> Lender's prior written consent. As a condition to the remaval n�any improvemen�s, Lender may require Trustar ta
<br /> make arrangemenfis sa�is�Fa�tory �❑ Lender t❑ replace such lmprv�ements with Improvements of a� leasf equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right tv Enter. L�nd�r and L�nd�r's agen�s and �epresentati�es may en�er upan the Real Praperty a� al!
<br /> reasanable times to attend �v Lender's En�erests and to inspe�t the Real Property �or purposes of Trustor's
<br /> compliance wifih fihe fie�ms and cvndi�ions ❑-F this ❑eed o-�T�usf.
<br /> Compliance with Governmenta� Requirements. Trustor sha[[ promptly camply wi�h a[[ [aws, ardinances, and
<br /> . regulafiions, naw or hereaf�er in effect, v� a[! go�ernmental author�ties applicable fio the use or vccupan�y ❑f�he
<br /> Proper�y. Trustor may cvn�est in gv�d faith any such Eaw, vrdinanGe, or regulafiion and wE�hhold comp�iance during
<br /> any proce�ding, including appropriate appeals, so long as Trus�or has notified Lender in writing prior tv do�ng sa
<br /> and s❑ long as, in Lender's sole�pinion, Lender's interests in the Praperty are not jeopardized. Lender may require
<br /> Trusfior to post adequa�e security❑r a surety bond, reasonably sa�isfactory to L�nder,to protecfi Lender's interest.
<br /> Du�y �o Prote�t. Trusto� agrees neither ta abandvn vr lea�e unattended the Praperty. Trus�ar sha[[ do a[[ other
<br /> acts� in addition tv thvse ac�s set for�h abv�e in�his section, which from �he character and use o�the Praperty are
<br /> reasonably necessary fia pro�ec�and preser�e�he Proper�y.
<br /> DUE�N SALE-CONSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, a�Lender's �pti�n� declare immediately du� and payabie ali sums
<br /> secured hy this Deed ❑f Trust upvn the sale ar trans�er. w�thout Lender`s prior written cvnsent, of a[[o�any parfi o�the
<br /> Real Property, or any in�eres�in�he R�al Proper�y. A "sale ❑r transfer" means fihe con�eyan�e o� Reai Property ❑r any
<br />