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2� 17� 1924 <br /> EXH!B iT "A" <br /> �. tra�t c��� �and �:omprisin� a par� ��� the ��ast �-��ili' �f� th� �c��.�th���s� C�uarter af �h� So«thw�;5� <br /> ��.z�.rtcr ���%S�'�4S'�V'/�� of Sec�i�a��7 `Tw�nty-three ��3}, �I�ovwnship ��leven t 1 1} Nc�rth, Ran�e I�ine <br /> ���} '�Vest of t�» �t�' �'.M,, �-�al� ��u��ty, Nebraska, and m�re par�icularly des�ribed as follow�; <br /> �3e�irzn�n� at �he S�uth�vest c�rner of� said Eas� �-�alf of the �au�heast �uar�er �f the S�uthwe�� <br /> �uar�er �E'��5�'/4SW'/4}, th�nce runn�ng Northerly alon� the Wes� line of said East Haif` of the <br /> South�ast Quarter �f �he S�uthwest Qua�ter �E'��SEI/���I/�� a dis�ance of Five Hundred �50�.�} <br /> F�eet, thence runn�ng Las�er�y and parallel to �he South �ine of~ said East Half �f the Sau�heast <br /> C�uarter ��~the ��u�hvvest �uar�er �F����`I4S'�`V'I4} a distan�e �f F�ur ��undred Thirty�f�e and Six <br /> "ren�hs �435.G� F'eet, thence runnin� S�u�herly and paral�el to the ��st line of said East ��-�aif�t <br /> �he St���theast ���arter of the Southwest �uar�er �F�II�SF'/�S�'/�} a di5t�n�e �f F��e �undr�d <br /> �50�.�]} �'eet to a p�int �n the SoL�th l�r�e �f` said �ast I�alf of the S�utheast �uarter of the <br /> �o�i�hw�st �ua�ter �Et/z5E'/�SW'/�}, thenc�e runfling �Ves��r�y alc�n� the So�zth line o�� said �ast <br /> }-�al f' �f1 the �outheast �uar�er �f the Sauthwest Quar�er ���'��5 E'/�5 W'/�} a distar�c� of� F�ur <br /> I-���ndred rrhirty--five and �ix Tenth� �43 S.�� feet to �he poin� �f l�e�innin�. <br />